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Another reason to worry about how quickly your pages load



Problems highlighted by the survey include, length of time to open a website, with a third of the sites taking more than a second to load. It does not sound too serious but according to research from Amazon, every 100 milliseconds of latency in web page delivery time results in a 1 percent drop in sales.

Source: iPads Choke on Some Sites - PCWorld
Good to know - This is quite unbelieveable, I would think that those that don't wait for the site to upload are not the ones who will end up buying
Wow - that is quite incredible. I always knew that if a page loads more than two seconds - ppl would go somewhere else. But milliseconds? Unbelievable.
The quote isn't saying that exactly. There is a minimum threshold for reaction to a page and then to click away from the page but whatever that threshold (or threshold range is) every 100 milliseconds of page load time on top of that value decreases the probability of a sale.
I have been reading a lot about the mobile web lately. Experts recommend that if you can't invest in a mobile version of your site, then you should strip it down as much as possible to ease use via smartphones and ipads.
I can believe that.

I know that if a site fails to load quickly I have a habit of abandoning it and going to a different site.
Yes, me too. I think part of the reason is I think, "If they can't even put together a decent responsive website, what sort of customer service am I going to get here?". It's one of those first impressions things...
That is quite astonishing really, I know I do it myself from time to time but I did not realise the overall impact. How are you supposed to combat this though?
That is quite astonishing really, I know I do it myself from time to time but I did not realise the overall impact. How are you supposed to combat this though?

Set up a Google Webmaster account and validate your site. Google will provide specific suggestions for your pages on speeding up load times.
No, because Google is spidering your site using their connections.

However, if you are on a slow overcrowded server, that may affect load times. I think adding this factor to Google's algorithms makes hosting choices more important.