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Gold As a Newbie, What Stops You From Getting Started

Q1:Oh you crazy lady

Plenty of people would back you up on that statement. :)

you can ask me anything and at any time.


However, there are some areas of my life I cannot be too forthcoming with as there were a few years (here and there) where my efforts could be interpreted as slightly nefarious (have a good laugh about this, I do on occasion).

I wasn't sure if I was being too personal by asking. I didn't want to intrude or put you in an awkward position.

Re your nefarious past....I suspected you were dangerous! :p

As for the rest of your response, part I...

I was raised by self-employed business owners - parents and grandparents but was never taught about the 'business' side of things. Customer service, hard work, markups, sourcing, office work, I'm your girl. But actual business details such as how to plan, project, set up books or find the right accountant, I don't know much about. Never saw my family do any of that stuff. They just rolled up their sleeves and got to work. I envy your level of knowledge and try to learn a little more everyday.

I agree with you on so many points....people leading newbies to believe in push-button instant profits with little to no investment, not having enough money to get our business off the ground, lack of knowledge to effectively problem solve. I have these issues myself but didn't know they were issues until I joined this forum and discovered information that I just knew was true. It was a disappointing moment to realize that everything I'd read or been told up to that point was a lie. Or at least, no longer applicable. By then it was too late, I had promised myself that I was going to try this and I had broken enough promises to myself over the years - not this one. At the moment, money is my biggest obstacle but damn it, I like CPA and want to make it work. So, I continue to plod along. I'm too stubborn to stop, I guess.

Still, I dearly wish that I already possessed your ability to clearly see a path to your goal and around/through/over your obstacles. I suppose that's having control of your business, as you mentioned, instead of the other way around.

Re some people's fear of failure, I think that there are people in the world who are also afraid of success. Are they aware of it? I don't know.

I hadn't considered how business has changed over the past decade or two, thanks for that. Nothing stands still, everything changes, I'd just never thought about that, nor did I connect or compare trends in the offline to the online. I find that interesting.

Continued on next post because I always write too much!

No, you don't. I poured myself a glass of wine, got comfortable and read. I thoroughly enjoyed both of your posts. In fact, I'm going to respond to Part II now.
My father was a restaurant/nightclub owner and a gangster left over from the bootlegging days.

I remembering reading this somewhere here in the forums before. You must have some fascinating (and scary?) stories.

The fact that your father's example sent you in another direction is good and I, for one, am grateful that you help rather than harm. Your childhood also armed you with some handy tools, like your bullshit meter and the ability to spot corruption and deceit in others. :) You chose good over evil and have a lot of heart. It's sad that it has come between you and your family, though. That must be hard at times.

The confidence that comes from truth, knowledge, and experience is unmatchable in my opinion.

Love this statement! It even sounds strong.

Well azgold, you touched on some very personal responses from me. I hope they aren't misinterpreted. Some of this may not translate into other languages well.

I hope that I didn't make you too uncomfortable by asking the questions. It certainly was not my intention.

Thanks azgold for raising the subject. Sorry if I got to wordy and took the long way around.

You're welcome. Thank-you for answering, I appreciate your candor! You were not too wordy, it was perfect. In fact, I'd have been okay reading more. Have you ever considered writing a book on what it's like to be a gangster's child?

Forgot to address the trust issue you mentioned in your first post. I was alarmed when I read it. I haven't made enough yet to worry about the sort of thing you experienced but I was appalled that your AM was involved and now wonder if I'll know if it ever happens to me. I trust the AMs I'm working with now but down the road, how would I know if it was happening? Guess I'll be coming back here and asking you. :)
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I want answer PLZ. If I do the following steps :
Choose CPA nework and choose offres
Choose a paid traffic : ppc and ppv
Tracking and optimizing
.....I will earn from CPA ? and how many time a need to recover my investment ?
I want answer PLZ. If I do the following steps :
Choose CPA nework and choose offres
Choose a paid traffic : ppc and ppv
Tracking and optimizing
.....I will earn from CPA ? and how many time a need to recover my investment ?

