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Any proven CPA method or guide to make decent income online?


New Member

I am new to this forum.

I have been reading a lot of methods but still have difficulty earning online.

I tried to buy WSOs on but most of them are just rubbish.

I am wondering if there is any proven CPA method in this forum that I can download and follow in order to earn money online?

I am with MGCASH and CPALeads but struggling to earn with any of their offers.

don't know which of their offers are profitable and how to promote them in order to earn money out of them.

please advise.

for example, there are Mobile Pin Submit offers that pay $30 or $20 per Pin Submit which are based in France, Germany and other non English countries. how do I promote such offers using free methods?

Those offers are listed as "Top Performing Offers".

can anyone please give me an insight on this?

I am just confused on how to effectively promote such offers using free methods.
so if i join Dojo i can start earning money?

What is the point of joining Dojo?

i want to earn money as soon as possible.
If you join the Dojo, you are not guaranteed any money. It just provides a lot of helpful information that can help you in your process to make money. Making money as soon as possible all depends how much effort and time you are willing to invest.
Then Dojo is useless. i want to make money. i need to make lots of money.

Where i can go to learn fast in order to make lots of money then?
There are NO guarantees in affiliate marketing. NONE! It took me a year before I made a single dollar and I was flat broke. You may make money faster than that. I honestly hope you do. I understand the frustration of needing money immediately. But you have to treat this as a business....not a magic button to get rich overnight.

Seeing as how this is a business, you have to invest in yourself. That may be time, money or both. I have learned a ton from the Dojo; but I've also learned by asking other affiliates and my affiliate managers. Testing stuff out is the only way you're going to find out what works and what doesn't.

The cool thing about AffiliateFix is that you can find people willing and able to help you out. You did the right thing by asking for help. Now you have to take action on the help you receive.

Keep working, dude. You'll get where you want to be.
I spent a lot on facebook ads and bought socialadninja ( garbage) i joined Maxbounty.. and am still not able to make a penny !! i wish that get rich NOW button exists !!! all you can do is keep working and learning however, still being successful in this isn't guaranteed for everyone.. we might never make it but at least we tried.!
Make money online on education offers from Byoffers network. Just advertise edu offers on your traffic sources targeting youth from English-speaking countries and get paid $30 CPA and 55% Rev/share (from $50 and up) per conversion

PM me for details or skype me: byoffers
The key of making money with cpa is to generate targeted traffic. You can build a website and drive traffic by seo; you can also buy traffic and use a tool to optimize your campaign. If you are good at social networking, you can generate traffic from the top social networks, like Facebook, twitter, pinterest, etc. Find a method you are good at and practice.

There is no such a way that is suitable for everyone.