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Are your sites Mobile Friendly?

Yes. I have switched everything to responsive themes but I want it to have its own mobile specific theme. But when I think I am ready to create a mobile specific theme I just go lazy and just let the responsive theme do its own. I just adjusted my ad banners to look good both on desktop and mobile.
You should hire some developers for that. Otherwise, you can't handle this anymore :).
Ofc, website must be responsive right now. It's really important because most of internet-connected devices are mobile phones and tablets.
Tips on making your website easily accessible on mobile devices
Don’t make a separate mobile-friendly website
Use responsive design
Always include a viewport meta tag
Font sizes and button size matters
Use high-resolution images
Remove the default zoom
Use YouTube videos on your site
Don’t constrain your user’s mobile experience
Never stop testing

VIA Hootsuite
Making a mobile site requires prioritization. ok Start by working out what the most important and common tasks are for your customers on mobile. yes Being able to support these tasks is critical and this is why the measure of your mobile site is how well customers can complete their objectives. every one should know that There are ways to make the design of your site support ease of use too. Focus on consistency in your interface and providing an unified experience across platforms.
Yes obviously as it is research that now we have more mobile user than desktop user so it is necessary to make a user-friendly website ...
Yes, my site is mobile friendly. I know that today's youth is very lazy to open their laptops or desktops and they open every thing in their smart phones, so i already created my site in mobile friendly way....
Responsiveness is a factor that is highly considered by search engine for ranking factor. We made our all website responsive so that user can access website on tablet, desktop and mobiles easily.
As Mobile traffic is growing very fast. Mobile friendly website is necessary to grow for ecommerce business.
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1. Make it easy for customers.
2. Measure the effectiveness of your website by how easily mobile customers can complete common tasks.
3. Select a mobile template, theme, or design that’s consistent for all devices (i.e., use responsive web design).

I trust a few topics on Wordpress offer free versatile inviting sites which is an or more, and I have been hunting down that particular topic for a very long time now. I can't locate a fair looking one with versatile incorporation included. I should make my own particular subject and modify the site to be portable benevolent.