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Gold As a Newbie, What Stops You From Getting Started


T J Tutor

Certified Vendor
Dojo Master
What are your biggest obstacles as a Newbie?
List them here, go to the last page and add your post about this question. Take a moment and list everything you feel is holding you back from getting started or holding you back from earning some money.

I have linked my posted responses for each of your posts to the members usernames below!!

Encourage other Newbies to come here and post as well.

This is all about constructive response to help you realize that most Newbies experience the same issues and hangups. Look for the common patterns in the Newbies statements and in my responses. All of us were Newbies a some point. We all go through the same stuff to get a foothold on our new careers when starting out. You are not alone, you are among marketers that have been through what you are experiencing and are here to help you get past these common hangups experiences that hold you back and to help you get on the road to your successes!


01. azgold - Feeling like I'm in over my head - info and technical overwhelm.

02. xyzabc - Feels a lack of information, confusion about where to start, has fear of loss, thinks the business has too much risk, doesn't like the learning curve

03. trinath ande - confusion about tracking

04. vzladxt - Lack of focus, information overload, lack of financial investment, trying to do everything instead of doing one thing at a time, feels its necessary to work too hard, feels many issues are in the way of novices.

05. mrbeginner - Shiny Object, need to learn to adjust & adapt, difficult separating good information from bad information, easily distracted, information overload, not following through, no real plan, no check lists

06. vellex - personal issues are interfering with progress, trying to make it perfect before taking action, self doubt, fear of failure

07. 500Days - slow progress, information overload, silver bullet syndrome, not taking action, lack of focus, needs a solid plan, no schedule for work

08. dddraj - information overload, downloading "magic bullets", lack of focus, trouble finding actionable information

09. generalrahman - feels lack of information, confused about where to start, fear of loss, too much risk, Doesn't like learning curve, no budget

10. xploit - No time and no money.

11. asknopt - confused, too much information, can't find answers, knows he needs a plan

12. auroretan - information overload, navagating through bad info to get to the good info, discovered the need to continue taking action, discovered the need to focus on continued education, learned the importance of building relationships in this industry, learned to love the moment and live in the moment and the money will follow! READ THIS POST!!!

13. winarrow - focus, too much to learn, not enough time to catch up, fear to ask for help, information overload, desire to succeed.

14. armour248 - lack of confidence, lack of knowledge, fear of loss, poor business posture

15. female_9999 fear of loss

16. minzet is trying to operate without a plan, hasn't determined a real starting point, is attempting to move into marketing without adequate training.

17. parikshit fear of loss, doesn't understand the need to invest in education to succeed, hasn't developed a plan to master initial skills required to earn.

18. mandyk similarities of others experiences with her own, the dilemmas of massive action, dealing with misguided actions & misinformation, fear of failure

19. ljsunshine not knowing where to begin, mountains of information to wade through, starting out with free resources, has a goal and is pushing forward

20. sanjaybanerje Needs to develop communication skills, to learn to articulate, isn't involved enough in forum threads and posts, doesn't appear to have a plan.

21. ryansterlingg ryan actually has a plan in the making, polish it up and keep going. Finish your plan and stick to it. You have an established budget, you need to select your field, your tracker, and your traffic source. Then take action, get involved with the folks in this forum in the field you chose. You'll be earning quick!

22. melisata Information overload, lack of persistence, jumping from course to course.

23. knightxking A work in progress and looking forward to updates on your progress.

24. aristotle Fear of losing money and time, shiny object syndrome, lack of focus, no follow through, easily distracted by daily onslaught of pitches from other marketers.

25. invincible Confusion about what a plan really is, needs to become more oriented with our industry, requires more commitment to resources like a VPS, doesn't have a starting point established.

26. tiego679 Taking action, but a little confused. Establishing direction.

27. michael962003 Confused, disoriented, no plan, no budget,

28. Ayman Feeling lost with no direction, knows that one can't create a plan without having to learn the basics first, feels circumstances and requirements for this business are holding him down, has perspective issues.

