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Am I ready to Start?


New Member
Hello community!
I am new to affiliate marketing, however, have quite a bit of experience in digital marketing, so have finally decided to start applying my experience to help myself and not my corporate employer, for a change :)
I have been researching and looking around and I think I'm ready to kick off my first campaigns in a couple of days.
I have registered with JVZoo (pending approval with a couple of other networks so gonna deep my toes with JVzoo in the meantime).
I have found a few products that I like (lots of trash there o_O), and decided on my traffic source - Facebook for now, interest-based audiences and geo-targeting that seems reasonable to me. Working on the ad creatives now.
I am thinking to send the traffic directly to the seller's landing page which seems ok for conversion and - alternatively - maybe create my own Unbounce landing pages later. I am growing my website/blog targeting the niche but its too early to talk about traffic there.
So, my question is - is it ok to rely on the FB ads manager for tracking? am I at risk of losing my budget to bot traffic? I have not done FB ads for the past couple of years so not sure how it feels these days. plus it's weird not to have the visibility of what happens next. Should I go for something like Voluum?
Do you guys have any thoughts about JVZoo? anything you feel a newbie should be aware of?
is there anything else I have overlooked in this setup? any input is welcome. thanks :)
I am thinking to send the traffic directly to the seller's landing page which seems ok for conversion
It's usually recommended to use your own landing page and send the visitor to the seller's page from there.

Some sites don't like affiliate selling pages, plus it gives you a chance to capture emails and potentially build a list you can sell to more than once.

Re your other questions, others will be along to offer some advice that will help you. ;)
TJ might know if Plans and Pricing | 7-day free trial | CHEQ Essentials can be used in a direct linking funnel.

I am thinking to send the traffic directly to the seller's landing page which seems ok for conversion
If the seller's site landing page is too confusing or weak, IMO --it's a waste of time.

No matter how good your bridge page may be as a warm up to the offer's landing --it the seller's site landing page is weak --you will not turn that page into a winner.

Best thing to do is A<=>B test both methods of referral. Prove it to yourself --you know the specifics.
Well i would not advise you to spend big budget on the beginning as a lot of people lose money in the beginning ,i would advise you to test small until you find a wining camapaign and after that you can invest a bit more money into it
Starting with JVZoo sounds like a good plan. Just be wary of bot traffic when using Facebook ads. Thinking about trying out Voluum for tracking might be worth it. Also, keep tabs on JVZoo's commission structures as you go along.
Hello community!
I am new to affiliate marketing, however, have quite a bit of experience in digital marketing, so have finally decided to start applying my experience to help myself and not my corporate employer, for a change :)
I have been researching and looking around and I think I'm ready to kick off my first campaigns in a couple of days.
I have registered with JVZoo (pending approval with a couple of other networks so gonna deep my toes with JVzoo in the meantime).
I have found a few products that I like (lots of trash there o_O), and decided on my traffic source - Facebook for now, interest-based audiences and geo-targeting that seems reasonable to me. Working on the ad creatives now.
I am thinking to send the traffic directly to the seller's landing page which seems ok for conversion and - alternatively - maybe create my own Unbounce landing pages later. I am growing my website/blog targeting the niche but its too early to talk about traffic there.
So, my question is - is it ok to rely on the FB ads manager for tracking? am I at risk of losing my budget to bot traffic? I have not done FB ads for the past couple of years so not sure how it feels these days. plus it's weird not to have the visibility of what happens next. Should I go for something like Voluum?
Do you guys have any thoughts about JVZoo? anything you feel a newbie should be aware of?
is there anything else I have overlooked in this setup? any input is welcome. thanks :)
From what I have heard over the years. JVZoo is not one of the best affiliate networks. Yes, you can quite earn some money from there but there are better ones. Clickbank for sure is a more reliable option.

Also as a newbie I wouldn't suggest sending traffic directly to the sellers landing page. You will need to collect leads and build up potentially returning customers. This, you can only do by setting up your own website and running traffic to it, while collecting targeted leads through pop ups and opt ins. A good free tool you can use to get started is Poptin.

