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Official Affilight

Alex Affilight

Affiliate Manager
Affiliate Manager
Alex Affilight submitted a new resource:

Affilight - Perfect ads for your mobile traffic

View attachment 7689 Affilight network — Nordic approach to mobile traffic monetization. Earn more!


Affilight is an mobile affiliate network from the Northern Europe allowing webmasters, app developers and media-buyers to monetize their mobile traffic by the market’s highest standards.

Imagine something as powerful as an icebreaker pushing through solid ice; as...

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Hi everyone! We are glad to present you our special offer «Try SDK - Get $100»

Just use our SDK and we'll add $100 to your first payout! No website or special skills needed.

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That's a real powerfull thing! So don't make a delay and try it now!

For any questions feel free to contact us:
Skype: live:affiliate.affilight
ICQ: 705 270 201
email: affiliates@affilight "dot" com

Dear friends!

A New Year marks a new beginning. In 2016 we have laid the foundation for future
achievements. Hope you are ready for more great experience and adventures in 2017!
Wishing you a Happy New Year and greetings for your family, friends and loved ones.

Best wishes,
The team of