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Today we suggest you the following offers:
#1418, CryptoSoft (English), $400.00, Converts on: FTD ($250 min), GEO: United Kingdom, Australia, Hong Kong, Ireland, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa
#1419, CryptoSoft (DE), $400.00, Converts on: FTD ($250 min), GEO: Germany
#1420, CryptoSoft (DK), $400.00, Converts on: FTD ($250 min), GEO: Denmark
#1421, CryptoSoft (FI), $400.00, Converts on: FTD ($250 min), GEO: Finland
#1422, CryptoSoft (SE), $400.00, Converts on: FTD ($250 min), GEO: Sweden
#1423, CryptoSoft (NO), $400.00, Converts on: FTD ($250 min), GEO: Norway
#1424, CryptoSoft (NL), $400.00, Converts on: FTD ($250 min), GEO: Netherlands

Today it is very popular and profitable to deal with bitcoins and other cryptocurrency. And we give you great
opportunity to make a big revenue with our CPA offer CryptoSoft! This is an automatic software that helps
to trade bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies with $5,489 everyday profit in the following 24 hours.

Webmasters are paid $400.00 for every first time deposit (min. $250). All the landing pages are translated
into corresponding language (English, German, Danish, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch).

Always glad to see you in CPA network AffiliateCube!


Meet the following offers for today:
#1385, Easy Coupons Access (Chrome), $0.26 - $0.75, Converts on: 2-click Install, GEO: United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, France
#1386, Easy Coupons Access (IE/FF), $0.37 - $1.88, Converts on: 2-click Install, GEO: United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, France

It is always a pleasure to buy stuff with good discounts and know everything about new promotions. We
introduce CPA offer Easy Coupons Access - a browser extension that offers convenient web search and
quick links to popular online coupon sites from the New Tab page. This extension works both with Chrome
and FireFox / Internet Explorer browsers!

Webmasters are paid from $0.26 to $1.88 per simple 2-click install. Payout depends on the browser and

Earn more with CPA network AffiliateCube!

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Hello everybody!

Today we suggest you the following offers:
#1410, New Tab TV *CHROME, $0.038 - $1.35, Converts on: 2-click Install, GEO: International
#1411, New Tab TV (LP 8) *CHROME, $0.038 - $1.35, Converts on: 2-click Install, GEO: International
#1412, New Tab TV (LP 9) *CHROME, $0.038 - $1.35, Converts on: 2-click Install, GEO: International

With unlimited and freely accessible Internet, people use TV sets less frequently. In this regard, we present
to you СРА offer New Tab TV. This is extension for Chrome that turns browser into TV media center. Users
may enjoy quick search and watch TV on computer, including shows and live sports, legally.

Offer pays from $0.038 to $1.35 for 2-click install (payout depends on the country). Also, the offer has
3 landing pages, which you may test with Campaign Redirect.

The best offers in our CPA network AffiliateCube!

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Today we introduce you the following offer:
#1431, S&P - St. Valentine - Victoria's Secret $100 Gift Card (National Consumer Center) *NOFREE, $2.50, Converts on: short survey & email submit, GEO: United States

New Year holidays are over, and now everyone is preparing for St. Valentine's Day. Meet our new actual
CPA offer S&P - Victoria's Secret $100 Gift Card. It is sweepstakes for a chance to receive $100 gift
card to purchase beautiful lingerie of this famous brand. In order to get the prize user needs to earn 100
points by completing simple tasks (including purchase or paid subscription).

The publisher receives $2.50 per each user from the United States who completes a short questionnaire
and submits valid email address. Landing page is designed specially for St. Valentine's Day - so hurry up
to earn big revenue till February 14th)

Earn more with CPA network AffiliateCube!

Hello, friends!

Meet the following offer for today:
CPA offer Sweepstakes A Month - Tax Season Giveaway]#1470, Sweepstakes A Month - Tax Season Giveaway, $2.50, Converts on: Entry Form submit + Survey, GEO: USA

On the threshold of the "Tax season" in the USA, the cash prize will be very helpful) We introduce you
excellent CPA offer Sweepstakes A Month - Tax Season Giveaway - sweepstakes for a chance to win
$1000 with absolutely free of charge participation. It's a snap to win! To become a participant it is enough
to complete an entry form and respond to each of survey questions.