29. youngs18 Doesn't know where to start, feeling a bit overwhelmed.

30. yafee Has a firm understanding of the missteps and unnecessary thoughts that holds a Newbie back and is ready to push forward after having consumed this thread in its entirety. This is why we have this thread.

31. MikeT Having the same issues as most have outlined for themselves in these threads, has been stuck in purchased products with no return or formidable gain in knowledge, feels the sting when thinking of trying to compete with the big and successful marketers already on top, Thinks it takes years to earn. Has a lack of confidence, trust, and faith. Riddled with fear.

32. anupbro Has no money to begin, wants to start a business without funding it.

33. wrcato2 May be experiencing apprehensions due to having to learn new things, doesn't want to spend any money starting a new business, has a little confusion about how things work, knows he needs a plan, needs to acquire and learn the basic tools necessary, and came to the FIX to gt this all straightened out!

34. CoolSpot Information overload causing confusion, stuck on reading and not taking the first steps to get the ball rolling, needs to dive in and get a plan to execute.

35. Earl Coy (digitard93) Earl has read this entire thread and found his path. He has seen all of fears in the others post of this thread an has replaced them with confidence, a plan, and is ready to be an affiliate. Go get them Earl!

36. urbano Allowing indecision to control the moment.

37. Drakon Needs to become more familiar with using this forum, no real direction or plan.

38. Daniele Has absolutely no drive or commitment to make it happen. Claims to have no time to learn or implement. Claims information overload.

39. affiliate Looks to be lost in the land of opportunity, struggling with indecision, no there is something to all of this but isn't structuring the plan that will bring it all home. You can do this @affiliate !

40. Lindsey Hanley Isn't ready to do business IMO

41. Manhas Starting out by being negative, doesn't recognize the resources available, feels a lack of everything instead of seeing the abundance of everything, experiencing the result of negative thinking which is feeling as though things are stopping progress.

42. DeMiThA Isn't ready for prime time because DeMiThA has not researched, has not built a plan, has not designed a budget, has not read this entire thread, has not read the Wiki, etc. Is complaining about things that all of this would resolve!

43. zaki titou Living a self actualized failure. Not willing to take action, unwilling to be positive and push forward. Never follows through with projects.

44. ragnarkar unwilling to invest in business. Complains about investment or spending money to earn money. Has no grounding or understanding of business and is unwilling to accept taking a responsible role in business. Expects everyone else to the work without having to do it personally.

45. Exo Fear of loss, fear of failure, and fear of losing money. When operating from fear, you destined to lose. Sees all failures as a loss and allows failures to perpetuate fear of loss as if it were a self filling prophecy.

46. Ruann Feels the need to be a techie in order to be a marketer. This is not so at all. You will learn some techie stuff along the way, but you don't have to aspire to be a techie. Most marketers never reach a level of being called a techie. We hire techies!

47. Brixter02 Is letting small things felt in the way. Just pick the tools and get on with it. Pick a tracker and get a landing page builder. Plenty of options for this. Choose them and get on with it. Don't let the little things slow you down or stop you from moving forward.

48. raj14 Feels that figuring this out is a mystery to be solved. In some ways it is, but that's a good thing. This is true for all of us all of the time and this will never end. It's all about figuring out new formulas, always. Thinsk that there is too much information, this is never true. There is never too much information, not ever! Also, thinks,that couses for thousands may be the answer, sometimes they are helpful, but are not necessary to accomplish ones goals in this business. This community has all of the same information, one just needs to spend time studying and implementing to find the "gold in them thar hills"!

