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Affiliate Marketing Community Online!

“Adavice”/  “CPA

Official ApproachX


Sometimes you just need great offers to make you`re happy.

You've found hidden gems! Whenever you`re looking for fast converting Pay Per Push offers or just need an extra cap at PPL offers - we've got you covered.

Pay Per Push

My personal favorite for almost a year in a row is our royal baby:

Smartlink_ Leading Per Push Dating Offers_WW_Desktop_Mobile

Our affiliates earn massively by just running this 1 single and getting 15-20K monthly.

iOS/Latam/ZAF/desktop revshare

The best geos to start with Android are:






AU Screenshot

If you`re looking for extra PPL cap check out these offers

PPL Dating Offers SOI AU mob android

girls4loves SOI USmob android SOI DE mob android

EinfachFicken CV optimized flow DE, AT, CH

Hookupers,GEO: US

Apply for an account Approach X

Add me to Skype live:517b66cea3c3b506 or drop me a line in Telegram: Marina_BizDev to approve your account on priority

Cheers to our success!


It's a crazy hot summer for the hottest dating offers.

We`re in a creative mood for something new and profitable for our affiliates.

Meet our newest 9 offers.

The first one we`ve been working so long is Open Dating Format

ONENIGHTFLIRT Email Passing US (One tap) - offers has endless possibilities for users to chat and for you to earn.

Best for a second offer or back-button traffic.

8 best from the best contains from top performing flow and LPs:

Chat and Call Bauhaus US

Chat Mistress Mary US (Best LPs in rotation)

Chat Nakey US (Best LPs in rotation)

Chat Wow Marypuss US (Best LPs in rotation)

Chat Flo Nakedates US (Best LPs in rotation)

Video Pristine US (Best LPs in rotation)

Chat Ana leo US (Best LPs in rotation)

Chat Bauhaus babe US (Best LPs in rotation)

Log in

Skype: live:517b66cea3c3b506
Telegram: Marina_BizDev


For 3rd year in a row, we`ve been nominating for Best CPA Network.

We`re happy to work with you, our dear partners, and grateful for this sign of appreciation.
Share your love and cast your vote here

Voting will remain open now until June 30th, 2024!

Our Pay Per Push Dating Offers work pretty well as cold mimosa on summer day for our affiliates.
It is good for almost all types of traffic. Only popunder/fraud will not work there.
Average offers CR will be 30-40% so with flow Pay Per Push offers will convert almost by themself.

Smartlink_Leading Per Push Dating Offers Just by this single offer you could easily earn 11-15k monthly.

ONENIGHTFLIRT Email Passing US (One tap) newest offer and offers multiple ways to earn.

Tried and true US offers:
Nakedates 3 Welcome Pushes -US
Nakedates US Ana Adult LPs in rotation

Choose your offers and get some easy money

Apply for an Account and get your 5% Welcome Bonus

For fast approval contact Marina
Skype: live:517b66cea3c3b506
Telegram: Marina_BizDev

Hey there!

Have you heard about the Approach X affiliate network? They've got some seriously profitable dating offers on Pay Per Push. I mean, affiliates are raking in $15,000.00 monthly with just one offer - the WW Fixed Rates Smartlink. There are a lot of positive reviews on forums, and people are saying that Pay Per Push is way better than SOI offers. And get this, Approach X is running a raffle - if you register at their affiliate network, you get a chance to win $1000 as a prepaid for your traffic at the Ad Network where you can't even imagine to be approved. How cool is that?

Claim your $1000 at 2 easy steps:
1) Apply for an Account
2) Add your email address used for registration at Google Form and voila wait for magic to happen.

Good luck to all participants!

Ping Head of Affiliates Marina for quick account approval:
Telegram: Marina_BizDev | Skype: live:517b66cea3c3b506

Gee, fellas! Do you like contests and money? Isn`t it?
Yesterday I approved 40 new affiliates and today I should reply to 44 other great guys and girls.
So now we have 1287 Super Affiliates + 44 in the making.


Hold my Caffè Americano and I`ll tell you more details now.
In advance all my Italian affiliates: sorry for drinking the wrong coffee, especially with cinnamon. I sincerely promise when I revisit Rome I will drink only espresso, never go break spaghetti, or eat pineapples with pizza. Anyway, I`ll continue being guilty with a cappuccino after noon.

To participate and contest you could be an old or new affiliate do not forget to add your information to Google Form Traffic Hustlers Wanted!Alive! $1000 Bonus

Approach X is running a raffle - if you register at their affiliate network, you get a chance to win $1000 as a prepaid for your traffic at the Ad Network where you can't even imagine being approved. How cool is that?


Claim your $1000 in 2 easy steps:

  1. Apply for an Account Approach X. There is no need to duplicate if you already have one!

Start running our best one offer Smartlink with fixed rates. Number 1 for many-many months in a row (Affiliate Marketing | Affiliate Programs | CPA Offers | OfferVault)


2) Add your email address used for registration at Google Form (Traffic Hustlers Wanted!Alive! $1000 Bonus) and voilà wait for the magic to happen.

Good luck to all the participants!

