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Anyone bought cpa evolution 2.0? I am thinking of buying


New Member

Just wondering if any one has bought the program by William Souza called CPA evolution 2.0.

I am thinking of purchasing this mainly because I would like to be able to get mentored, ask questions and pretty much fast track things.

Ultimately being able to find a mentor is usually the quickest way to master a skill set.

I do not need the program as much but the mentorship and support that comes with it is what I am looking for really.

It says the team will help look over your campaigns and ask questions and William himself will help you out if you do not have a winning campaign by the 30 days he will give you one of his etc.

Seems like there is good support. Just wondering if anyone has experienced this and what is your take on the support and the program.

I didn't answer this earlier simply because I've not used it but I agree with @tyoussef , William is a great guy. He's a very successful marketer, honest and helpful.

It says the team will help look over your campaigns and ask questions and William himself will help you out if you do not have a winning campaign by the 30 days he will give you one of his etc.

I'm sure if he says it, he means it. :)
Thanks guys for both of your feedback.

It is very helpful indeed. I think having the mentor and being able to ask the questions is what will be most helpful.

And he does seem like a very cool guy so I think I will move forward with it.

Thanks again.

P.s appreciate the responses and this forum seems like a great community. :)

Just wondering if any one has bought the program by William Souza called CPA evolution 2.0.

I am thinking of purchasing this mainly because I would like to be able to get mentored, ask questions and pretty much fast track things.

Ultimately being able to find a mentor is usually the quickest way to master a skill set.

I do not need the program as much but the mentorship and support that comes with it is what I am looking for really.

It says the team will help look over your campaigns and ask questions and William himself will help you out if you do not have a winning campaign by the 30 days he will give you one of his etc.

Seems like there is good support. Just wondering if anyone has experienced this and what is your take on the support and the program.


William is a great guy and has sound advice and guidance for his students.

As for you calling this a mentor, that is not correct. You are buying coaching. A mentor is something very different. I agree that having a mentor can speed up progress, but you will never find a mentor that adopts a Newbie. Mentors do not offer coaching and they do not sell their mentor-ship. Mentors seek out proteges. A mentor looks for prospective proteges with already well developed skill sets that they can mold into something in excess of what the mentor has achieved. You are not ready for a mentor, and you may not be ready for coaching. Remember this, you will be paying for the coaching, and if you do not make every effort the coach requires of you, then they may drop you. No coach wants to be associated with someone unwilling to do the work. So, if you sign up with William, you are going to find success as long as you do the work, make the appropriate investments, and never make excuses!

William has helped many members earn big.
don't buy it cpa evolution is just a joke all the things that he will teach you already out there for free
i agree but the guy he wants to buy the support not the product it self :)
because that's what he said in the first place .
i agree but the guy he wants to buy the support not the product it self :)
because that's what he said in the first place .

just the fact that the product is a 1000$ it's a big scam Lmfao , if he can't give you some edge in the course what's the point in support then ? i don't think that mentor will be able to help anyone to make money ! but he of course Wiliam souza he will make a lot of money