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Gold As a Newbie, What Stops You From Getting Started

For me it is a mixture of funds, spending time learning plus the actual execution is taking ages as I get to grips with wordpress, writing articles, sorting images, planning, researching etc. - I'm very inefficient in all these tasks coupled with wanting to get them to a decent level so seems to take a long time (I think perfectionism is crippling me right now). Hoping once i've gone through a few iterations and more natural with the methods and tools then things will speed up.

I'd also say finding time and energy between work, an 8 month old and gf is tricky (the days just seem to roll by). Felt a bit burned out this last week but getting back on the horse again.
i have a job i get paid from it $100/month in real life
i'm afriad if i invest $100 in paid traffic and didn't get any profit
you will loose in the First No Doubt about it , But u will gather Data and You will build successful campaigns after that ,
Most Of CPA Marketers looses in the beginning of there campaigns ,
But after that They Build a successful campaigns and scale them
i have a job i get paid from it $100/month in real life
i'm afriad if i invest $100 in paid traffic and didn't get any profit

If buying traffic means you can't eat or pay your rent, DON'T DO IT!

Save up at least $500, or get a second job/freelance - whatever you feel you need to do but do not risk what you can't lose without suffering. Like gambling. Especially important if you have a family.

And as @tyoussef said, you will lose money in the beginning, as you learn and collect data. It's an expected expense in this biz.

Your other option is to try free methods. Use them to build an email list or perhaps get some conversions. It's slower and doesn't always work but it's safe.
Thanks friend for sharing with us this important message for sure. I have discovered that many people are scared of starting on a new journey in regards to the affiliate marketing and the likes. So when you share some of the it is on how to go about with them, then you will be able to help very many of us here. It is a good post and well informing.
What are your biggest obstacles as a Newbie?
List them here, go to the last page and add your post about this question. Take a moment and list everything you feel is holding you back from getting started or holding you back from earning some money.

I have linked my posted responses for each of your posts to the members usernames below!

Encourage other Newbies to come here and post as well.

This is all about constructive response to help you realize that most Newbies experience the same issues and hangups. Look for the common patterns in the Newbies statements and in my responses. All of us were Newbies a some point. We all go through the same stuff to get a foothold on our new careers when starting out. You are not alone, you are among marketers that have been through what you are experiencing and are here to help you get past these common hangups experiences that hold you back and to help you get on the road to your successes!


01. azgold - Feeling like I'm in over my head - info and technical overwhelm.

02. xyzabc - Feels a lack of information, confusion about where to start, has fear of loss, thinks the business has too much risk, doesn't like the learning curve

03. trinath ande - confusion about tracking

04. vzladxt - Lack of focus, information overload, lack of financial investment, trying to do everything instead of doing one thing at a time, feels its necessary to work too hard, feels many issues are in the way of novices.

05. mrbeginner - Shiny Object, need to learn to adjust & adapt, difficult separating good information from bad information, easily distracted, information overload, not following through, no real plan, no check lists

06. vellex - personal issues are interfering with progress, trying to make it perfect before taking action, self doubt, fear of failure

07. 500Days - slow progress, information overload, silver bullet syndrome, not taking action, lack of focus, needs a solid plan, no schedule for work

08. dddraj - information overload, downloading "magic bullets", lack of focus, trouble finding actionable information

09. generalrahman - feels lack of information, confused about where to start, fear of loss, too much risk, Doesn't like learning curve, no budget

10. xploit - No time and no money.

11. asknopt - confused, too much information, can't find answers, knows he needs a plan

12. auroretan - information overload, navagating through bad info to get to the good info, discovered the need to continue taking action, discovered the need to focus on continued education, learned the importance of building relationships in this industry, learned to love the moment and live in the moment and the money will follow! READ THIS POST!!!

13. winarrow - focus, too much to learn, not enough time to catch up, fear to ask for help, information overload, desire to succeed.

14. armour248 - lack of confidence, lack of knowledge, fear of loss, poor business posture

15. female_9999 fear of loss

16. minzet is trying to operate without a plan, hasn't determined a real starting point, is attempting to move into marketing without adequate training.

17. parikshit fear of loss, doesn't understand the need to invest in education to succeed, hasn't developed a plan to master initial skills required to earn.

18. mandyk similarities of others experiences with her own, the dilemmas of massive action, dealing with misguided actions & misinformation, fear of failure

19. ljsunshine not knowing where to begin, mountains of information to wade through, starting out with free resources, has a goal and is pushing forward

20. sanjaybanerje Needs to develop communication skills, to learn to articulate, isn't involved enough in forum threads and posts, doesn't appear to have a plan.