The title to this thread is "As a Newbie, What Stops You From Getting Started?". I don't see that you have addressed that question here. You are asking for us to answer questions that should be posted in the General Affiliate Marketing Questions forum.

From what I see, you first need to learn how to use a forum like this. This forum, much like most, has general knowledge areas and specific knowledge areas. Given the type of information you have posted here, you may want to first get a better understanding of what you really want. Then develop a plan and get involved with forum members that are efficient and successful in the areas of your interest.

Your post simply asks "if I choose these elements I will make money?" No one can answer that. The fastest way to success is get involved in the forum, tell people what you want to do, tell people what you know, what budget you have, etc., etc. No one can answer your question accurately without you being more forthcoming with who you are, what you can do, how much you can spend, etc.

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Txs For a great thread... knew this was a great forum but i could never have guessed it would be this good ! now onto the wiki section as the noob that i am ! ..

Txs again !

Best Regards

Petri Järvinen
Txs For a great thread... knew this was a great forum but i could never have guessed it would be this good ! now onto the wiki section as the noob that i am ! ..

Txs again !

Best Regards

Petri Järvinen

Great to see you here Petri, our Wiki is a great place for you to start.

I'm new to this internet marketing business which seems to me to hold a lot of potential. I appreciate all the post and there is nuggets in each one. Which reminds me of a story i heard that has a moral application to our thread. look of this story by Napoleon Hill called Three Feet From Gold, that illustrates why you don't ever quit. I could not post the link so you will have to find i on the internet. It will be worth it, I may not know IM but I have been around long enough to see the truth of this story.
thanks TJ for starting this thread.
I'm new to this internet marketing business which seems to me to hold a lot of potential. I appreciate all the post and there is nuggets in each one. Which reminds me of a story i heard that has a moral application to our thread. look of this story by Napoleon Hill called Three Feet From Gold, that illustrates why you don't ever quit. I could not post the link so you will have to find i on the internet. It will be worth it, I may not know IM but I have been around long enough to see the truth of this story.
thanks TJ for starting this thread.

Welcome to the Fix knightxking, let us know how you are progressing, ask loads of questions, and be sure to build relationships with the folks here on the Fix.

What are your biggest obstacles as a Newbie? List them here, go to the last page and add your post about this question. Take a moment and list everything you feel is holding you back from getting started or holding you back from earning some money.

1) Information overload.
2) Not persistent enough - Jump from 1 shiny course to another..
The main thing that stops me is fear of losing money and fear of wasting my time. I have very little money I can afford to lose. Another big thing is shiny object syndrome and not being able to focus on one thing and follow through on it. I get so many emails every day promoting the newest best easiest way to make money and I easily get distracted.
i got plan but my problem is and many newbies is struggling in online business because the cost of clicks?
which is the best traffic source should i focus on at first ?cuz there is many traffic sources ex ;on ppc ,social media ,ppv ,mobile etc..
what basic technical requirement
what the best forum related to this niche ?
thanks in advance tjtutor
1) Information overload.
2) Not persistent enough - Jump from 1 shiny course to another.

Okay melisata,
Information overload, lack of persistence, jumping from course to course, I am willing to bet there is much more than this hampering you. I say this because these elements are rarely alone.

First, I'll address this "information overload" thing.

Information Overload is actually "A Non-Existent Anomaly". That's right, it truly does not exist. What one actually encounters is confusion. For example, let's say you learn how to ride a bike, and let's say you learned to do it without training wheels, and you love riding your bike. Then a friend comes by on his new motorcycle. You immediately love your friends new motorcycle and hop on it to take a ride. However, you don't know how to properly use the throttle, the brakes, the clutch, the gear shifter. Because you are confident, you convince yourself "this looks easy enough, I can do this", and immediately try to put it in gear and go. Next thing you know it tips to one side and you fall off before ever getting it in gear.