49. Mareslo Another fear of failing. Honestly, it never ceases to amaze me that people in any way allow this type of thought to enter their mind. Understand this, "YOU WILL HAVE FAILURES!" We all do, everyday! No one is 100% in all they do in this business. We do "trial and error" in all parts of our business everyday. Also, has the mindset that everything is complicated. Not so, but there is a lot that is comprehensive. This simply means there are a lot of moving parts, so to speak. It's a business, every business has lots of facets. Anyone that thinks this business has lots of facets, try going into Real Estate, or a Law Profession, or a Medical field, or the Restaurant biz. By comparison, this industry is like learning to use an Easy Bake oven!

50. Erroshay Not a problem solver, too much of a worry wart about the small things like getting a grip on landing pages, banners, and other creative stuff we use. Gave up here after only five posts. This business requires getting an education, setting a budget, and taking action. She started taking action, and then gave up. A total lack of commitment!

51. Annabella101

52. AarontheHumble

53. raynoldclare

54. eBoki

55. davidper

56. jakon

57. Red


Look At The Patterns Everyone! You will see that everyone has many things in common here. More on this after we get a few more members posting in here. Be sure to read all of the responses.

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Feeling like I'm in over my head - info and technical overwhelm.

Simply not knowing how to do something or not understanding it well enough to implement properly (i.e. *!^&% tracking). Sometimes creates problems that I don't always know how to fix.

I still suffer shiny object syndrome occasionally, I want to try or do too many things at once and end up not completing any of them. But I'm getting better. :)

Thanks for asking!
Feeling like I'm in over my head - info and technical overwhelm.

Simply not knowing how to do something or not understanding it well enough to implement properly (i.e. *!^&% tracking). Sometimes creates problems that I don't always know how to fix.
I still suffer shiny object syndrome occasionally, I want to try or do too many things at once and end up not completing any of them. But I'm getting better. :)

So, feeling overwhelmed, information overload, lack of knowledge to implement, shiny object syndrome, lack of follow through while trying to multi-task.

Everything a brand new marketer goes through. All of us have been there, and all of us sometimes find ourselves there at every level.

All of these are easily controlled with one very important add-on to your business. In fact, you will eliminate most of this by implementing a very simple but powerful and important step. You MUST have a plan with checklists. No way around this. If you do not do this azgold, then you will not ever totally escape these issues.

There have been a number of recent threads about how to manage accounts, how to manage routines, etc. You will find that everyone succeeding in this business is not only highly organized but is efficiently implementing step by step check lists for all their respective tasks.

At first implementation you will find yourself adjusting your plans and check lists. this is a necessary step. You must go through the process of developing your plans and check lists until they function as you wish.

With a plan and a check list for each and every project, you will get everything done in a timely manner.

Here's what happens after a few times through this process. you develop what is known as Procedural Memory. It happens to all of us in all aspects of our lives. When you are driving you don't need to look for or think of when and how to use your directional signal because it has been imbedded as a procedural memory. This will happen with most everything on your check lists and in your plans because you have done them over and over. In the Book of Five Rings by Myomato Musashi, this is referred to as "Ten Thousand Cuts". In the sports world it is often referred to as the theory for repetitive process or repetitive learning. it goes by any number of names. in the end, you do it often enough it becomes second nature. When this happens, on average, the efficiency and speed at which you do it becomes greater than 100 times quicker.

Make a Plan example:
Promote XYZ Dating Offer
Research Demographics
Spy On Competitors
Build 5 Landing Pages
Build 5 Banners
Build 5 Contextual Ads
Deposit Funds for Traffic
Set up Tracking

Now, make a check list for each of these tasks. As a beginner, only tackle one at a time and in order. Remember, you are training yourself through Repetitive Learning. You are training your subconscious to take over these tasks so they are second nature.

I promise you azgold, you do this, and in just a couple of months (or less), you will be fast, proficient, and knowledgeable at each and every step.

As for the Shiny Object thing. It will stop with you taking charge and committing yourself to doing only what is in your plan and on your check lists. You'll see the new object and say "that is bright and shiny", then you'll tell yourself, "like every other business in a box out there!" They are crap!
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TJ, thank-you!

