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Are You Ready For Affiliate Marketing?


New Member
Hi guys,

I joined affiliate marketing for quite some time and I thought to share this with all of you here.

Are you ready for affiliate marketing? Most likely, you are NOT.

You might have the best domain name, unlimited web hosting, most powerful sales letter and the most efficient keyword research tool. But what my real concern is, your MIND.

Firstly, do you know why you join affiliate marketing? Lousy boss, bad colleagues, filthy office or you just want to leave the current "hell hole" you are in?

Now, we will choose between fight or flight when face with a challenge. A lot of people will choose flight instead of stand and fight, probably you know subconsciously you might be hurt in some way if you fight.

But there is a lot of fighting in affiliate marketing. It is not as easy as written on the ebooks. Not just that you need to face your competitors head on, you also need to face yourself.

The frustration of losing money in PPC, the low click through of article link, the few visits to your blog, the low sign up to your opr-in list, the constant zeros in your Clickbank account and the small voice in your head whispering to you to quit affiliate marketing.

So, I am going to ask you again. Can you stand and fight?

If you answered "Yes!" please clench your fist, remember what you said and promise to yourself that you will stay in this business no matter what happens.

For that I congratulate you and welcome you to affiliate marketing. 

May we achieve what we set out for. :D
This is a great post.... love it! So many people think all they have to do is go to, throw up a few google ads and BOOM here comes the money. If it were that easy, everyone would be rich.

Some eBooks and success stories like Ashley Qualls from are inspiring but often leave people feeling it's somehow easy to do and they don't focus enough on the work involved.

My family and friends think I sit and play all day and they don't realize it's work. The money's great but we have to put in the sweat and I work more hours than I ever did with a 9 to 5. But I'd never change it for the world. :)
Lisa76, that is so true.

My mother even doubt that this business is not worth investing and she said that I am dreaming. Who is going to buy online? If they want to buy a plasma TV, they will go to the shops and view it before they decide. She asked me to focus on my job.

It was hard explaining to her until a point that I don't answer her anymore. Quite bad for a son yar?

Things only become better when I showed the check and slowly she kept quiet. Finally. :)

Anyway, I'd never change it for the world either. :D
I fully agree with the above two, as a college student currently on Summer break my parents somehow feel that I am wasting my time with these websites. I currently take summer classes from 8-10, then work 10-5 every weekday, then spend a good portion of my remaining time on my websites. They do not see that this time investment is necessary for me to make money, they ask me every day how much I made and if it is less than I could've made at McDonalds they complain.

Don't let anyone tell you this industry is easy, but once you have your foot in the door everything starts to get easier at an exponential rate, I'm starting to see this now. (going to register my small business this week, which should complete my infrastructure).
Just keep it up gallito89. It will pay off in the end. Like you, I started working on this when I was in school. I was a senior in college and had to go to take 2 extra summer courses before I graduated. Since all my friends had graduated I didn't know anyone at school so I stayed in my apartment most of the time working on my site, learning affiliate marketing, HTML, etc. (Turned out to be a blessing in disguise!)

After I graduated I would work my 9 to 5 and come home and spend 3-4 hours on my sites. No one really knew or understood what I did but of course now that they see the fruits of my labor they all want to get in on it. LOL
Sob... Sob...

Finally there are people who agree with me. I can show this to my mom.

And gallito89, I have been in your shoes. My mom will check on me everday and ask how much I earn. Whenever I have a low day, she will say "see, I told you so. you better save your money than to get yourself in more debt."

Those days were hard. I know my mom cares for me and doesn't want me to get hurt but things will be better if she could give some encouraging words.

Luckily things turn better and she finally know that one can really earn online.

So, I am going to continue to do this and achieve my dream.

And to think about that, should I show her this post since she already acknowledge what i do?
Great Post!

I always laugh when I hear people say that they are upset because they haven't made $100 a day, as they thought they would, after 2 weeks since site launch.

I think the key to making the money is learning the effective tools and techniques from the start and then working your *** off to apply them!

I think it also helps NOT to expect a big pay-off but realize that it's a trial and error process and there WILL BE failures, but those failures are just stepping stones to success!
"I think the key to making the money is learning the effective tools and techniques from the start and then working your *** off to apply them! "


I totally agree with you especially the part "working your *** off". :D

"No pain, no gain" is always right.
Things only become better when I showed the check and slowly she kept quiet. Finally.

I can't help but smile and imagine this scenario. :D It's not that easy as most people would think (where can you find easy jobs anyways? without having to stretch a muscle). but it gets better once you do it right and do it well..:)
I agree with Christina

I can't help but smile and imagine this scenario. :D It's not that easy as most people would think (where can you find easy jobs anyways? without having to stretch a muscle). but it gets better once you do it right and do it well..:)

I completely agree, once you stretch and stretch it gets better!
mwong, I hear you. I have an asian Mom as well, and we know that asian moms believe in things that are for sure, cash in hand, not theory or from thin air.

Half the time she checks on me, thinking I'm lonely. I tell her I'm perfectly fine. But, yep, I've been through trial and error as well. I'm still working on it because I believe this can work.

However, this time, I relegated to the idea I needed a little help, so I joined a membership with a team of folks that could help me market since I'm not as skilled yet. I've been lucky to see 6 opt-ins in a span of 3 days. I've been grateful for that, and feel a little more confident.

I realize now that a successful business really does take patience.
Sob... Sob...

Finally there are people who agree with me. I can show this to my mom.

And gallito89, I have been in your shoes. My mom will check on me everday and ask how much I earn. Whenever I have a low day, she will say "see, I told you so. you better save your money than to get yourself in more debt."

Those days were hard. I know my mom cares for me and doesn't want me to get hurt but things will be better if she could give some encouraging words.

Luckily things turn better and she finally know that one can really earn online.

So, I am going to continue to do this and achieve my dream.

And to think about that, should I show her this post since she already acknowledge what i do?

In this business it is so important to believe in yourself and what you're doing. Those "no you cant" and "it's not possible" messages can really impact your online biz success, so try to tune out the negativity and remember the source, your mom does not have experience with this and so she could not possibly understand. Show her this post maybe she will understand, or better yet ask to politely to STOP saying negative things because it is not helping you.

I have been doing this for months now and I only told 3 of my 30 family members, because I all ready know that the other 27 will say the same things that your mom does, they don't know any better, and I don't want to hear it because I know those messages will just create doubt and deter me.

But we know it is possible, we are all doing it and we are here, so keep posting when those messages start to get you down, and we will remind you that... "yes, you can"! "success is out there"! "affiliate marketing works"!:D
Thanks genuwine4532,

I have been trying hard to get my mom understand what I do. But now she is less hesistant as she saw some of my check.

Although it is not much but is enough to prove to her that affiliate marketing works.

If I were given a chance again, I will DEFINITELY do this again. :D