You weren't overloaded with information, you were operating from a lack of information that caused confusion and failure. Your confidence initially came from having see others riding a motorcycle and making it look easy. It is easy, but it requires a rudiment, a basic, set of information. Not having this information led you to a moment of confusion that resulted in indecision and thus created the failure. Not taking the time to thoroughly learn the basics of marketing before you attempt to market will always result in falling off your bike!

Information overload is created by an initial sense of confidence that is rooted in seeing others succeed, and when you attempt to replicate what you have seen others accomplish you fail due to a lack of information. Then when you look at what you actually have to learn, you feel overwhelmed with the prospect of having to learn so much you then feel overloaded with data. You can't be overloaded with data, it isn't possible. If you set down at a chair in a library, do you feel information overload? No, you feel there is all the information in the world at your fingertips. You just have to formulate a plan to absorb it at your own pace.

The first lesson for you is this: DO NOT compare your pace of learning to anyone else in the universe. You have to do it at your own pace, and this pace will pick up momentum for as long as you continue on the path. Think about how leaning centers like schools, colleges, universities, corporations, all set a path for learning for students. You must set up your learning experience to emulate successfully patterned learning methods.

Most every successful marketer in this, and any other forum, is going to tell you to first learn what everything is and how it is defined. This forum has a great downloadable "pdf" affiliate starter book called the Newbie 411. Download this, read it, absorb it, and then pick an initial path for you to conquer.

Next, Lack of Persistence

This is only caused by a lack of drive. One must be driven to truly make a success of anything. Usually, this lack of drive is due to no passion for what you are considering or attempting to accomplish. This may also be exasperated (enhanced) by lack of information as reported above. This is a business. You need to approach it as a business, one must have a plan in business, a mission, and a commitment to follow through even in the face of failure. All, and I truly mean all, successful marketers are operating from plans. Plans for everything. Formulate a set of needs, formulate a set of directives to meet those needs, address each one with a plan to learn, practice, and implement the formulas to fulfill those needs.

Accept from the very first moment, you will have failures. You have to have failures. If i told you that you will have 50 failures that will cost you $500 before you have your first success that earns you $2000 (and i guaranteed it), you would not hesitate to learn everything at your fingertips to get past the first 50 failures and you would be counting them with glee as you pushed closer and closer to your winning campaign. However, not me, not anyone can give you a guarantee other than we can all guarantee that you will learn a lot, a bunch, as you push through your failures to get to your successes.

Persistence will come as you develop passion for what you do.

Lastly, Shiny Object Syndrome

This is a threat throughout life. When you are a child, it's all about having the best newest toy, as an adolescent it is about fitting in with a click, as a teen it may be keeping up with the latest teen fashions and icons. The list goes on and on. DO NOT get caught up in this Ron Popeil mentality other than to get prospective buyers to lock on to it. The secret here is to understand this is the mentality you want your clients to have, you however, must never be engaged by it. This is what your clients are susceptible to and you should never, not for any reason, get wrapped up in this type of mentality.

Forget about every shiny object, everyone of them, right this second. Make this forum your new, and only, shiny object and don't let go of it. While there are an abundance of great products out there, unless it is a highly respected, long time successful product, don't even consider it at this time. Let this forum do what it does best, teaching new entrepreneurs in the online media business to be successful and to give back when you have found your footing.


This is a cozy forum, by that I mean to say there is an abundance of great folks here from all the various areas of marketing that are willing to put their time into teaching you to be successful. However, there is a price, YOU MUST PARTICIPATE! This is the single biggest failure i see here and in every other forum. The ones that succeed as newbies are the ones that get very involved and the ones that fail never make a significant effort to get advice and follow advice, instead they simply complain.


T J Tutor
The main thing that stops me is fear of losing money and fear of wasting my time.

So, aristotle, as with many that I have responded to in this forum and in this thread, FEAR is no way to start a business! Fear of failure, fear of loss, fear of waste, fear, fear, fear. This is a formula for failure before you get started.

I suggest some Dale Carnegie, Zig Ziglar, John H. Patterson, David Ogilvy, Joe Girard (I spent a lot of time with Joe in the '70's when I was in the car business), Larry Ellison, Napoleon Barragan, and maybe even a dash of Mary Kay! I say this because you are suffering from, according to Zig Ziglar, "Stinkin' Thinkin'". You are unlikely to have any type of sustainable success with your current mindset in place.