Ping Head of Affiliates Marina for quick account approval:
Telegram: Marina_BizDev | Skype: live:517b66cea3c3b506

Win $1000 Bonus it the best traffic at Exoclick + 5% guarantee Welcome Bonus from Approach X for spending above $500 monthly + 5% Referral for all your affiliates invited.

Claim your $1000 in 2 easy steps:

Apply for an Account

There is no need to duplicate if you already have one!

Start running our best one offer Smartlink with fixed rates. Number 1 for many-many months in a row (Affiliate Marketing | Affiliate Programs | CPA Offers | OfferVault)

2) Add your email address used for registration at Google Form (Traffic Hustlers Wanted!Alive! $1000 Bonus) and voilà wait for the magic to happen.

Good luck to all the participants!

Ping Head of Affiliates Marina for quick account approval:
Telegram: Marina_BizDev | Skype: live:517b66cea3c3b506

Follow us!
Office life
Approach X Media (@approachx) • Instagram photos and videos

Approach X
Last edited:

Your humble servant Marina is enjoying summer 19.08-28.08 and will be back to my dear affiliates at 29th of August.
We`re growing. Our new manager Ksenia will help you with adding postback and offers.
Skype: live:.cid.b5e493d25d615c0b
Telegram: ksushasv

We are so in love with service offered bн Andres and Walter so we rarely miss TES Conference so this year we`re here to say hi to old and new friends and enjoy some bear and trdelnik too.
Meet Approach X team! They are so cool just to hang out but if you don`t talk some money talk - they won`t mind it too (especially when we had a super serious crew this time).

So long story short meet and greet our representatives:

CPC department
(you could buy the best member area traffic on CPC)
Ihor CEO Skype igor.korobka
Tina Accountant Skype live:35d21e22722e3619

CPA department
all my fellow affiliates and advertisers could contact them
Dmytro COO (affiliates+advertisers) Skype live:dmytro_49
Oksana Head of Sales (advertisers) Skype oksun888

Cheers to our successful partnership

Thanks for having us, TES team. As always full of contacts, all-inclusive food and drinks, and amazing organization. We could hardly imagine so a greatly organized event.
We`ll be back for sure!

Super cool pictures with our great partners Approach X Affiliates

At school, my teacher asked me about my dream job and i told them that dreaming became a journalist so now my dream has come true and i write a lot about our team and the best Pay Per Push adult dating offers.
I know you, guys and gals, missed my masterpiece so here I am.

First of all - let me share our top offers. Hit me up to open them for you.

Second news - we`re growing and now taking good care of my 1400 affiliates helping charming Middle Affiliate Manager Anastasiia. Approach X Affiliates

As you know Ad formats that show better results for us:
member area, native, interstitial, banners 300*100 and 300*250, push, back button, and second offer traffic.

What not allowed: No fraud. No Pop-unders. No In-App. No Bots. No Proxy

Nota Bene We have our in-house offers, as well as some, offers directly from advertisers.
Please take note - if you send fraud or popunder that did not bring profits for the advertiser they send us a fraud report and may decline payout for you.
If they do not pay for your fraud traffic - we do not have the possibility of covering this risk. Please be responsible when you run all our offers in-house or from an advetiser.
Thank you for your understanding


Fourth news - let me remind about our $1000 contest
Doesn't matter if you old or new affilaite please participate and will get $1000 of traffic.
Win $1000 Bonus + 5% guarantee Bonus for spending above $500 monthly + 5% Referral for all your affiliates invited.

Claim your $1000 in 2 easy steps:

Apply for an Account Approach X. There is no need to duplicate if you already have one!

Start running our best one offer Smartlink with fixed rates. Number 1 for many months in a row App

2) Add your email address used for registration at Google Form (Traffic Hustlers Wanted!Alive! $1000 Bonus) and voilà wait for the magic to happen.

Good luck to all the participants!

Ping Head of Affiliates Marina for quick account approval:
Telegram: Marina_BizDev | Skype: live:517b66cea3c3b506

Cheers to our profitable cooperation!

Sometimes our offers are so hot that you just can`t resist.
5 most popular offers:
#247 Smartlink_ Leading Per Push Dating Offers_WW_Desktop_Mobile App

#159 Nakedates 3 Welcome Pushes -US - Pay Per Push Subscription - Mobile App

#383 Chat Wow Marypuss US (Best LPs in rotation) App

#71 Nakedates - Video Flow - USA - Pay Per Push Subscription - Mobile App

#215 SexeRapide FR - New Flow - Pay Per Push Subscription - Mobile

What makes it even better? $1000 traffic contest.
You know competition for participants became even more when my good friends from OfferVault and Affnext shared their feedback about us.
Log into Facebook
Traffic Hustlers Wanted!

Some affiliates even proposed dinner to win this contest and prize it really worth it! You have fully set up an account with a balance on it and an explanation from our top media buyers on how to run our offers. You learn and get profit in your pockets. Join now Approach X Affiliates

Being a fake manager - a hard job but I still do my best, as someone needs to do it. This is Dating Traffic Experts they started posting teasers and will be posting more soon. Videos will be good for our Ukrainian-speaking affiliates. When I saw videos 1 and 2 and my gesture on it I understood that there should be some Italian roots in my family.

