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Are "quotes" necessary for keyword "phrases" for accurate SERPs?


New Member
hello 5star-ers,

if I can ask you a question whose answer has eluded me.....
(This question is not about keyword searches,but instead
specifically about keyword "PHRASES"....(hope that helps!))

when it comes to keyword "phrases" searches
on google, I've always assumed "quotes" around the phrase
were necessary to get exacting results...?

Because it never seems to be mentioned when reading
articles about conducting keyword "phrases"

This is borne from what seems obvious to me in that if you
don't use "quotes", your SERPs are not all based on the
exact "phrase" this can easily be observed on any search in google

(whenever I read anything on this point, writers never seem
to mention the inclusion of "quotes" around a search phrase?
which is one of the reasons I've always been confused about this point)
A search term in quotes looks for a specific sequence of words in the order specified.

If you omit the quotes, the search results will reflect the individual words in any order but with precedence given to pages containing the phrase in the order specified.
minstrel thanks

I guess my question is why it never seems to be mentioned
when you read information or articles about this type of search?

it's a postulate that this information regarding "quotes" is
accurate in as far as goggle searches are concerned, so
that much is not in question

however I'm trying to understand why this particular
point is never addressed?

I'm not sure I really understand your question but I assume most searchers learn it by trial and error.
Using quotes is limiting your market to the exact results only, when people searching the web about 90% of the time don't use quotes?
In reply to your question "Are "quotes" necessary for keyword "phrases" for accurate SERPs?", i would say Yes!

If you do otherwise in your workings, you would be over-inflating the actual demand for that keyword/keyword phrase.
In reply to your question "Are "quotes" necessary for keyword "phrases" for accurate SERPs?", i would say Yes!

If you do otherwise in your workings, you would be over-inflating the actual demand for that keyword/keyword phrase.


I'm not following you here. What do you mean?