I have very little money I can afford to lose

Listen up aristotle, since you take the name of one of history's greatest philosophers, maybe take a lesson from him.

"Use your rational mind to guide the natural desires of our psyche to their highest fulfillment"

Another big thing is shiny object syndrome

As I stated in the previous post, and many other threads, make this forum the only shiny object in your life for now. As a beginner, it's all you should be focusing on, this forum and it's generous members with plenty of great case studies for you to replicate.

Pick one vertical, one network, one tracking system, and one traffic source and perfect them for yourself. Do not run and jump from one thing to another. You will never gain if you do as a beginner.

not being able to focus on one thing and follow through on it.

See above.

I get so many emails every day promoting the newest best easiest way to make money and I easily get distracted.

Would you be okay with your dentist being distracted while working on your teeth? Of course not! Then why would you allow yourself to be distracted while building your business? It's a business, treat it like one! If you are serious about building your business, then you won't let anything get in your way. not a girl, not a boy, not a TV show, or radio show, not your mother, father, brother, sister, etc. If you are truly committed to your business, then nothing can stop you and nothing can distract you. Earthquakes, erupting volcano's, and floods are acceptable distractions. Get the picture?
i got plan but my problem is and many newbies is struggling in online business because the cost of clicks?

Okay, so you have a plan you say. Well, I suspect it isn't a complete plan because you apparently don't have a planned budget, don't have a a traffic source picked out, and don't understand the technical requirements. Oh, and by the way, how in the world can you be struggling with the cost of clicks without any of these items in place?

You must have a plan, and in order to have a plan, you must have designed your business for the plan by determining your budget, your traffic source, your vertical, your network, your creatives, your servers, your time, etc. If you do not do this, then you cannot claim to have a plan.

A plan is not telling yourself "I'm going to buy some clicks and send them to an offer". That is NOT a plan!

Read, study, ask loads of questions in the appropriate forums and sub forums here on the Fix. Then you can start to develop a plan. Oh, and prepare your budget!

which is the best traffic source should i focus on at first ?cuz there is many traffic sources ex ;on ppc ,social media ,ppv ,mobile etc..

You need to read and memorize the data in this forums Wiki. I don't think you have a clear understanding of this type of business yet or what a true plan is.

Study the Wiki, read threads in every sub forum here to get first hand data so you can pick out a traffic source, a vertical, a network, etc. Stick with them until you master them. Then you can expand into other areas. If you are unwilling to follow this simple and proven successful course of action, then you will continue to struggle until you give up.

what basic technical requirement

On average you need to learn the jargon of the industry, get a VPS, and implement the plan you create.

what the best forum related to this niche ?

Which niche are referring to? This forum has everything a newbie requires to get started and create their first successes. There is a load of great folks here that will contribute to your success as long as you are active, ask loads of questions, get involved and build relationships here.
Hi, I have a anime based website, affiliate links and product posts. Its been about 3 months since I made the site and have social media accounts too(twitter, tumblr and facebook), this is my main form of gaining traffic. My following is a bit small there but I am wondering how long should it take for me to start seeing results in a niche like this? And what am I being a bit impatient with about my results. Amazon says I have 22 product clicks which should boost my moral but Im sure my test clicks are also mixed up in there. Is there anyone who has done something around these lines who can help me, firstly gain a bigger/faster following without breaking my bank account and finding more strategic ways to get surer buyers? I also want to learn about mobile but I am not know how to get in. I read the mobilemanifesto by the imgrind team and it was very good information, but as a newbie coming in the tools they use are a bit out of my league. I want a newbie friendly step by step guilf or atleast a solid starting point to move forward from, I don't mind figuring out stuff myself. ]

