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Antidetect browser AdsPower - New Solution to Multi-Accounting

Official Antidetect browser AdsPower - New Solution to Multi-Accounting

Security - something that is always relevant, everywhere, and in any circumstances.
This issue should always be approached with maximum responsibility, especially when it comes to data and confidentiality online.

This topic, like never before, is on the agenda. To bring complete clarity and reassure our users,
we have gathered all the essential information on how AdsPower protects you and your information.

Warning! After reading the article, you will trust AdsPower more than yourself!

Behind the scenes: how AdsPower ensures the security of your data

Repetition is the key to learning
Let's do the 24th repetition of the #FAQ section:

Question #70: How to best update kernel and UA versions in all profiles?
Answer: To update kernels and UAs in all profiles, select the desired profiles in the "Profiles" section, then click on the triple dots "•••" and choose "Edit UA/kernel". Set the necessary parameters and click "Ok", thus the versions will be updated.

Question #71: What tags are available for accounts and how to use them for sorting?
Answer: In addition to name, notes, and login status, we recommend using Tags. Tags not only allow you to add a text label, but also change the color, making profiles more prominent and convenient for visual search. One profile can have multiple tags.

Question #72: What happens to the cache after deleting a profile?
Answer: After deleting a profile, it moves to the trash and can be restored (available on the Pro plan). When deleting a profile, there is an option to select "Clear cache", which will delete the profile's cache. The cache associated with deleted profiles is automatically removed after being permanently deleted from the trash (cache cannot be restored).

Don't forget that profiles in the trash are stored for only 7 days!

Have a great day and productive work!
Attention - 404‼️

4 - month, 0 - problems, 4 - updates in sections. Let's go, we'll tell you about the updates for April


• SunBrowser core updated to Chrome 123
• Built-in voice recognition feature launched for Chrome 120 and above
• Updated User agent parameters for all operating systems

• Added new conditions and types of filtering in the Profiles section

Account settings
• Added the ability to track login status on other devices and end sessions if needed
• Ability to disable a mobile device to remove the link between mobile phones and specific accounts

Action logs
• Added the display of "Profile ID", allowing filtering and executing queries based on this parameter


ℹ️ Detailed information with a demonstration of updates is available here.

Hi everyone! ‍♀️

We have some amazing news. This week, we made 3 important and useful updates. We are excited to tell you about them.

[Update 1] We have simplified the process of checking the proxy connection. Now you can do it with just one click in the profile list.

[Update 2] We have added the ability to set individual Launch Arguments for each profile. This provides better control and detailed customization of each profile. For example, you can add the command --disable-extensions to prevent the installation of extensions in this profile. And this is just one example. More arguments and additional information can be found here (Chrome) and here (Firefox).

[Update 3] Last but not least, we've made significant improvements to our font fingerprinting. The fingerprinting of Microsoft and macOS fonts will now be more realistic and reliable than ever.

We are constantly working on improving AdsPower and providing the best user experience for you. Stay tuned for updates and improvements coming very soon!

Finally, we waited!

Thermometer readings are breaking new records every day. Refreshing drinks have once again become a lifestyle. Some are planning vacations, while others are revitalizing their businesses.

Good news awaits you, our hardworking friends. Why? Because summer is almost here! And what comes with summer? That's right, the AdsPower Mid Year Sale!

From June 1st to 30th, a sea of pleasant bonuses and gifts awaits you. During this period, for every $100 spent on purchasing and renewing subscriptions, you'll receive a $10 cashback in credits.

Set a reminder, the promotion is about to begin!

Pssst, know what we were up to in May? Nah-ah, we weren’t packing our suitcases for a vacation (but that’s not for sure). We were improving AdsPower, of course! Don’t believe us? Then check out our summary of updates for the past month.


