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Gold As a Newbie, What Stops You From Getting Started

I think the biggest thing for me is limited budget and the overflow of information.

Very common in the beginning. The best suggestion is to focus on one vertical and traffic source. Once you have the hang of that, move on to another. There is just sooooo much info covering a variety of methods that it's easy to feel swamped. Focusing on one makes it a little easier to keep the distractions and confusion at bay.
Affiliate marketing is a big and dynamic space, it can be overwhelming. If you want to be succesfull: SIMPLIFY

Pick 1 or 2 verticals to focus on
Pick 1-3 traffic sources to focus on
Determine a clear testing strategy with a limited nr of banners and landers to test
Have a clear cut off rule to dump ROI negative campaigns
Upscale fast (every campaign will eventually die out)
Pick one spy software to keep things simple
Focus on your core business (mediabuying) and outsource all the rest (financial paperwork, billing, programming, content writing, banner development, design, cleaning your place/office, etc)

Keep things simple, have discipline and be persistent. Success will inevitably come sooner or later!
@Panagiotis Pasakoglou

Just realized that no one had responded to your post.

Affiliate marketing is a big and dynamic space, it can be overwhelming. If you want to be succesfull: SIMPLIFY

Hi guys,

I have just completed the WIKI, set up a plan, budget ($500 and min $200/mo), schedule, signed up on 5 af. networks and
now i am about to choose a traf. source. Btw i have chosen as verticals email/zip submits and adult, but i am thinking of using mobile because of many other co-affiliate suggest them as a good first step. As for the tr. sources should i read all the subforums and then pick one? Is there any all in one guide so as to help me? As for verticals what do you suggest is a good fit for a newbie?

Yeah, I've been busy with adding other content, but I was getting to this and a couple of others. This post was off topic, "As a Newbie What Stops You From Getting Started?". Obviously not an issue for @Panagiotis Pasakoglou as he has demonstrated he can get started. This post will draw far more attention as a Follow Alongs and Online Journeys thread. This thread is more for those that have "marketing block" of some type.

That said, there are some points to make.
  1. email submits - not a vertical, rather an offer type.
  2. As for adult for a vertical, you better drill down to a more defined sub niche in adult offers.
  3. Adult is huge in mobile, media buys are what makes the money with adult.
  4. If you are planning on adult landing pages, you need to confirm with your host that running adult traffic doesn't violate their TOS.
  5. The traffic sources are numerous and you will find dozens of references to them n our adult section.
The best verticals to learn with are the top three, which are also the most competitive. They are big verticals and very diversified. Relationships, health & Wellness, and Making Money are the top three. What you need to do is drill down to the deep sub-niches. In relationships is the adult world, drill down to something like Gay Jewish Dating, Big Girls Looking for Older Men, etc. There are hundreds of them.

Get a good tracker, a VPS, select your vertical and traffic source, get a follow along going, and stick with your initial choices until you master them. A couple of months at most.
My main two obstacles are time and being slow:

There's so much to do and to learn, I'm making little progress though, but I feel I can do more, and I suck at time management. I'm moving too slow for my aspirations and time is a valuable commodity in the industry.

My apologizes if these were discussed earlier as I've haven't gone through all of the posts, yet.
Yeah, I've been busy with adding other content, but I was getting to this and a couple of others. This post was off topic, "As a Newbie What Stops You From Getting Started?". Obviously not an issue for @Panagiotis Pasakoglou as he has demonstrated he can get started. This post will draw far more attention as a Follow Alongs and Online Journeys thread. This thread is more for those that have "marketing block" of some type.

That said, there are some points to make.
  1. email submits - not a vertical, rather an offer type.
  2. As for adult for a vertical, you better drill down to a more defined sub niche in adult offers.
  3. Adult is huge in mobile, media buys are what makes the money with adult.
  4. If you are planning on adult landing pages, you need to confirm with your host that running adult traffic doesn't violate their TOS.
  5. The traffic sources are numerous and you will find dozens of references to them n our adult section.
The best verticals to learn with are the top three, which are also the most competitive. They are big verticals and very diversified. Relationships, health & Wellness, and Making Money are the top three. What you need to do is drill down to the deep sub-niches. In relationships is the adult world, drill down to something like Gay Jewish Dating, Big Girls Looking for Older Men, etc. There are hundreds of them.

Get a good tracker, a VPS, select your vertical and traffic source, get a follow along going, and stick with your initial choices until you master them. A couple of months at most.

I think for me, just starting to cram about 2 weeks ago in learning this game, it's technicalities and patience. I'm looking for a webmaster good at coding through; waiting for account managers to respond to about 15 Affiliate applications I've submitted, & then learning how to implement what I've learned in,, and here of course. The grind is officially real here to me guys, but we'll get there!
@azgold was your first reply to this thread around when you started? Kind of interesting if so to see you so actively involved just over two years later.

For me, the biggest problem is absolutely budget, followed by choosing specifics. The specifics include choosing a niche, choosing a vertical, choosing an affiliate network, choosing a specific offer(s), choosing (affordable) tracking software, other relevant software (e.g. social media automation), designing the landing page, funnel, etc. Put simply, it's budget and indecision brought on by information overload. Trying to apply all possible options to one specific vertical / offer can be difficult since all the information out there is typically for other verticals/offers, and even if it's for the same vertical, may not work for you. Split testing can help make these decisions, but once again that requires a lot of time or a larger budget. It's hard to make these decisions with more research.