I especially appreciate the example plan of action steps. I've been thinking for some time that I needed something like that but didn't know what they should be to be most effective. I left myself with gaps, a couple I didn't even know about until I read your list. :) For example, spying and demographics....I have not done those yet. That helps a lot and I have made a list for today, though the one I made did not look like yours. :) Tomorrow....

Re the shiny object syndrome, I am improving. I now remember to bring my focus back to the task on hand....most of the time but not always. I'm excited about having the procedural memory kick in. I know that I want to try other methods but I am also determined to learn what I'm doing now before moving on. I feel more in control with the one-at-a-time perspective but I get excited about the possibilities of trying other things.

I have read some of the threads about organization but I'm going to look at them again. Start fresh.

There are still questions I have about various aspects of promotion that have proven to be obstacles for me. I will start new threads on those subjects but not until after the webinar, as I think maybe some of my questions may get answered there.

Thanks, again!
So, this is why I like this forum very much, especially T J tutor. I just see this forum somewhere and I turned over Tutor's posts and add him on skype. At that time I'm not a member here. So, he asked me to join the forum and I did, but i think this is for promotional purpose. But now I realize Why this forum is important. As, I'm a beginner this is forum is just like Bible to me. I respect this forum, members. I learnt alot from here and I keep on learning. Thanks to the admin and my friend T J tutor for letting me to learn many things. Finally, this thread is simply awesome and the factors discussed above are essential for any kind of affiliates. :)
The main problems of the "Newbies" does not have a "focus" or focus on what will work and what to do. This is due to the overload of information that can be to get started.

Although many sometimes lacks the necessary cost to comensar business but there are always guides or tutorials that can help you with "Free Traffic" but has much more work and waste of time really investing.

Also some of the weaknesses as a rookie is you want to do "Everything" and make $ $ $. $ $ $. $ $ $ But not work .. Is very wrong dream worldwide. (All of us would like to earn good amounts of $ but first you have to kill yourself working and training.) Why not EINFORCING no money, no money and no success!

are many issues affecting novices but they work hard and later we will be successful in our hands!

I hope that helped found. Greetings.
From azgold

I get excited about the possibilities of trying other things.
This never stops for any of us!

There are still questions I have about various aspects of promotion that have proven to be obstacles for me.
That's what work is all about. Over coming obstacles in each and every day. I think you will find that rather than being an obstacle in most cases it's just finding a solution for the immediate need. an obstacle is a thing that blocks one's way or prevents or hinders progress. With the information here in this forum there isn't much in your daily progress that blocks you or hinders you. We show up to work to grow our business and that is largely implementing solutions minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, get the idea.

I will start new threads on those subjects but not until after the webinar, as I think maybe some of my questions may get answered there.
Which Webinar?
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From xyzabc - There is so much confusion on how a beginner should start.
This is among the most common issues for beginners. Where to start is often what prevents many from getting started. The only way you over come this is to read about each of the avenues you feel you would be interested in for your first venture. Once you master that, then you can add another revenue stream. There are many to choose from and that can be confusing, but you must choose one and master it and then do it again. This is the way of any master.

Believe In This: Every avenue of earning that you can find in this forum, every one of them, will earn you money. Every one of them, absolutely. You MUST take the initiative to pick one and master it. Pick one, do it until you are an expert at it. It will take you only a few months to be earning regularly with it and you will master it soon after that. This is what each and everyone of us that earns money online does. The more revenue streams you master, the faster you get at making it happen and the faster you get at earning.

It truly isn't confusion, what it is can be compared to a kid in a candy shop, they find it impossible to pick just one. Our forum is a candy store, we have so many avenues to pick from you are letting yourself not make a decision. Believe me when i say, you have to pick one at a time, eventually you can taste them all, but you can never taste them all at once.

