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Offer Wanted Anyone have experience with programs or offers in the martial arts industry?

Christopher Zito

New Member
I've seen that a good number of martial arts equipment suppliers have affiliate programs and I'd like to start some sort of business around that.

From what I understand, most of the payment structures for these programs are revenue sharing. Are there any martial arts offers that are CPA based?

Are there any affiliate networks that have a focus on martial arts or include martial arts offers?

Could anyone, if there is anyone, give an account of their experiences in this vertical?

I apologize for all the questions.

Christoper Zito
Hi, Christopher. I've moved this thread to the Business Centre. If any of our vendors have this type of offer, they'll respond to you. :)
The only places I have seen payment for customer acquisition is in porn, dating, cams, online gambling, FOREX and some SaaS.
CPA is generally meant as cost per action and not cost per acquisition -BTW.
Well you don't have to apologize for anything, this is why we are here aren't we? I personally never tried martial arts but I found an offer for it on offervault, take a look at it. The offer is being run by Adsmain affiliate network.

I hope it helps.

Thanks @IndeXer, I really appreciate it!
Hi everyone, the Blade & Soul offer we have is not about martial arts industry. It's just a desktop game with martial art elements.
I suppose topic starter was looking for an offers with martial art sport cources/groups...wasn't it?

Have double checked our offer list and unfortunately found nothing about martial arts cources etc.
What do you mean here by all that? That you will provide them clients like those who are interested in something like you know - those martial arts for every possible case and solution out there, I haven't seen any programs like that clearly.
Hi everyone, the Blade & Soul offer we have is not about martial arts industry. It's just a desktop game with martial art elements.
I suppose topic starter was looking for an offers with martial art sport cources/groups...wasn't it?

Have double checked our offer list and unfortunately found nothing about martial arts cources etc.
@vladtroy_adsmain, I appreciate you checking for me.