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AI the 21st Century "Gold Rush"


Well-Known Member
Every developer seems diggin' for the AI Gold ...

Looks like the Territorial Claims Office of the Wild West :D

Good Luck to the Winners ...
+1 for Pictory (which i dont think is on this wheel of mis-fortune above :D), actually knocks out some fairly decent videos after you input the text for the scenes.

You sometimes have to choose more appropriate videos for a scene or 2, depending on the keywords it picks up, but does a decent job for what they charge
Do you mean 'you' the trademark or copyright owner?

Or, do you mean 'you' as any individual?

If you mean you as the individual, some people are too dull to understand the comedy and cynicism --maybe hard to believe --but the world is full of Bevis and Butthead characters --and for them, watching Bevis and Butthead is 'educational TV' ...

The current AI that is shown to the public is just tokenizing (crunching) internet word data for the most part
How to do Tokenizer Batch processing? - HuggingFace

So, basically it's garbage in garbage out.

ChatGPT is just parroting the Internet right or wrong --with some moderation --disclaiming liability and censoring sexual or political posturing content --ChatGPT is designed to be a prude to placate polite society and apolitical to appease world governments' societal control concerns.

Fearing and adapting to as well as adapting the technical process itself --has never won out in the end. The proverbial buggy-whip manufacturer comes to mind --now a releic of the past.