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Anchor Text: What is it and why is it important?



Perusing posts here at 5 Star, one of the things that I notice frequently is the way many members construct their signatures. Often it takes the form:

Description of my site


Description of my site


Description of my site

What's wrong with this? The answer is that it's missing anchor text - one of the most important off-page SEO factors is being neglected - a huge missed opportunity.

The example above has two elements: a descriptive phrase or title and a link or URL.

The problem is that the descriptive phrase in the example isn't going to help the site or page at all - because it isn't "attached" to the URL.

The way it should be done is as follows...

In HTML (blanks added so it will display):

< a href="" >Description of my site< /a>

or in BBCode:

[noparse][url=""]Description of my site[/url][/noparse]

The anchor text in this example is the phrase "Description of my site".

Doing it this way creates a link to your site/page AND keywords and phrases associated with that link. The combination helps to improve your search engine ranking for whatever terms are contained in the anchor text.

An additional tip: Try to use variations of keywords and search terms in your anchor text for different links to the same page. This will increase the number of terms you can potentially rank well for. Additionally, there is evidence that using exactly the same anchor text repeatedly is viwed by search engines as evidence of "artificial linking" which may result in devaluation of those incoming links.
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REALLY good point David! Thanks for bringing it up.

The other thing I sometimes see is sigs that have anchor text that is meaningless to help with rankings. Links should not be wasted with anchor text like Click here! or Check it out!

Get your important key words in the link, like David said.

Instead of: Free green widgets - Click here
Do something like this: Free green widgets - limited time offer!
I'm still seeing many forum signatures here using the non-helpful formats in post #1.

Take a look at your own forum signature: Are you wasting potential search terms for your site by failing to construct the link properly?