Publishers earn $2.50 per each user from the United States who submit entry form and complete the
survey. Landing page of the offer is dedicated to the beginning of the "Tax season" in the USA.

Hurry to register and earn with us in CPA network AffiliateCube!

Dear webmasters!

Today, we introduce the following offer:
#1434, S&P - St. Valentine - 1-800-Flowers $100 Gift Card (National Consumer Center) NOFREE, $2.50, Converts on: Email submit, GEO: United States

Valentine's Day flowers will be an indispensable gift! We are pleased to present you new and excellent
CPA offer S&P - 1-800-Flowers $100 Gift Card - a sweepstakes for a chance to win gift card by
performing simple tasks (purchase may be required) is the best place to order fresh
flowers, wonderful bouqets created by talented florists along with hand-crafted gift baskets and delicacies.

The publisher receives $2.50 per each users from the United States who completes the first page short
questionnaire and submits valid email address. Attention! Landing page is associated with St. Valentine's
Day, so do not miss a chance to earn till February 14th.

Time to earn with CPA network AffiliateCube!


Meet the following offer for today:
#1471, Sweepstakes A Month - St. Valentine's Day Giveaway, $2.50, Converts on: Entry Form submit + Survey, GEO: USA

There’s little time left until St. Valentine’s Day. Lots of couples have already started to think how to make
a pleasant surprise to each other and where to get money for a gift. Therefore, we propose you to earn with
CPA offer Sweepstakes A Month - St. Valentine's Day Giveaway. This is a sweepstakes for a chance to
win $1000. To become a participant it is enough to complete an entry form and respond to each of survey
questions (no purchase necessary to enter or win).

Webmasters, you will receive $2.50 per each new participant from the United States who submits entry
form and completes the survey. Landing page is associated with St. Valentine's Day.

Only actual offers in CPA network AffiliateCube!

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#1427, Natural Life - Men Booster *SALE&UPSELL, $32.00 / $32.00, Converts on: Sale / Upsell, GEO: USA

What is testosterone, how to increase its level and whether it should be done at all? Sooner or later, every
man ask these questions. Therefore, our new CPA offer Natural Life - Men Booster will be relevant at
any time. It is a supplement that have been scientifically designed to provide a number of benefits with
positive results growing each month - more energy, enhanced muscle mass, body fat decreased and the
sexual drive & performance.

Information for webmasters! You recieve $32.00 per sale and $32.00 per upsell. Traffic from USA only
is accepted.

The most profitable offers in our CPA network AffiliateCube!

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Dear friends!

Today we introduce you the following offers:
#1485, Easy Weather Access (Chrome), $0.38 - $1.13, Converts on: 2-click Install, GEO: USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, France
#1486, Easy Weather Access (IE/FF), $0.56 - $2.03, Converts on: 2-click Install, GEO: USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, France

Weather forecasts are not always accurate, but all people need to use a proven resource with the correct
meteorological information. CPA offer Easy Weather Access is a free extension for Chrome, Internet
Explorer, FireFox
browsers, showing local and national weather forecast, current conditions, live doppler
radar and more. Sources include The Weather Channel®, Weather Underground® & more - right from the
new tab in browser.

Offer pays from $0.38 to $2.03 for simple 2-click install by user from the United States, Canada, United
Kingdom, Germany or France

Wide range of offers in CPA network AffiliateCube!

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Today we suggest you the following offers:
#1443, Hermusa Cream *SALE&UPSELL, $32.00 / $32.00, Converts on: Sale / Upsell, GEO: USA
#1444, Hermusa CB *SALE&UPSELL, $32.00 / $32.00, Converts on: Sale / Upsell, GEO: USA
#1445, Hermusa Sale *SALE&UPSELL, $32.00 / $32.00, Converts on: Sale / Upsell, GEO: USA
#1446, Hermusa *SALE&UPSELL, $32.00 / $32.00, Converts on: Sale / Upsell, GEO: USA

We all know that taking care of your skin during the winter is very vital to keeping it soft and young. So,
we introduce you our new CPA offer Hermusa - an age defying and nourishing natural facial cream. It
boosts the collagen production as its formula designed to deliver whole collagen molecules to the skin.
Cream eliminates the look of dark circles, enhanes skin hydration, reduces the appearance of wrinkles.