My plan to overcome this is to just try and earn my first $1 ASAP. I plan on using all free software, tracking, and traffic to earn my first dollar to get experience with all these things and help me decide. Getting involved with this forum has also been a big help to familiarize myself with everyone else's struggles and how they tackle them, so even if I don't have that specific problem now, I'll have an idea of how to tackle it when I do.
@azgold was your first reply to this thread around when you started?

Are you gonna make me read through 13 pages of posts to find out which post was my first? :D:D:D

I'm not 100% sure what you're asking. If I remember correctly, I have a question posted in this thread somewhere, circa 2012 or 2013. I joined AFix in 2012, became a mod October 2015.

If that doesn't answer that part of your post, just let me know. :)
Are you gonna make me read through 13 pages of posts to find out which post was my first? :D:D:D

Your reply was the very first on this thread, so easy to find and hence why I asked ;). It was more just an interesting curiousity because it's something I noticed that seemed novel now ~2.5 years after that first post given that you have > 5k comments and are a moderator. Just goes to show you how much can change in a couple years, although I'm not sure how old the forum itself is.
Your reply was the very first on this thread, so easy to find and hence why I asked ;). It was more just an interesting curiousity because it's something I noticed that seemed novel now ~2.5 years after that first post given that you have > 5k comments and are a moderator. Just goes to show you how much can change in a couple years, although I'm not sure how old the forum itself is.

Sorry, just went to your post that showed up in my feed. :)

@T J Tutor is the moderator for this forum and the perfect guy to help newbies!

AffiliateFix was previously named CPAFix. I'm not 100% sure but I think Oliver started the site 2011-ish. The name changed in 2013, I believe it was.
I struggle with a few things.

1. Shiny Object Syndrome
2. Focus (could be combined with number 1)
3. Technical Aspect of AM
4. Funds to test and scale to be a super affiliate
5. Mindset/Goals
I do have the motivation, no fear, taking action and risk. There's only one problem lack of funds since I'm a broke ass student as of now and it's impossible for me to do any sort of paid traffic and I'm very inpatient with free traffic.
I am an affiliate manager for a business that owns offers in the survival niche and we pay our affiliates on a CPA. As an affiliate manager my biggest obstacle is recruiting new affiliates. I don't know where to look or where to start looking. I have been trying to read on this topic but cannot seem to find anything. I'm super motivated and keeping my momentum but it is definitely a struggle. What can I do to be proactive and recruit new affiliates?
I am an affiliate manager for a business that owns offers in the survival niche and we pay our affiliates on a CPA. As an affiliate manager my biggest obstacle is recruiting new affiliates. I don't know where to look or where to start looking. I have been trying to read on this topic but cannot seem to find anything. I'm super motivated and keeping my momentum but it is definitely a struggle. What can I do to be proactive and recruit new affiliates?

Cast a wide net.

Forums - look at affiliate forums like this one.
Outline your offers and what advantages are there for your affilates.

How is the payout, how fast do you pay, do you offer wire transfer / paypal?
DO you operate internationally?
Do you offer creatives, landing pages, movies?

What are your aff stats?

Cast a wide net.

Forums - look at affiliate forums like this one.
Outline your offers and what advantages are there for your affilates.

How is the payout, how fast do you pay, do you offer wire transfer / paypal?
DO you operate internationally?
Do you offer creatives, landing pages, movies?

What are your aff stats?

Good stuff! So this would be stuff I would want to have on my website then, correct?
I am an affiliate manager for a business that owns offers in the survival niche and we pay our affiliates on a CPA. As an affiliate manager my biggest obstacle is recruiting new affiliates. I don't know where to look or where to start looking. I have been trying to read on this topic but cannot seem to find anything. I'm super motivated and keeping my momentum but it is definitely a struggle. What can I do to be proactive and recruit new affiliates?


I suggest that you apply to have your company listed in our official Resources section. It's our requirement for networks, agencies, etc. It's free and allows you to create promotional threads and posts, recruit for affiliates, and gives you exposure to our 30,000+ members.

That may help you solve your affiliate shortage problem. :)

I suggest that you apply to have your company listed in our official Resources section. It's our requirement for networks, agencies, etc. It's free and allows you to create promotional threads and posts, recruit for affiliates, and gives you exposure to our 30,000+ members.

That may help you solve your affiliate shortage problem. :)

Oh my! That sounds awesome, I guess I will be adding our company :) Thank you!
I think my biggest issue at the moment it

Landing page layout.

I saw some email submits last night, clicked the landing page preview, to see what it looks like and for me I can't seem to figure out what type of landing page I could create to add to o something that already has details etc. especially sweep offers lol
I've been a little behind on this thread. Will be catching up with all of these recent posts today and tomorrow! Thank you @azgold for "trimming the sails" on these posts.
This is one of the greatest things I've seen on the forum, for me it was simply money, I didn't have enough to justify taking a risk, luckily I had a very good friend who believed in me fund me, but if I hadn't I doubt I would have started at all, it takes a lot of courage and a lot of confidence (and sometimes just a little stupidity, lets be honest, we all make rookie mistakes in the beginning)