21. ryansterlingg ryan actually has a plan in the making, polish it up and keep going. Finish your plan and stick to it. You have an established budget, you need to select your field, your tracker, and your traffic source. Then take action, get involved with the folks in this forum in the field you chose. You'll be earning quick!

22. melisata Information overload, lack of persistence, jumping from course to course.

23. knightxking A work in progress and looking forward to updates on your progress.

24. aristotle Fear of losing money and time, shiny object syndrome, lack of focus, no follow through, easily distracted by daily onslaught of pitches from other marketers.

25. invincible Confusion about what a plan really is, needs to become more oriented with our industry, requires more commitment to resources like a VPS, doesn't have a starting point established.

26. tiego679 Taking action, but a little confused. Establishing direction.

27. michael962003 Confused, disoriented, no plan, no budget,

28. Ayman Feeling lost with no direction, knows that one can't create a plan without having to learn the basics first, feels circumstances and requirements for this business are holding him down, has perspective issues.

29. youngs18 Doesn't know where to start, feeling a bit overwhelmed.

30. yafee Has a firm understanding of the missteps and unnecessary thoughts that holds a Newbie back and is ready to push forward after having consumed this thread in its entirety. This is why we have this thread.

31. MikeT Having the same issues as most have outlined for themselves in these threads, has been stuck in purchased products with no return or formidable gain in knowledge, feels the sting when thinking of trying to compete with the big and successful marketers already on top, Thinks it takes years to earn. Has a lack of confidence, trust, and faith. Riddled with fear.

32. anupbro Has no money to begin, wants to start a business without funding it.

33. wrcato2 May be experiencing apprehensions due to having to learn new things, doesn't want to spend any money starting a new business, has a little confusion about how things work, knows he needs a plan, needs to acquire and learn the basic tools necessary, and came to the FIX to gt this all straightened out!

34. CoolSpot Information overload causing confusion, stuck on reading and not taking the first steps to get the ball rolling, needs to dive in and get a plan to execute.

35. Earl Coy (digitard93) Earl has read this entire thread and found his path. He has seen all of fears in the others post of this thread an has replaced them with confidence, a plan, and is ready to be an affiliate. Go get them Earl!

36. urbano Allowing indecision to control the moment.

37. Drakon Needs to become more familiar with using this forum, no real direction or plan.

38. Daniele Has absolutely no drive or commitment to make it happen. Claims to have no time to learn or implement. Claims information overload.

39. affiliate Looks to be lost in the land of opportunity, struggling with indecision, no there is something to all of this but isn't structuring the plan that will bring it all home. You can do this @affiliate !

40. Lindsey Hanley Isn't ready to do business IMO

41. Manhas Starting out by being negative, doesn't recognize the resources available, feels a lack of everything instead of seeing the abundance of everything, experiencing the result of negative thinking which is feeling as though things are stopping progress.

42. DeMiThA Isn't ready for prime time because DeMiThA has not researched, has not built a plan, has not designed a budget, has not read this entire thread, has not read the Wiki, etc. Is complaining about things that all of this would resolve!

43. zaki titou Living a self actualized failure. Not willing to take action, unwilling to be positive and push forward. Never follows through with projects.

44. ragnarkar unwilling to invest in business. Complains about investment or spending money to earn money. Has no grounding or understanding of business and is unwilling to accept taking a responsible role in business. Expects everyone else to the work without having to do it personally.

45. Exo Fear of loss, fear of failure, and fear of losing money. When operating from fear, you destined to lose. Sees all failures as a loss and allows failures to perpetuate fear of loss as if it were a self filling prophecy.

46. Ruann Feels the need to be a techie in order to be a marketer. This is not so at all. You will learn some techie stuff along the way, but you don't have to aspire to be a techie. Most marketers never reach a level of being called a techie. We hire techies!

47. Brixter02 Is letting small things felt in the way. Just pick the tools and get on with it. Pick a tracker and get a landing page builder. Plenty of options for this. Choose them and get on with it. Don't let the little things slow you down or stop you from moving forward.

48. raj14 Feels that figuring this out is a mystery to be solved. In some ways it is, but that's a good thing. This is true for all of us all of the time and this will never end. It's all about figuring out new formulas, always. Thinsk that there is too much information, this is never true. There is never too much information, not ever! Also, thinks,that couses for thousands may be the answer, sometimes they are helpful, but are not necessary to accomplish ones goals in this business. This community has all of the same information, one just needs to spend time studying and implementing to find the "gold in them thar hills"!