If you still do not have an account at Approach X (and I have no idea why you still don`t) you can do it here Approach X

Buona fortuna!

See you on Skype & Telegram chats!
Cheers to our Huge Profit!

Truly yours,
Head of Affiliates
Telegram Marina_BizDev | Skype live:517b66cea3c3b506
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WOW! What a blast! Congrats to our lucky contest winner!

It seems like our winner is super happy about it

We got so many applicants and the competition was quite serious.

Affiliates will get mentorship from our Senior Media Buyers and get $1000 at Exoclick.

Here`s our new Case Study to try.


6.08.2024- 30.09.2024
Results Screenshot
Banner Screenshot
$1624 cost
$2040 revenue
$416 profit
1.26 ROI
- mobile, only carriers
- categories Cartoons, Ebony, Gay, General, transexual off
- android, chrome
- ad dimensions banner 300x100
- bid 0.095
- all day hours
- frequency capping 1/24
- daily budget $30
Top Offers of the Week

Smartlink_ Leading Per Push Dating Offers_WW_Desktop_Mobile

Nakedates 3 Welcome Pushes -US - Pay Per Push Subscription - Mobile

Chat Wow Marypuss US (Best LPs in rotation)

Chat and Call Bauhaus US

Nakedates - Video Flow - USA - Pay Per Push Subscription - Mobile

Girlsfuckdudes - Chat Flow - Pay Per Push Subscription - All OS - Tier1

SexeRapide FR - New Flow - Pay Per Push Subscription - Mobile

BridesMatches - Chat Flow 1step- Pay Per Push Subscription - Mobile_US/UK/CA/AU/NZ/IE

Nakedates US Bauhaus Adult LPs in rotation Pay Per Push Subscription - Mobile

Apply for Account

Looking for direct offers: Nakedates, Girlfuckdudes, Canuckseks, Allacciamenti or really need Smartlink Leading Per Push Dating Offers?

We got you covered!

Offers are famous for serious CR - 30-40%
Simple conversion flow - let users subscribe to push and you get profit in your pocket.

Get 6% Bonus on Top at your first payment.

Top Offers of the Week
Smartlink_ Leading Per Push Dating Offers_WW_Desktop_Mobile
Nakedates 3 Welcome Pushes -US - Pay Per Push Subscription -
Girlsfuckdudes - Chat Flow - Pay Per Push Subscription - All OS - Tier1

Apply for Account

Hurry, the offer ends on December 31st 2024.

Ping for approval:
Skype live:517b66cea3c3b506
Telegram @Marina_BizDev

Dear partners and friends!

Thank you for this year! We proud of our truly special cooperation and aiming to reach evem more next year. May you`re be successful and happy.
Best wishes to you and yours!

Happy Holidays from our Approach X family.

We have great present for all of you from our partner TrafficHunt.

Best offers for TrafficHunt traffic:
Smartlink_ Leading Per Push Dating Offers_WW_Desktop_Mobile Run offer
Senorita Rizz US
Boujee Kim US
Bad Jessie Pay Per Push AU Mob
Diva Giulia Pay Per Push CA Mob
Horny Ana Pay Per Push US Mob

Request Offers


Looking for high-quality traffic? We’ve got something special for you!

Meet our trusted partner, TrafficHunt—an ad network with over 10 years of experience in affiliate marketing. From December 25, 2024, to January 25, 2025, they’re offering all affiliates an awesome bonus: use promo code “Hunt2025” and get 10% extra on your first deposit!

Here’s why TrafficHunt stands out:

• Specializes in Push notifications, Popunders, Tab Ads, Direct Click, and Banners.
• Flexible payment models (CPC, CPM, Revshare) to fit your needs.
• Regular payouts and 24/7 support for smooth operations.

Not sure where to start? TrafficHunt’s managers are ready to help you customize campaigns and choose the best ad formats for your goals. Reach out anytime via Telegram (@traffichuntsupport) or Instagram (@traffichunt_adnetwork).

Sign up today, use the promo code, and start earning with TrafficHunt!

Wanna money? Run Pay Per push offers and some PPL for dessert.

Fresh offers on US and other geos

Hot Aussie Match AU_revshare

Hot Aussie Match AU

Next Match US CPL_Revshare

Rendezvous Passion Pay Per Push FR Mob

Latin Lovers Pay Per Push ES Mob

Amore Match Pay Per Push IT Mob

Next Match Pay Per Push UK Mob

Local Crushes Pay Per Push CA Mob

Chill Dates Pay Per Push US Mob

Romantic Sparks Pay Per Push US Mob

Bad Jessie Pay Per Push AU Mob

Diva Giulia Pay Per Push CA Mob

Horny Ana Pay Per Push US Mob

Boujee Kim US

Senorita Rizz US

Apply for account Approach X

Hit me up and let`s talk money!
skype: live:517b66cea3c3b506
Telegram - @Marina_BizDev

Marina Head of Affiliates