Some recommend POF others say you will burn your money. (No indication how much minimum you should start with anywhere)
Others would say go with 7search , but again it appears like with 7search you would surely be at loss as so many unsuccessful journeys are there. Only successful journeys with 7search are those of very high level marketers. (Again no one mentions how much money should you put in 7search in beginning)

Yes, there is always negative responses to some subjects and topics. I have been guilty of this many times. I try not to write anything negative, but that's impossible sometimes when people want honest information and feedback. First, I will tell that both POF and 7Search work, they do earn money for many, each and every day. As far as high level marketers, they started just like you. They didn't become high level marketers the day or the week or the month after starting with POF and/ or 7search. They read, learned, practiced, and invested until they figured out a formula that worked for them.

As for the expense of it, everyone must invest in business, everyone. Whether it's time or money, you must invest in your business. When it comes to buying traffic, you must spend at least $1000 (IMO) to collect enough tracking and conversion data to know where the money is to be made. So many Newbies talk about "I lost $XXXX". You and they are not losing money. Get this now before you push on, you are not losing money, you are paying for data. You are paying to collect enough data to know which demographics, what times of day, which days of the week, etc. are profitable. Once you have that data about where the profits will come from, then you scale up and start profiting.

As a newbie to me it appears as if the CPA market is very risky, and as i see it though i have around 600$ now (to be used for online money making) but still i am always fearful that it is like 90% sure all this money would get wasted up. It may not be true but it appears so. Maybe CPA is indeed a risky market so unless i have a steady flow of income from other online ventures to support this i feel maybe i should stay away.

All businesses have risk, everyone of them. Here is a great example: If I had a method to turn $20 bills into $100 bills and I packaged it as a business and all it required was to get people to say the word "Abra Kadabra" , plenty of people would come back and say "it doesn't work, I wasted my money". Some people simply wouldn't follow the instructions and most would probably never try, but say they did, and say it doesn't work. I will say again, every avenue of earning in this forum can and does earn money! When you tell yourself " i am always fearful that it is like 90% sure all this money would get wasted" , then I can guarantee you will fail. You cannot ever succeed by starting your business with those thoughts in your head. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER tell yourself anything will fail before you have made every educated effort available to you to succeed!

You have a common problem in your perspective of business, you are operating from a position of fear. You stated it clearly, a common mistake that always ends with disaster. Either you fail from not pushing forward because of fear, or you make poor decisions along the way because the decisions are fear based.

Then seeing the info online it appears that the learning curve for CPA is maybe very steep. It may or may not be so. Lading pages, images, offer selection, keywords,traffic source selection, targeting and everything. It may or may not be so but it appears so.

Show me another business where you can establish your new business for $1k, $2k, $3k or so, and have the potential of earning many thousands of dollars more. If you don't want to learn to earn and invest in a business and do it with a very positive attitude, the it is likely that a career in a 9 to 5 paid position might be better. Being an independent business person isn't for everyone. It requires dedication and a level of unwavering confidence that not everyone seems to develop. You must be committed to success, willing to work independently, manage your time, and follow through with a plan. No one succeeds without these elements, not ever!

So because of these things i have kind off maybe postponed my affiliate ventures.
I personally think you only need to establish a plan, commit to it, and follow through. It sounds to me as though you have given up before you got started. Why not put your heart and soul into success through confidence and commitment to success? I think anyone can succeed with that.
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So, this is why I like this forum very much, especially T J Tutor. I just see this forum somewhere and I turned over Tutor's posts and add him on skype. At that time I'm not a member here. So, he asked me to join the forum and I did, but i think this is for promotional purpose. But now I realize Why this forum is important. As, I'm a beginner this is forum is just like Bible to me. I respect this forum, members. I learnt alot from here and I keep on learning. Thanks to the admin and my friend T J tutor for letting me to learn many things. Finally, this thread is simply awesome and the factors discussed above are essential for any kind of affiliates.

Well thanks for all of that trinath, but can you tell us "As a Newbie, What Stops You From Getting Started". Please tell us about the obstacles that you feel are preventing you from earning a living online.
So, feeling overwhelmed, information overload, lack of knowledge to implement, shiny object syndrome, lack of follow through while trying to multi-task.