49. Mareslo Another fear of failing. Honestly, it never ceases to amaze me that people in any way allow this type of thought to enter their mind. Understand this, "YOU WILL HAVE FAILURES!" We all do, everyday! No one is 100% in all they do in this business. We do "trial and error" in all parts of our business everyday. Also, has the mindset that everything is complicated. Not so, but there is a lot that is comprehensive. This simply means there are a lot of moving parts, so to speak. It's a business, every business has lots of facets. Anyone that thinks this business has lots of facets, try going into Real Estate, or a Law Profession, or a Medical field, or the Restaurant biz. By comparison, this industry is like learning to use an Easy Bake oven!

50. Erroshay Not a problem solver, too much of a worry wart about the small things like getting a grip on landing pages, banners, and other creative stuff we use. Gave up here after only five posts. This business requires getting an education, setting a budget, and taking action. She started taking action, and then gave up. A total lack of commitment!

51. Annabella101

52. AarontheHumble

53. raynoldclare

54. eBoki

55. davidper

56. jakon

57. Red


Look At The Patterns Everyone! You will see that everyone has many things in common here. More on this after we get a few more members posting in here. Be sure to read all of the responses.


Thank you for most useful and helper of affiliatefix!
I fear to lost my money off the buying traffic and spying tools because I lost 500$ on binary trading when someone I bought his method promised to make huge money that end up swallowing my money for nothing. I am a bit fear, what I want is to take like 2 weeks to 4 weeks doing deep research then I will start of if I get good mentor I will start. I have investment of 1000$ right now to start.
What is holding me to get start at the moment is MOney and fear... Unfortunately I don't have the funds to make the initial deposit for traffic on the big players like zeropark and others goods good traffic sources. Another reason that hold me back is lack confidence... Although there are very good guides here to follow, is not the same to get a mentor that grab you by the hand and show what to do on any particular situation that can arise in middle campaign. Guides are good of course, but they give you a broad view of the process.
I am finding that in the early stages it is easy to build up a fantasy of how smoothly everything will go.

Then the crushing disappointment hits when reality pushes its way back in.

And it's a particular kind of disappointment.

You'll do something and have a good result, and then start thinking you've found something, only to realize that it wasn't as good a thing as it first appeared.

And that disappointment happens again and again...

But I think that is how to make your way through this industry.

You need to be able to survive disappointment.

To recognize that in the end it is practice and know-how (that can largely only be built by experimentation and doing 'things') that are the keys to making a success in this business.

If you can just set your mind to surviving disappointment - and I mean really make that your primary goal so that you don't throw it in and try something else until the disappointment from the new thing hits again - then you'll keep learning...really learning, and you will start earning...

In the words of the planet's greatest genius - Dory from Finding Nemo...

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...
i have just started my business and new to this forum. i just seen the strategy and methods to make our online business success and hope you will post others effective articles and blogs that help us to improve our business thank you.
I am finding that in the early stages it is easy to build up a fantasy of how smoothly everything will go.

Then the crushing disappointment hits when reality pushes its way back in.

And it's a particular kind of disappointment.

You'll do something and have a good result, and then start thinking you've found something, only to realize that it wasn't as good a thing as it first appeared.

And that disappointment happens again and again...

But I think that is how to make your way through this industry.

You need to be able to survive disappointment.

To recognize that in the end it is practice and know-how (that can largely only be built by experimentation and doing 'things') that are the keys to making a success in this business.

If you can just set your mind to surviving disappointment - and I mean really make that your primary goal so that you don't throw it in and try something else until the disappointment from the new thing hits again - then you'll keep learning...really learning, and you will start earning...

In the words of the planet's greatest genius - Dory from Finding Nemo...

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...

Awesome post!

Those disappointments and any so-called failures are actually learning opportunities. Stepping stones to success if you take in the lessons they offer you. But yeah, it can be a bummer when you either have a hard time getting things working right, or it worked and you can't get it to again.

If you're able to set aside the frustration and try to look at what's happening and think, "Okay, what can I try doing differently? What has someone else done (or is doing) with this type of campaign that worked really well?" Try to look at it differently, if you can. Be open to alternative ways and methods, if need be.

You might need to take the rest of the day off and come back to it with a fresh brain, if you're really down in the dumps. But, to quote you quoting Dory, @Dan G Wild - "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..." :)
As a newbie, i think most people are terrified by the fact that to start online business requires a lot of technology knowledge. This is the fact, but not the truth. Truth is, with so many great technologies in place, it is very easy to create an online business and get it running with limited budget. Well of course budget could be another problem, but it all depends on priority. When i first started out, just because i want to run it quickly, and made the commitment that i want to really make a difference in my life and many others, i sacrifice the budget to eat lunch. because i've set my priority to hit my goals no matter what. But if you can, try not to skip lunch!:)