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An SEOer must have to be a winner


New Member
Dear guys and gals,

I have joined this forum for 7 days, and I have many friends from other countries. They are SEO Professionals and newbies. I like to make friends. We have the same interest in SEO and we can learn SEO from others.

In fact, we must have some tools to let our webs or blogs to be optimized, to win the SEO contest, also to win the life contest in other business. We also need someone tells us his/her secret to succeed in SEO. But in this SEO Contest, I am aware that's not easy to know the secret because we are competing each other....

I try to help you. I've never done it before, but for this SEOcontest2008 I would like to share my secret about what SEO tools I use. Click this link Valentines Day Gift from SEOcontest2008 for details.

You can also visit my SEO techniques web to learn more about Basic SEO.

Hope it helps

Thanks :)

Note: My seocontest2008 blog is at the no 61 Google SERP now. I don't use the tools yet, just on page optimization techniques and a little off page optimization. I will use the tools next week. So, see you at the top !
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Brad is a good guy,(Coolest Guy on Earth) but I am always suspicious when some one share their secrets, why Brad will share his secret when he is earning money out of it? If you read the long sales page you will find why. At the end you are paying $$s to get the stuff.

Use of essential softwares are good but SEO is no secret stuff now. The question is if the site really required to use softwares like these? Each site is different and need to adopt different strategies. For some sites sales are more important rather than gaining the first position. People ask for conversions and thats the key!

All one need to follow rules and do some hard work. SEO is a process that need time to be invested. I dont feel for organic SEO one need to buy any software. I have used the softwares in past but now I stopped using them since 2 years when one of my client raised lot of questions about the similar reports on his multiple sites.

This SEO contest [ seocontest2008 ] is basically for those who's luck favors for short term. We need at least 4, 5 months to get on top positions using organic stuffs. Winning the contest matters a lot but what matters more if someone carefully analyze the results explore the possibilities in near future. I dont mind loosing if I learn something from this.

Basically an SEO need to do a lot of tests before offering the service to any client. Contests like this helps a lot to understand lot of stuffs. One cannot risk a client site without exploring the possibilities instead one may opt for general stuffs like Directory submissions, Meta Tag analysis and link building work.

When it comes to get real customers, one need to do lot of other stuffs apart from SEO :) The real world is different and clients need sales, Ranking is now no more a matter of concerns as every one cant rank well with same Keywords. Also those who dont rank with top 10 results doesnt mean they cant offer better services.

For example, Wirefly (No.1 Cellphone Shop in USA) doesn't rank well with many keywords but they have better services and better sales compare to many cellphone dealers. In fact their dealers rank well but they have more sales.

However these are my personal views based on my experience working with fairly large sites. I may be wrong but a suitable reply helps me learn more about the stuffs and improve my offerings.
The original post includes affiliate links which I would suggest is spamming the forum. At the VERY LEAST you should declare an interest in pointing to affiliate links. Maybe though that is just the way I think ;)
Thanks for your comments.
I think everyone can try his best to succeed. I just share my own SEO experiences.

The price of SEO Mindset or SEO Elite is too cheap compared with the first price you will get from this SEOcontest2008 if you become a winner ... :)
Thanks for your comments.
I think everyone can try his best to succeed. I just share my own SEO experiences.

The price of SEO Mindset or SEO Elite is too cheap compared with the first price you will get from this SEOcontest2008 if you become a winner ... :)

Sorry I might not have made myself clear. What I was saying was that you had linked to your affiliate pages that made you money. I wasn't commenting on any of the software as I don't use SEO (on page or linking) software other than to prepare reports. :)
I totally agree with seonotes that if any one is unable to rank high it doesn't mean that he or she doesn't know anything about seo it's your hard work applying your white hat techniques, learn and explore with the contest as it's good for all the new ones. As they can judge and research about the basics and extremes as all the seo's are there!
Nothing is impossible as Impossible says to itself that "I M Possible" then how can we be lay down as humans are born to do work means i hope you must have understand what i am trying to say.