Webmasters can receive $32.00 per each supplement purchase, and extra $32.00 in case of upsell.
Offer accepts only USA.

Only actual offers in CPA network AffiliateCube!


Meet the following offers for today:
#1472, VideoStream (Direct to Signup) *LP1, $9.50, Converts on: CC submit (Free Trial Signup), GEO: Italy
#1473, VideoStream (Player + Signup Form) *LP2, $9.50, Converts on: CC submit (Free Trial Signup), GEO: Italy
#1474, VideoStream (Player) *LP3, $9.50, Converts on: CC submit (Free Trial Signup), GEO: Italy

Film industry doesn't stand still and our company constantly monitors new technologies. That's why we
glad to propose you our CPA offer VideoStream! This is a streaming service that offers a huge number
of films, TV shows, sports broadcasts and documentaries for Italian audiences. Access to content only
after registration, which based on paid subscription. There is a free trial for 7 days, which will increase
the conversion at times!

Webmasters, you will receive $9.50 for each user registration from Italy!

Only actual offers in CPA network AffiliateCube!

Hello everybody!

Today we have the next offers:
#1438, Natural Life - Garcinia Fat Burn *SALE&UPSELL, $32.00 / $32.00, Converts on: Sale / Upsell, GEO: USA
#1439, Natural Life - Garcinia Cambogia Official *SALE&UPSELL, $32.00 / $32.00, Converts on: Sale / Upsell, GEO: USA
#1440, Natural Life - Garcinia Cambogia Live *SALE&UPSELL, $32.00 / $32.00, Converts on: Sale / Upsell, GEO: USA
#1441, Natural Life - Garcinia Natural *SALE&UPSELL, $32.00 / $32.00, Converts on: Sale / Upsell, GEO: USA
#1442, Natural Life - Garcinia Cambogia Fit *SALE&UPSELL, $32.00 / $32.00, Converts on: Sale / Upsell, GEO: USA

Winter is almost over - time to think about preparing body to beach season. Therefore, we present our new
CPA offer Natural Life - 100% natural dietary supplement that supports appetite control, promotes healthy
methabolism and helps to lose weight naturally. The key ingredient Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA) is extracted
from asian fruit Garcinia Cambogia known for centures as an effective appetite suppressor.

Information for webmasters! You'll receive $32.00 per sale and same amount for upsell. Traffic from USA
only is accepted. Five landing pages provided - test them all to choose those with better CR!

Time to earn with CPA network AffiliateCube!

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Hello everybody!

Today we have the next offer for you:
#1539, Bitcoin Advertising, $180.00, Converts on: Deposit (min $250), GEO: United States

Everyone agree that bitcoin enjoys incredible popularity around the world and it has a huge hype on the
trading platforms. So meet our CPA offer Bitcoin Advertising. It is a good software for those who want
to amass a fortune through Bitcoin effortlessly. "Work" will only take few minutes a day.

Webmaster earns $180.00 per each first time deposit. Minimal deposit amount is $250. Only for USA

Always profitable offers in CPA network AffiliateCube!

Dear friends!

Meet fresh weight loss offer, totally new product with really high payout!
#1525, CLA Safflower Extract SS***, $70.00, Converts on: Sale, GEO: United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland
***Pay attention that offer has Prelander and Direct page

Overweight is one of the most popular problems for women and men! People have to spend a considerable
amount of its time to find high quality supplement. Therefore, we present you an excellent opportunity to
monetize your traffic with our CPA offer CLA Safflower Extract SS. It is the hottest weight loss solution.
Supplement contains 100% premium CLA Safflower oil extract. Safflowers are the richest source of CLA
(Conjugated Linoleic Acid) in the world. Researchers have discovered that CLA Safflower Oil helps break
down stored fat and increases lean muscle mass.