Everything a brand new marketer goes through. All of us have been there, and all of us sometimes find ourselves there at every level.

All of these are easily controlled with one very important add-on to your business. In fact, you will eliminate most of this by implementing a very simple but powerful and important step. You MUST have a plan with checklists. No way around this. If you do not do this azgold, then you will not ever totally escape these issues.

There have been a number of recent threads about how to manage accounts, how to manage routines, etc. You will find that everyone succeeding in this business is not only highly organized but is efficiently implementing step by step check lists for all their respective tasks.

At first implementation you will find yourself adjusting your plans and check lists. this is a necessary step. You must go through the process of developing your plans and check lists until they function as you wish.

With a plan and a check list for each and every project, you will get everything done in a timely manner.

Here's what happens after a few times through this process. you develop what is known as Procedural Memory. It happens to all of us in all aspects of our lives. When you are driving you don't need to look for or think of when and how to use your directional signal because it has been imbedded as a procedural memory. This will happen with most everything on your check lists and in your plans because you have done them over and over. In the Book of Five Rings by Myomato Musashi, this is referred to as "Ten Thousand Cuts". In the sports world it is often referred to as the theory for repetitive process or repetitive learning. it goes by any number of names. in the end, you do it often enough it becomes second nature. When this happens, on average, the efficiency and speed at which you do it becomes greater than 100 times quicker.

Make a Plan example:
Promote XYZ Dating Offer
Research Demographics
Spy On Competitors
Build 5 Landing Pages
Build 5 Banners
Build 5 Contextual Ads
Deposit Funds for Traffic
Set up Tracking

Now, make a check list for each of these tasks. As a beginner, only tackle one at a time and in order. Remember, you are training yourself through Repetitive Learning. You are training your subconscious to take over these tasks so they are second nature.

I promise you azgold, you do this, and in just a couple of months (or less), you will be fast, proficient, and knowledgeable at each and every step.

As for the Shiny Object thing. It will stop with you are taking charge and committing yourself to doing only what is in your plan and on your check lists. You'll see the new object and say "that is bright and shiny", then you'll tell yourself, "like every other business in a box out there!" They are crap!

Hello TJ,

I somewhere seem to have a mutual connection With almost all the topics/post you share.;)

I usually used to think is it ADH Disorder for my lack of attention, But Shiny Object thing exactly relates to my kind of disorder/anything you would like to call it.

i was referring to an interview of Charles Ngo by David Ford...where he mentioned that 5-6 years back when affiliate marketing was boom and very few people knew, below were the advantages:
1.) Less technical complications (Tracking..etc)
2.) Less competitors.
3.) Minimum advertising guidelines and so on...

However, i feel there is an advantage and a disadvantage for newbies having very less information about AM or information overload. action speaks louder than words they say, which is indeed true. Any interesting topic easily draws my attention away from my area of focus. And yes i feel along with all the disorders(feeling overwhelmed, information overload, lack of knowledge to implement, shiny object syndrome, lack of follow through) i wont be able to focus. But the worst part is even though i notice why things go wrong i still tend to repeat the same mistakes, not knowingly but unknowingly it just happens. And sometimes after reading & grasping things i feel i still am where i started from...

And by reading the post and comments i realized that there is one more thing i should add in my to do list/ Daily agenda is planning and checklist. I am sure this will add a lot of icing on my incomplete tasks from which i got distracted.

Failing to plan is planning to fail - Anonymous.

Thank you once again for a lovely post...Desperately needed it.

From vzladxt
The main problems of the "Newbies" does not have a "focus" or focus on what will work and what to do. This is due to the overload of information that can be to get started.

Is this what you are experiencing? Lack of focus and information overload?

Although many sometimes lacks the necessary cost to comensar business but there are always guides or tutorials that can help you with "Free Traffic" but has much more work and waste of time really investing.