• Updated SunBrowser and FlowerBrowser kernels to Chrome 124/125 and Firefox 126 respectively
• Added and improved “Disable image loading” and “Disable video loading” functionality for Chrome 123 and newer versions
• Closed Chrome vulnerability CVE-2024-4671 in the Chrome 124 kernel

Fingerprint settings
• Updated User-Agent for Chrome 125 and Firefox 126
• Added launch arguments ("Launch Args")

Profiles and groups
• Added “Check proxy” functionality to the profile list menu
• Enabled support for exporting details about sharing, including Sharee (the user you share profiles with) and sharing time
• Implemented advanced filtering options with “AND” or “OR” combinations
• Enhanced “Group authorization” by adding filtering by participants

Global settings
• Added “Display profile name suffix” parameter to “Global Settings”, which allows adding text to profile names. This feature improves the recognizability of open profiles, especially for profiles with an English name or in numeric form.


ℹ️ Detailed information with a demonstration of updates can be found here.

The first month of summer brought us not only warmth and vacation, but also other wonderful events.
Following the summer sale, there were many updates, which we will recall today.

In June, AdsPower received the following new features:


• SunBrowser added Chrome 126 kernel, improving compatibility between the user-agent version and the kernel version. User-agent was also updated to Chrome 126 version, providing more user-agent configuration options.

• random distribution of saved proxies in single and bulk mode
• the profile settings added the "Data Synchronization" option to manage data synchronization (you can check who has ever changed the [Data Synchronization] setting in [Action Logs - Profiles])
• the profile list settings now have a "Compact" option for displaying more profiles
• in the extended filtering, the "Empty" and "Not Empty" conditions were added, applicable to the types "Name", "Note", "Tag", "Platform" and "Accounts".

• deleted profiles can now be restored from the Trash within 30 days.

• task execution now supports "Random execution"
• the maximum task flow limit has been increased to 100.


ℹ️ Detailed information with a demonstration of updates can be found here.


Hi everyone!

We want to emphasize once again how valuable your support is!
You believed in AdsPower from the very beginning, motivating our team to develop over the years, even though we were newcomers to this field.

As a token of gratitude for your trust, we're launching an exclusive offer for everyone who's just starting out with AdsPower.
We understand that the first step can be daunting, so we're offering a 40% discount on a 30-day subscription for any plan!

☝️This offer is available to everyone who hasn't paid for any of our plans yet. It doesn't matter when you registered.

We hope this offer will encourage you to try all the possibilities of a professional anti-detect browser!

With love and care,
The AdsPower Team!

Updates Summary for AdsPower in July is here! We've done a lot of work this time. Let’s take a look!


☀️ Browser
• Improved fingerprint spoofing for "AudioContext"
• Fixed synchronization issue with saved passwords
• Optimized extension loading logic
• Optimized logic for matching mobile device screen resolution.

+ Added user-agents "iOS12" and "iOS13" to enhance mobile fingerprint capabilities!

☀️ Profiles
• You can now adjust column widths in the profiles list, customize your workspace to your needs
• Added [Serial Number] in the profiles list for easier customization and management based on team needs
• Added error display for cache loading and the ability to reload
• Added cache data management features, including storage methods: "local", "cloud", and "backup".

☀️ Proxies
• Added proxy check for each profile in the profiles list
• Added the ability to edit proxy notes when setting them up

☀️ Synchronizer
• Added "Console - Auto Collapse" option, allowing the console to automatically minimize when not in use
• Fixed issue where "Press Delay" did not work

☀️ RPA
• Direct execution of the sandbox environment is now supported, helping to reduce unnecessary steps
• Task log now supports canceling "Start Execution" and "In Progress" tasks
• Added "Delete All Logs" feature for clearing all logs and reducing storage resource usage
• "Stop Debugging" feature allows flexible pausing and configuration of the debugging process
• "Search" feature quickly finds the necessary steps
• "While Loop" operation enables execution of loops based on certain conditions
• Added custom scrolling speeds
• Removed outdated RPA task logs.


ℹ️ Detailed information with update demonstrations is available here.

Why not just go ahead and launch discounts?
We thought and launched a Flash Sale in AdsPower!

What’s the benefit?

90-day subscription - 15% discount
180-day subscription - 25% discount
360-day subscription - 45% discount

How long will it last?
Period: 10.09.2024 - 10.10.2024 (UTC+0)

What are the rules?
No conditions, no obligations, no restrictions – just take it and buy the subscription at a great price!

*All rights reserved AdsPower