Offer pays $70.00 per each sale of the supplement. For USA, Canada, the United Kingdom or Ireland

Let's earn with us in CPA network AffiliateCube!

Dear webmasters!

Meet seasonal St. Patrick's Day sweep offer:
#1565, Sweepstakes A Month - St. Patrick's Day Giveaway, $2.50, Converts on: Full Form Submit, GEO: United States

St. Patrick's Day is coming soon and many people in USA are getting ready for the day's celebrations. In
honour of that, we suggest actual CPA offer Sweepstakes A Month - St. Patrick's Day Giveaway! It is
sweepstakes for a chance to win $1000 with absolutely free of charge participation! It is very easy to win!
User should complete the Entry Form by providing accurate information, and respond to each of the survey
questions (this is one Entry).

Good news for webmaster! You will receive $2.50 per each user from the United States who submits entry
form and completes the survey.

Wide range of offers in our CPA network AffiliateCube!

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Meet new profitable offer for today:
#1536, GSI Markets Bitcoin, $320.00, Converts on: Deposit (min $250), GEO: International

Today, the trading of cryptocurrencies on exchanges are very actual, as our CPA offer GSI Markets Bitcoin.
GSI Markets possesses one of the most advanced platforms available. User do not need to be a professional
trader to start, because the platform provides training courses and 24/7 premium support for account.

Get high payouts in the amount of $320.00 for every first time deposit (min. $250). The geographic coverage
of the offer is wide, and you can see the full list of countries on the offer's page on our website.

Don't miss your chance to earn with AffiliateCube!


Today, we present you new offer:
#1566, Sweepstakes A Month - Easter Giveaway, $2.50, Converts on: Signup&Survey, GEO: USA

In the run-up to wonderful Easter, we are glad to suggest you next sweepstakes for those who have missed
a chance to make money on winter holidays offers) CPA offer Sweepstakes A Month - Easter Giveaway
- sweepstakes for a chance to win wonderful gift - a cash prize of $1000! The rules are simple: complete the
Entry Form by providing accurate information, and respond to each of the survey questions.

And the most important information! Offer pays $2.50 per each user from the United States who submits
entry form and completes the survey.

Time to earn with our CPA network AffiliateCube!

Hello everyone!

#1532, Fat Burner Pro *LP1, $16.00, Converts on: Sale, GEO: Italy
#1552, Fat Burner Pro *LP2, $16.00, Converts on: Sale, GEO: Italy
#1553, Fat Burner Pro *LP3, $16.00, Converts on: Sale, GEO: Italy
#1554, Fat Burner Pro *LP4, $16.00, Converts on: Sale, GEO: Italy
#1555, Fat Burner Pro *LP5, $16.00, Converts on: Sale, GEO: Italy

The summer is getting closer and closer, and it means that more people are already asking themselves - how
to lose weight fast and effectively? We present our new CPA offer Fat Burner Pro - the only thermogenic in
the market designed and formulated specifically for athletes who do not want to lose muscle, but want to lose
weight naturally. It is 100% natural product with the best selected ingredients, gluten and lactose free, without
side effect and perfect for sports with a lot of cardio, like Crossfit.

Excellent news for you, webmasters! You receive $16.00 per each sale of the product to the consumers from

Register to get more high-converting offers from CPA Network AffiliateCube!


Meet our new offer:
#1567, S&P - Easter - Godiva $100 Gift Card (National Consumer Center) *NOFREE, $2.50, Converts on: Email submit, GEO: USA

Easter in the United States is inconceivable without Easter bunnies and chocolate, and we have an excellent
CPA offer S&P - Easter - Godiva $100 Gift Card, offering to play a game and get $100 in Godiva Chocolates.
Godiva Chocolatier is a manufacturer of the most indulgent gourmet chocolates, truffles, holiday gifts and more.
To become a participant it is enough to earn 100 points by completing simple tasks (purchase may be required)

Webmasters, you receive $2.50 per each user from the United States who completes the first page short
questionnaire and submits valid email address. Attention! Landing page is associated with Easter.

The most actual offers in CPA network AffiliateCube!

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