This is definitely something that often stands in the way of success, at least to some degree. On average, one must have some financial investment to get to earning good sums of money. Is this a problem that has been stopping you?

Also some of the weaknesses as a rookie is you want to do "Everything" and make $ $ $. $ $ $. $ $ $ But not work .. Is very wrong dream worldwide.

Yes, you cannot do everything all at the same time. You have to select a single plan and execute that plan. The you can start another plan and have two plans working for you. Then maybe add another and have three plans working. That is the best way to do it.

Is this what you are experiencing, are you trying to do too many plans at once?

All of us would like to earn good amounts of $ but first you have to kill yourself working and training.

I must object to your statement, this is a problem I think. You said "you have to kill yourself working and training". I believe this to be a very negative posture when in pursuit of learning to earn. If it really is killing you, that would be your sub-conscious telling you that you don't like what you are doing. If you do what you like and/or love then it will be fun. However, understand that those of us that do what we love do it as often as possible. This is the reason so many of us put a lot of time into what we are doing. We put a lot of time in because we love it, not because it makes us.

are many issues affecting novices but they work hard and later we will be successful in our hands!

There are many issues for everyone every day. Beginners may have many issues while learning or as the result of learning, you need to understand that we who currently are succeeding have just as many issues because our success is dependent on our continuing to learn. This type of business is evolving and we must adapt to changes every day.
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This is a nice thread TJ :)

my journey online has rather been a long one although I am happy to see the little progress I have been making overtime.

Well, to answer the question, I have had more obstacles than I had imagined when getting started 2yrs ago.
information overload, silver bullet syndrome, negative talk, and the lack of action taking.

My greatest challenge now, is the lack of a solid plan that can help me focus on these 2 revenue streams effectively. I am somehow coming up with one for SEO, but I cannot approve of it yet, until I see a couple sites in the first page of Google, One seems to be rising up the ranks slowly.

Having come from a Freelance background (Making money setting up servers/Web design), I felt a strong affection for Internet marketing and I have never looked back due to the burning desire to raise the daily income. I have since overcome the info overload bit (I never bother much about the wso's I see left and right), unless it helps me learn a tactic in my areas of interest which is SEO and PPV.

I would like to master as many income stream methods yes, but those 2 are my launchers for now until I see measurable success. Jay Wessman has been so helpful in helping me learn SEO through his Screw95 course and I cant wait to see how my sites turn out in the next 3months or so.
I have done sites before I took this course and had projects that either underperformed or just didn't ended up with no traffic at all, so I had to dump them due to poor niche research.

I must indicate my PPV journey is where I have spent quite a bit in collecting data (Not profitable yet), but I am yet to find that campaign that turns tables around.
I just tested another campaign over the valentine period to no success. I am logging all the data in a spreadsheet though

One thing that has been of help too is reducing the time I learn and increasing the action taking time. Nevertheless, I still hope to find an organizational way/Plan I can use to blend my PPV and SEO projects while building an email lists along the way. I believe this will help me focus while doing only the necessary things that can have a positive ROI on my projects

Thanks Again TJ and Fix Members

I don't think I can give you a valid reason for being unable to get started, or at least some reason that doesn't sound like an excuse. My brain, eyes, hands, and internet connection are all perfectly functional, so the only obstacles I could face are personal problems.

Sure, I don't have the ability to invest money in paid traffic, but that is exactly why I got started with SEO instead, so at least I have something going on.

The main problem I face is perfectionism, so I am constantly struggling with self-doubt, questioning the quality of my work and skills. But like most other obstacles, it is a characteristic that exists to keep me in the comfort zone. I can use it as an excuse to make choices that appeal to my comfort or I can learn to work around it.
For me?