When you build genuine interesting relationship with your email list by recommending the best products for them sincerely and assisting them in their needs. They are likely to trust you and become not just one time customers but returning customers.

Wishing you all the best.
From what I have heard over the years. JVZoo is not one of the best affiliate networks. Yes, you can quite earn some money from there but there are better ones. Clickbank for sure is a more reliable option.

Also as a newbie I wouldn't suggest sending traffic directly to the sellers landing page. You will need to collect leads and build up potentially returning customers. This, you can only do by setting up your own website and running traffic to it, while collecting targeted leads through pop ups and opt ins. A good free tool you can use to get started is Poptin.
Thank you for your input, looking into Poptin. Re Clickbank - I know and this would have been my first choice but I’m based in the country they do not accept.
Re Clickbank - I know and this would have been my first choice but I’m based in the country they do not accept.
From my experience with ClickBank --you are not missing out on much ...
however, have quite a bit of experience in digital marketing,
Selling in what area? Product segment and GEO? I would try to find a similar affiliate connection if you can.
From my experience with ClickBank --you are not missing out on much ...

Selling in what area? Product segment and GEO? I would try to find a similar affiliate connection if you can.
I am very tired of my industry and product, so narrowing down on something different but close enough that I have relevant insights.

You don’t like Clickbank? Would you mind sharing why?
You don’t like Clickbank? Would you mind sharing why?

My issue with them is their failure to effectively convert the paid traffic directed to their offers. And before pointing fingers at the source of the traffic, I've observed significant discrepancies in the traffic counts I've monitored. This discrepancy occurred both when I sent traffic directly to their offers and when I used a bridge page to redirect clicks to these offers.

However my assessment of Clickbank may not be correct as I've been experimenting with a white label solution provided by a company I've been associated with for 20 years—a company I trust and know to be reputable.

Interestingly, this white label solution has also shown a decrease in traffic sessions, or; referrals of redirects not being tracked, which might further validate the concerns I have about the `stickiness` of pop and push traffic. I plan to test a bridge page click funnel next month to this white label, after wrapping up other priorities.

Given the low quality of much of the network traffic, I primarily focus on the cost of an "engaged session." The only way I've been able to accurately measure this is by using a GA4 tag on the offer page and relevant conversion pages (forms, cart, thank-you). I'm open to working with any offer owner or network that can implement GA4 tagging on their landing and conversion pages. This would make me consider their product, service, or offer more seriously.
a lot of people lose money in the beginning

Maybe call it investing in data please, because that is in fact what what the money is spent on.

Re Clickbank - I know and this would have been my first choice but I’m based in the country they do not accept.

That's important because there are a number of networks with that type of restriction. I also highly recommend finding a strong and reputable CPA network. There are many that will give you a shot at working with them.

TJ might know if Plans and Pricing | 7-day free trial | CHEQ Essentials can be used in a direct linking funnel.

It won't extend to activity on the conversion page, but that isn't necessary either. It will protect your ads, landers, and your own websites. I don't do any direct linking and haven't for more than a decade. Not worth working with direct when landers provide much better results and present data collection opportunities.
Hello community!
I am new to affiliate marketing, however, have quite a bit of experience in digital marketing, so have finally decided to start applying my experience to help myself and not my corporate employer, for a change :)
I have been researching and looking around and I think I'm ready to kick off my first campaigns in a couple of days.
I have registered with JVZoo (pending approval with a couple of other networks so gonna deep my toes with JVzoo in the meantime).
I have found a few products that I like (lots of trash there o_O), and decided on my traffic source - Facebook for now, interest-based audiences and geo-targeting that seems reasonable to me. Working on the ad creatives now.
I am thinking to send the traffic directly to the seller's landing page which seems ok for conversion and - alternatively - maybe create my own Unbounce landing pages later. I am growing my website/blog targeting the niche but its too early to talk about traffic there.
So, my question is - is it ok to rely on the FB ads manager for tracking? am I at risk of losing my budget to bot traffic? I have not done FB ads for the past couple of years so not sure how it feels these days. plus it's weird not to have the visibility of what happens next. Should I go for something like Voluum?
Do you guys have any thoughts about JVZoo? anything you feel a newbie should be aware of?
is there anything else I have overlooked in this setup? any input is welcome. thanks :)
I don't know if this is helpful or necessary but, I would like to add to this, I think if you take affiliate marketing like a real business then it will EASILY become very successful for you. I mean if you can do webinars, interviews, show your true genuity , It don't matter if it is only a few products that you are promoting but you build peoples trust on that, they trust you for your honest opinion and they know you, I think you would be much more successful than many others.