Sorry for the long post.
Hi, I have a anime based website, affiliate links and product posts. Its been about 3 months since I made the site and have social media accounts too(twitter, tumblr and facebook), this is my main form of gaining traffic. My following is a bit small there but I am wondering how long should it take for me to start seeing results in a niche like this? And what am I being a bit impatient with about my results. Amazon says I have 22 product clicks which should boost my moral but Im sure my test clicks are also mixed up in there. Is there anyone who has done something around these lines who can help me, firstly gain a bigger/faster following without breaking my bank account and finding more strategic ways to get surer buyers? I also want to learn about mobile but I am not know how to get in. I read the mobilemanifesto by the imgrind team and it was very good information, but as a newbie coming in the tools they use are a bit out of my league. I want a newbie friendly step by step guilf or atleast a solid starting point to move forward from, I don't mind figuring out stuff myself.

Okay @tiego679 ,

I think you may have missed the title to this thread. This thread is about "As a Newbie, What Stops You From Getting Started?"

I can see you are confused about a few things, one is where to post your questions. That's okay, you just need to learn how to use our great forum. You need to post questions in the appropriate areas. You have posted questions here that are not actually relevant to the question this thread asks you.

By appearance, you are saying you have made an Amazon Affiliate Site that relies heavily on social traffic. Perhaps you should open a thread in the General Affiliate Forum asking for reviews and advice for your site.

The Social Forum can give you more details about the best practices for optimal results when using social to drive traffic.

Our Mobile Forum has an abundance of great information for you to get started in mobile.

Overall, I think you have taken your first steps and this gets you 5 Stars in my book. You are taking action. Just remember, there are very specific areas of the forum to satisfy all of your specific needs.

You are an action taker, keep taking action, this will make a great successful future for your business.

I am confused by all the different programs you can buy to get started. "***arama", this "University", that "University". All of them saying that they can teach you affiliate marketing. Do I need to buy one of these programs, or are there better places to learn? I am very new and excited about affiliate marketing, and would like to start off on the right foot.
I am confused by all the different programs you can buy to get started. "***arama", this "University", that "University". All of them saying that they can teach you affiliate marketing. Do I need to buy one of these programs, or are there better places to learn? I am very new and excited about affiliate marketing, and would like to start off on the right foot.

Okay, let's change the perspective you have. In this way we can get you to see things in a more orderly fashion which will enable you to enter into this field of marketing with proper choices.

Instead of telling yourself that you are confused, take a moment to reorient your thoughts to see that you have a an abundance of great opportunities. Once you complete a few small, but necessary steps, you can begin to narrow your choices for your entry point.

Your first task is to define your daily, weekly, and monthly budget. In addition, you must define a schedule for the work and research required by your new business.

Next is to orient yourself with the rudiments (basics) of the industry. You will do this by reading through the Wiki here in this forum and becoming oriented with the buzz words, definitions, etc.

Once you have these tasks completed, you can then begin researching the various sub forums here. Read through the sub forums in the General Affiliate Marketing area. There are 13 sub forums here that will help you get a good grasp on what these various areas consist of, what they are about.

Once you have your budget, your schedule, and have selected your initial area of interest (Mobile, PPC, Incentive, Lead Gen, etc.), you can then begin to read everything about the field of your initial area of interest. Read as many threads each day as you can in the particular sub forum related to your initial area of interest and remember to start your own threads with questions you don't find answers to.

Now, with all of this, you will have yourself on a path and with a beginners plan (budget, schedule, and interest). Without doing this first, you will likely never take action. Implementing each of these elements, and following through, will continually refine each of them which puts your success in capable hands.

This is a business, the companies you will work with are businesses and expect professional and business minded and planned behavior from you. Everyone here, and all of the companies you will work with, will help you all along your journey as long as they see you are building a business with the right elements.

It is important, very important, that you stay on one narrow track of this business until you become successful with it. Do not jump around, stick with it until you succeed with it, then, and only then, will you be ready to tackle another field.

As for buying any training, don't go buying anything at this time. Stick with the folks in this forum. Build relationships here by starting threads, posting questions and results. There are plenty of experts here for what you need to accomplish first, which is develop your initial success(s).

Good Fortune on Your Journey @michael962003
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