My lack of time coz I am in school and doing a lot of things there.
And financials to start my paid traffic thingy that doesn't require much time.
***information overload***
This one thing stops me from being a millionaire lol seriously :) , I know my potential and I know how fast I grasp the things and I can think out of the box every time but this sh*t called "Information Overload" becomes a hurdle every time. I have downloaded more than 1000 ebooks and video tutorials in last 5 years.. you name I have it, almost almost every industry related to Internet call it Money Black book, Millionaire secret underground HYIPs or outsourcing secrets, Cash machine xyz Bullsh*t blah blah blah I have it all. I know If I had placed my focus on one particular thing before, I could have gone so far. :(

Although I am trying to focus and stick to one thing as now I have realized (so late). And I am very much sure this is the reason why so many people drop the idea of internet business because anywhere they look, its filled with Good info and bad info and they cannot distinguish which one of them is right. Which way to go, Who could guide better. Every person is trying to sell something.
From mrbeginner

Great to see you here!

Shiny Object thing exactly relates to my kind of disorder/anything you would like to call it.
This to happen to everyone, remember that it is destructive to your business day and never constructive except in research. Design a plan, create your checklists for your work and campaigns, and let nothing distract you from the work that must be completed. if you want to look at shiny objects, do it in your leisure time only. You are your own boss and your boss doesn't want you wasting time!

1.) Less technical complications (Tracking..etc)
2.) Less competitors.
3.) Minimum advertising guidelines and so on...

Well Vipin, this is the case with any and every industry. You are referencing data between 5 years ago and now, but you would see the same refinements and growth in requirements between the years 2000 and 2008. It never stops with any industry. Expect change, learn to adjust and adapt and you will do great!

However, i feel there is an advantage and a disadvantage for newbies having very less information about AM or information overload.
Alright, I see two different statements here. One says not enough info and the other says too much info. You are very smart to point out that both cases can be made.

There is always, in every industry, a lack of very good and accurate information you can act on. The challenge in any industry is to find what is true and what is not, what works and what does not. This is why we encourage successful marketers to come here to the forum in order to provide actionable information for others.

Any interesting topic easily draws my attention away from my area of focus.
Be professional, professionals control their time exceptionally well. When you have a task to perform, DO NOT let anything interrupt you. This commitment to yourself as the boss will prevent you from ever being distracted.

feeling overwhelmed, information overload, lack of knowledge to implement, shiny object syndrome, lack of follow through
These are the top issues with everyone that has posted here in this thread and they are the top issues with everyone that starts a new business, everyone! When you are working, you must not let people, places, or things interrupt your work. Be very committed to this and you will suffer no longer from these issues.

i wont be able to focus. But the worst part is even though i notice why things go wrong i still tend to repeat the same mistakes, not knowingly but unknowingly it just happens. And sometimes after reading & grasping things i feel i still am where i started from...
NOTHING JUST HAPPENS, NOT EVER! Vipin, I have had the pleasure of working with you a little bit, I know for a fact that you are capable of moving past repeated mistakes. I think you are confusing new mistakes with old mistakes. Keep moving forward, become excepting of mistakes and make changes every time you find an error in anything. Eventually you find the correct path.

And by reading the post and comments i realized that there is one more thing i should add in my to do list/ Daily agenda is planning and checklist. I am sure this will add a lot of icing on my incomplete tasks from which i got distracted.

This is the way we all eliminate distractions along with knowing that you are the boss of your new business, your new company. When you have plans, check lists, and the top position in your business, you can make everything happen that gets you where you want to be! I cannot stress enough the importance of plans for each project and checklists for every aspect of every campaign.

Failing to plan is planning to fail - Anonymous.

Thank you once again for a lovely post
You all are very welcome, but it is the posts that you all are making that will prove to be very valuable. You should, by now, see the pattern in all of the posts.
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TJ, you ever do any motivational speaking? If not, you should. Or at least could.

Oh, I have been told many times that I should be in that industry. Many many times. I have been in several different industries that put me in a position to speak to decision makers and corporate groups. I think my up-bringing had something to do with this as well.