I believe Patt Flynn of smart passive income took this route and was making consistent 100k a month from his affiliate marketing. Harsh argawal of shout me loud I believe is also a popular affiliate figure.

I'm not saying it is necessary to take this route to be successful but I'm just giving you that idea too.
If the offer sucks unless you pay every conversion a fee you are just wasting your time and your money.

The hardest part is validating an offer. Direct linking is the cheapest most time efficient way to see if there is any affinity. Without real reporting from that offer's page that is reliable --I cannot see how you could possibly know.

Clickbank does offer in their dashboard some drill down stats on a referral's page views, form submission and thank you page (conversions). Assuming that data is genuine --you should be able to get a feel for the referrals engagement rates --that is what I want to know before creating some elaborate funnel.

This applies toward any funnel. Test the offer first with crappy bulk traffic and see if there is any interest (affinity) but you need to filter. (Landing) Bridge Pages are just another filter. Finding the right traffic for that offer my or may not be a factor.

  • Selling (converting) something often enough is the biggest problem in the beginning.
  • Internet reviews are total horse manure. Most are just looking to get a referrer's over-ride.
  • It's human nature to keep anything in business that is an advantage to you concealed or referred to in the vaguest of terms.
Business entrepreneurship in practicality is learned in the "School of Hard Knocks" and by "Trial and Error."
You can study business theories and apply them but are always, always different ways that could work.

There is no one answer to any decision really --in business.
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Patt Flynn of smart passive income
Affiliate income is not passive income. Residual or continuous income perhaps. You have to keep working at it --there is always a churn in any successful business--been there and seen it.

But in life: Today's heroes often become tomorrow's shitheads. I never forget that neither should you.

The only passive income I get is in public stock and bond investments I have made and also now pension benefits; none of that is guaranteed but pretty predictable. In theory the US government could become unable to pay its debts to me or corporate debt default --but there is always risk in life.

For every top 5% in any competitive endeavor there are 50% or more total washouts.
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Affiliate income is not passive income. Residual or continuous income perhaps. You have to keep working at it --there is always a churn in any successful business--been there and seen it.

But in life: Today's heroes often become tomorrow's shitheads. I never forget that neither should you.

The only passive income I get is in public stock and bond investments I have made and also now pension benefits; none of that is guaranteed but pretty predictable. In theory the US government could become unable to pay its debts to me or corporate debt default --but there is always risk in life.

For every top 5% in any competitive endeavor there are 50% or more total washouts.
Patt Flynn is an Affiliate Marketer, Smart passive income was the name of his website. That's what I meant by Patt Flynn of Smart Passive Income.
Affiliate income is not passive income.


The only passive income I get is in public stock and bond investments

YES! Me too!

Patt Flynn is an Affiliate Marketer, Smart passive income was the name of his website.

He knows, he just doesn't want anyone to think that model is still current. Flynn's bigger bread winner was selling his knowledge. Pat's "passive" stuff in the old days (10 years ago) was quite good. However, it had limited reality. He and his courses now are a full fledged "roll up your sleaves" and expect late nights starting and building your business(s) model.

This industry is no longer a "jump in for a fast buck" lure for newbies. It is a genuine set of business models that must be addressed with all of the typical business postures and demeanors one must embrace as is for most any other businesses.
just sharing a quick update... I checked a couple of JVZoo products as I was trying to set up my test campaigns and saw that most of them had been flagged by Facebook. overall not impressed with the quality at JVZoo, and I would rather find the niche/model that I would be able to stick with. So, I am now looking into other verticals and CPA networks (toying with the idea of dating. definitely don't want to do gambling).

and when it comes to funnels, has anyone tried systeme-io? thoughts?

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