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AI Detection Tools


Well-Known Member
This morning I got an offer to work with an api that was in beta ... Sounds rather complicated. Well, I finally got some numbers on a detection tool api being developed in beta right now.

So, if I designed a tool to input your text detecting AI generated content; and,
If it was a pre-paid deal that would cost you $0.25 for 1,000 words (the AI databases consider this to be word=token).
Would you use it?

Problems I see:

  • There are a few free AI detection tools currently --of varying quality. In fact, some work better or work worse depending on the content and the day?
  • If 2 out of 3 agree on a yes or no --they are right by a preponderance of the evidence -- majority rule.
  • There is the issue of loading your content into a server and the security issues of privacy and possible piracy.

My thinking is this:
  • You buy credits to use with PayPal or Stripe
    (if they find this acceptable commerce and my bank is OK with this [should be])
  • You paste your text in a text box then the app quotes the price to be deducted for use
    Like: 1800 words for $0.45 Total // Your balance remaining will be $xx.xx
  • Edit and repeat the test you will have to pay again --as I pay each time the api is accessed.
  • You can use ChatGPT or any AI you want
  • I can also offer professional AI generation tools as an affiliate from another source --this cost $20 month right now. I get a CPS
    however they have no good detection tools for analyzing the content that you generate (Captain Obvious moment here :D)

I don't know what the algorithms for real handwritten and AI supplemented content ratios will become standards for SEO purposes.
For usability most AI generated content is fine as long as it is validated as a factual representation of the topic.
A fair balance of intent and meaning is subjective to the author, and in that respect, nothing has changed.

Detecting AI Generated Content

AI tells us how to catch it for SEO --Google and other search engines will do this. (LOL):

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for detecting AI generated content, as the various algorithms and techniques used can be highly customized and used for different purposes.

However, there are some general approaches that can be used to detect AI generated content with a high degree of accuracy.

One common approach is to use natural language processing (NLP) techniques to analyze the style and syntax of the text. This can be used to identify patterns that are indicative of machine generated text, such as repetitious phrases or choppy sentence structure.

Additionally, NLP can be used to identify the use of certain vocabulary items that are often used by AI systems (e.g., technical jargon) and may be less common in human generated text.

Another approach that can be used is to analyze the structure of the text at a higher level, looking for repeating patterns or other evidence of automated processes. This can be done using techniques from information theory or network analysis. For example, patterns of text reuse or co-occurrence can be indicative of machine generated text, as can a lack of diversity in the text.

Finally, it is also possible to use machine learning techniques to train a classifier to detect AI generated text. This can be done by using a dataset of known AI generated and human generated text, and then using a variety of features (e.g., word usage, sentence structure, etc.) to train a model that can accurately distinguish between the two.
Just a poll to see if people would be willing to pay --a market study.
As you can see --no votes or comments.
But that is not surprising.
Maybe, I should blow off some cheap network traffic to see if there really is a market.

All the SEO 'experts' and know it alls here --and not a peep ....
Maybe, I should blow off some cheap network traffic to see if there really is a market.

The market is here!

It's just that the "milling herd" hasn't identified it as their need yet, but when presented with a solution they are all over it!