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Anyone running HEALTH INSURANCE offers?


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Anyone running HEALTH INSURANCE offers?

I ran one Health insurance offer with FB traffic yesterday, spent $18.16,and got nothing. Maybe because it's a new post, let's continue next week.

Advertisers can run ads that promote insurance services as long as they only target people 18 years or older and don't request any personally identifiable information on the ad's destination (landing) page. Are you in compliance with this?

Are you using the following funnel structure?
FB Ad>FB Page>Landing Page>Conversion Page

Are you split testing funnels, ads, creatives, copy, and angles, hooks, and triggers?

What is the data from your tracker?

$18 over a seven day period is not enough to gather the data required to make decisions and refinements. You need to be spending
Selling CPA or doing CPL healthcare insurance in the US, to individual consumer buyers, as an affiliate, is going to be marginal. Healthcare is a very common benefit of employment and a large cut of the self employed can use the Marketplace (Obamacare).
Still need health insurance? Sponsored plans moderated by the US government.

The exception might be leads for the Medicare Advantage Plans. However, that is an extremely competitive market and the insurers of this type solicit Medicare eligible, directly, just prior to the annual renewal (or selection) times MASSIVELY.
I've run health insurance offers before and it can be hit or miss, especially with new posts. FB traffic is tricky; sometimes it takes a bit of time and tweaking to see results. You might want to experiment with different ad creatives or target audiences to see what works best.

When I was facing similar issues, I found that optimizing my insurance back office operations made a big difference. By outsourcing tasks like policy checking and handling proposals, I could focus more on refining my offers and marketing strategies. This approach streamlined my processes and ultimately improved efficiency.
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