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“Adavice”/  “CPA ready for general directory submissions.

Okay, make sense, but I still don't think it's a big deal. The directory is a paid inclusion service (meaning there is an exchange of something to get into the site).

So paying by creating a logo is no different than paying $15 to get in to the directory. I do not see a problem. :)
pinyo said:
Okay, make sense, but I still don't think it's a big deal. The directory is a paid inclusion service (meaning there is an exchange of something to get into the site).

So paying by creating a logo is no different than paying $15 to get in to the directory. I do not see a problem. :)

See it happens all the time.. I've never seen a issue based on the reasoning you say but thanks for pointing it out...
Good discussion.
"See it happens all the time. I've never seen an issue based on the reasoning you say but thanks for pointing it out... "

Let me point out one reason...

The world USED to be flat. Yeah, like if you sailed too far, you'd fall of the face of the Earth.

Minsumus is a mistaken belief in a worthy ideal.

Flat Earth = Minsumus

Again, never said you were wrong, just gave you MHO, an opinion, perhaps an idiotic one.

Hey, if your directory tanks, it's all good.

I just hope it's not from something you POSTED on MSG BOARD.

I mean, geezzzz, why post it?

I just hope you don't get burned, as I've buddy after buddy, have been burned in the past.

Best of luck.

Thanks.. I see you point but thanks.. But I wouldn't think a post would be downfall to the directory. (Just maybe attracting any possible submitters form this thread)

But it would be much the same if in another forum thread I offered either free hosting or a free domain name for some service that I wanted from you. I'm trading service for a service...

I think its a perfectly legitimate question, did you hear about the two secretaries who worked for the founders of Google when they were putting their business proposal together?

The two were offered shares in Google in exchange for their secretarial work, once accepted share and the second one accepted cash ( about £2,000). After Google flotation the one that accepted share now has over one million pounds, what a fantastic return on investment within 6 years :)

You never know, you and Juke could strike up a partnership that could change you lives :)

Looked through the whole post some nice links to directorys i've been looking for other ones besides wow directory i'll submit to em all sooner or later (when i get the money) :p
temi said:
Quite a few of the directories are actually free

Yes but with free directories what you get is several pages of sites in one category. (a lot of spam submissions, and deadlinks). I submit to them too but finding a good cheap paid directory is also nice b/c im post cases get a high quality 1 way backlink.
I just wanted to let everyone know that just got updated today to PR5. I was hoping that the update would have given me a 6 or 7 but I'll take a 5 for my first update.

In most of the subcategories they are PR 3 and 4 so. Just wanted to give an update on my directory.
I'm sorry but I have already made a president not to trade links with other sites for various reasons but I would be more than happy to add a link from another site that I own in return for the link on your page?
