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Any good CPA network without approval ?


New Member

I wanted to join AdWorkMedia but have been rejected. Same with Maxbounty.
So my question is: is there any good CPA network without approval ?
I know that there are stuffs like GripCPA but don't know if it is trustworthy.

Thanks ;)
I didnt think it was possible to get rejected by AWM, I always thought it was an open network unless they changed in recent times. CPAgrip is trustworthy, try Peerfly as they are newbie friendly also head over to affpaying and check through the networks over there. Most reputable networks will require some sort of approval including Peerfly but many are newbie welcome so don't be put off if a couple reject you.

I wanted to join AdWorkMedia but have been rejected. Same with Maxbounty.
So my question is: is there any good CPA network without approval ?
I know that there are stuffs like GripCPA but don't know if it is trustworthy.

Thanks ;)
hello dude, you can try over Peopellerads, and see what they offer!
Getting approved by CPA networks is the easy part. Making money with CPA is the hard part. If you're actually earning a good income, CPA networks will never turn you down. Focus on what's important first.
Great Reply, I totally agree.
Once you have some experience and proof of success that is based on knowledge and not only print screens that you can find online, the affiliate managers on CPA know when the publisher is real, its years of experience, we don't have time for wannabes, we need experiences, hardworking publishers.
I believe whale cash doesn't need you to be approved. I've lurked around their platform, and i was able to grab tracking links without any issues.
what kind of traffic/niche do you have?
if you want to promote some simple offers(zip/email submit payout up to 2$) then you should select

if you have quality traffic and can generate quality sales/leads you could test some of the biggest networks (pay up to $100 per lead/sale)

If you were rejected by any network just call them back(1-minute interview) and you will definitely get approved
What are you putting on your application? Perhaps you're not describing your abilities well enough and they are denying you because you don't sound like a good fit.

Try reaching out directly to an AM from the networks you got a denial from, and ask for a little bit of insight. More likely than not, you can talk directly to a rep and go over your approval with them. Any good network is going to have some type of approval process.
Don't give up man, like any job results is what counts most.
If you can bring good traffic than you are welcome in any CPA program.
Keep pushing and you will succeed, it is only a matter of time and effort you put into it :)
Hello @Rauwig !

Have you already checked Mobidea?
It's one of the most friendly networks for the newbies. Moreover, we have a huge Mobidea Academy, where you can gain some really valuable knowledge absolutely for free.

We will be glad to see you in our gang!

I wanted to join AdWorkMedia but have been rejected. Same with Maxbounty.
So my question is: is there any good CPA network without approval ?
I know that there are stuffs like GripCPA but don't know if it is trustworthy.

Thanks ;)
First understand why network managers wasting time to take new sign up affiliates just because network is middle man of advertisers & affiliates. and both are want good quality services (traffic, support, offers, profit..etc).

New sign up affiliate is able for provide traffic like network & advertisers need so take interview or ask questions.

Also 80% of affiliates check network reviews and reputation in market then complete sign up why just because affiliate want to sure network good and paying on time (first thing is payment) of course affiliate check reviews because many good networks then other side many network are not paying or paying delay which is affiliate don't like.(we don't blame my network)

So network if you want work with good network want send your quality traffic then you need complete interview for approval.. Interview is good sign of network..
Almost all the CPA networks these days have an approval process. The network that has easy approval I would stay wary of such networks as they are net serious about fraud and go out of business anytime!
On your dashboard... There's this sidebar that says's top resources... Mostly this is all free and no approval to start... Check them each...
I joined mobidea and clickbank but I'm not really sure which one would be more newbie friendly for me to start
I set a goal of 500/mo but I have limited budget to ads and tools...
Although I already made around $100 recommending people this and that, I have less time now and that was proving not to be easily scaleable

Could you give me some hints on how you could generate profits with that? I'm asking you because, well as you said, professionalism goes a long way.