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AI in affiliate marketing: a faithful assistant or a useless machine?

Not squirrels. I like them, squirrels are off limits to AI. So say I.
You can have mine :D

I have an enmity for squirrels because they attacked my bird food feeders and ate most of the bird seed.

They live in the many mature oaks along the side of my house. I even had to buy a spring loaded cage enclosure bird feeder. If a squirrel gets on it, the cage closes from its weight --birds have no problem perching on it to feed.

Then a fox moved into the area and ate the squirrels.

Meantime, for the reason of the bird flu I haven't fed the birds for the second year now.
You can have mine
I actually have enough of my own but thank-you. I've changed how I feed them now, so they aren't such pests that the landlord has someone come to remove them (again). Now, if they notice me through the kitchen window, they come to my door and get two (only) peanuts. I replaced my bird feeder with one will smaller holes and moved where I had the bird bell so they can't access it by hanging from the roof. I've stopped feeding the chipmunk by hand, so this year's generation doesn't even ask. I do throw some seed on the ground for the doves and whatever else likes it. The chipmunk hoovers it up pretty fast if he's around.

The squirrels do like to sit in a chair at my patio table to eat. Now, if only the mourning doves would stop using the table for a toilet!

they attacked my bird food feeders and ate most of the bird seed.
Yeah, I've seen them decimate a feeding station in minutes flat.

spring loaded cage enclosure bird feeder
Oh, I've never heard of such a thing, I'm going to check those out, thanks for mentioning it. But does it hurt the squirrels and are chipmunks heavy enough to trip it?

Then a fox moved into the area and ate the squirrels.
Well, that's sad. Crying Face

I would like to see a fox though, I think they're beautiful animals. There used to be one roamed our neighbourhood apparently, I don't know happened to it, I can only guess. We do have a lot coyotes and a feral cat though, which makes me worry for the rabbits that visit every day. I like them, too.

Maybe AI can figure out a humane way to solve the plights of small furry woodland creatures.
It won't all happen as quickly as many think. Sure, there is no "putting the cat back in the bag" at this point. What's done is done. However, the flaws are so numerous, and the regulations not yet defined and incorporated, that red tape will begin tightening the noose around AI in such a way that it will get choked at some point and soon. At least for the most of us. For the corporations and the mega wealthy the AI will be advanced daily and without regard for safety.

I think we will definitely see moments where it comes and bites everyone in the ass and in big ways sometimes.
Oh, I've never heard of such a thing, I'm going to check those out, thanks for mentioning it. But does it hurt the squirrels and are chipmunks heavy enough to trip it?
I got it at amazon 3 years ago. No, the squirrels just hang there confused then leave.
Maybe AI can figure out a humane way to solve the plights of small furry woodland creatures.
AI does not think of new ideas it just creates from its databases. Many here just don't get it --you need to know what you want to output --AI just adds commentary to the best possible solutions it can output.
At least for the most of us. For the corporations and the mega wealthy the AI will be advanced daily and without regard for safety.
I just upgraded in place an Ubuntu 20.04 to an Ubuntu 22.04 in place myself --and it actually worked! I installed and set up postgre SQL, created a new superuser and a database (finance) along with a daily backup script with a crontab (tested to work) in 15 min or so with Claude Opus 3 AI. This setting up would have taken me a lot longer to stumble through it myself. The mysql server is easy for me postgre is new to me.

So when people ask: "How do I learn ____?" AI is a very good alternative, or at least, a fast heads up start for many things.

Back to the real topic of this thread:

For affiliate use; AI is a good tool for landing page text but you still need to understand the touch-point flow that will the create the referral's mindset values that lead to a conversion of your product or offer.
AI does not think of new ideas it just creates from its databases. Many here just don't get it --you need to know what you want to output --AI just adds commentary to the best possible solutions it can output.
Way back in programming days, we called it GIGO. Garbage In Garbage Out. Maybe people still do call it that, I don't know. It's just the first thing I thought of when I read your comment and it makes perfect sense.
Interesting, I didn't know that. What I like about what you said, is that people will still learn the language, that wouldn't be lost and just left to machines. At least, not totally.
Nope, AI isn’t advanced enough for full automation in this field. And there’s still a necessity to learn a language if we want to appreciate its beauty and feel the pure sense expressed by the author.
I think the AI can only assist humans in doing some jobs, it can't completely eliminate the existence of human beings, and there are some jobs that can't be done without human command.