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Gold As a Newbie, What Stops You From Getting Started

So, catching up can often be as challenging or time consuming as being a Newbie. In fact, you should consider yourself a Newbie at this point because the level of sophistication in many parts of this industry have risen to levels that only a person with great conviction, reasonable investment in tools, and a willingness to be a true business person will succeed.

NO NO NO!!! That is not what the business is all about and that is not what being an affiliate marketer is all about. It is about promoting proven offers by reputable providers. PERIOD!!!

Your business is about promoting and converting, nothing more. If there are people out there that respond positively to "pay per call" offers, and you decide; "I can't do that because I hate sales calls", then you are making that decision for the wrong reasons. You would be projecting yourself onto the opportunities that produce HUGE money in the industry. I don't do PPCall because I have always been an effective content marketer, an effective CPA marketer, and a very effective affiliate program marketer in the coaching space. I didn't choose the PPCall space because I developed my skills in other areas long before PPCall became a big part of the affiliate marketing industry. I chose my areas of affiliate marketing because I had some of those skills already! It was a lateral move for me with those skills when entering the affiliate space.

You need to determine a specific niche by determining what the most highly responsive niches may be at present. Then, once you select a niche based on that, narrow down to a sub-niche that is producing BIG at this time. You do that by using a "spy" program like AdPlexity, or Social Ad Scout, etc.

Find currently highly successful niches with currently highly successful offers and zero in on that! If you approach your re-entry into this industry that way, YOU WILL EARN FAST & BIG!!!
Thanks for the FOCUSED on the mula approach !

I think most wanna be affiliates are looking at the BLOG approach.
They think niche and posts with niche related banners.
SEO and traffic source.

Is your approach strictly Paid Ads ?

An other route is build your list with your Blog and do Sponsored News Letters.
I guess that's where the Niche comes in ... ?
I think most wanna be affiliates are looking at the BLOG approach.
They think niche and posts with niche related banners.
SEO and traffic source.

Yeah, and this was a golden ticket for a decade when it was done correctly and professionally.

Is your approach strictly Paid Ads ?

Paid ads are my primary traffic source, social media posting is secondary, and SEO is tertiary.
My Promotion Budget:
75% Paid Ads
15% Social
10% SEO

Sponsored Newsletters

Make a Plan example:
Promote XYZ Dating Offer
Research Demographics
Spy On Competitors
Build 5 Landing Pages
Build 5 Banners
Build 5 Contextual Ads
Deposit Funds for Traffic
Set up Tracking

I like this plan.

@T J Tutor If you were a beginner wanting to do affiliate marketing, what would your criteria/framework be to pick a product to promote today?
what would your criteria/framework be to pick a product to promote today?

Well, newbies must enter the industry by promoting offers that are currently succeeding and in a very large niche segment because newbies need to learn the business where there is an abundance of activity, action, and opportunities while they learn the craft. Once they become a true intermediate marketer then the more competitive and lucrative offers and affiliate programs should be engaged.

Always remember to have a plan, have a reasonable budget, and have the necessary tools such as a VPS, a tracker, an intelligence subscription, a couple of affiliate network accounts, a couple traffic accounts, and very importantly a schedule.

Start with one (just one) of these niches:

As a newbie, do not drill down very deep in any of these niches. You will do this at the intermediate stage.

Your first 6 to 8 months is your first year in college and will take that long for you to establish a steady business. During that first 6 to 8 months do not spend any profits! It must all go back into the business because you need to scale up for your next stage in development to become an intermediate marketer.
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Well, newbies must enter the industry by promoting offers that are currently succeeding and in a very large niche segment because newbies need to learn the business where there is an abundance of activity, action, and opportunities while they learn the craft. Once they become a true intermediate marketer then the more competitive and lucrative offers and affiliate programs should be engaged.

Always remember to have a plan, have a reasonable budget, and have the necessary tools such as a VPS, a tracker, an intelligence subscription, a couple of affiliate network accounts, a couple traffic accounts, and very importantly a schedule.

Start with one (just one) of these niches:

As a newbie, do not drill down very deep in any of these niches. you will do this at the intermediate stage.

Your first 6 to 8 months is your first year in college and will take that long for you to establish a steady business. During that first 6 to 8 months do not spend any profits! It must all go back into the business because you need to scale up for your next stage in development to become an intermediate marketer.
Thank you for sharing this @T J Tutor.

So, let's say I wanna promote software from AppSumo. This'd come under the technology niche.

I look at two aspects to determine a successful offer:

1. Number of people reviewed
2. The star (tacos in case of AppSumo) ratings

Higher the number on these two, the better.

If I look at Clickbank offers, on the other hand, I look at the Gravity score, the commission per sale and their sales page.

Am I doing it right?
AppSumo, CJ, CB, ShareASale, etc., etc., etc., are not where a newbie should start. Newbies need to start with affiliate network offers, always!
Companies like CJ, CB, ShareASale, AppSumo, are all just warehouses of products looking to be sold by the affiliate. Although they all call themselves affiliate networks, they are not in the truest form because they are basically product based. This means they are simply intermediaries for "affiliate programs" instead of intermediaries for the more traditional "action" based offers to be found in a traditional affiliate network. On average, you won't be attempting to sell a product with an affiliate network. Affiliate networks are a different type of intermediary where a company has a very different inventory of offers. For examples you can find zip submit, lead gen, some ecommerce, an abundance of form fills, sometimes sample based offers, and many more types.They provide action based more than purchase based.

I never recommend affiliate program offers to a newbie. They are higher demanding, less flexible, and a steeper hill to climb in the learning stage for a newbie. With a traditional affiliate network you will have a greater opportunity to successfully substantiate a positive cash flow within a few months than with an affiliate program based network like AppSumo. Newbies need this flexibility. Your newbie stage is a "learning the craft" stage more than "earning a pile of money" stage.

We have loads of affiliate networks listed in our resources.

Here are some examples:
Golden Goose

and many, many, more...
This is very valuable. Thank you, Mr. Tutor.

I've signed up with a couple of affiliate networks you mentioned.

I'm trying to figure out how to pick an offer that'd be good for a beginner.

Here's a gist from one of the affiliate network's documentation on how to pick an offer...

Many people start earning in partner programs from choosing a particular program that they will advertise, which is a niche. Once they get the idea of what it could be - they copy their affiliate program link to a specific program and advertise it. Wherever possible. In my opinion, these people make a mistake - searching for a niche should start from the other side, in other words, from the analysis of a group of people whom you have access to.

As a beginner, I have access to no group. I'm planning to take the paid ads route. I don't have a following on FB or Insta. What should my approach to picking a niche/offer be in my case?

Thanks in advance.
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You are going beyond the purpose of this particular thread:
As a Newbie, What Stops You From Getting Started

Please get your new questions into the Newbie Helpdesk forum so others will participate.

I have a hard time making images look nice enough for production work. I write and have been wanting to work on affiliate marketing techniques because of writing better for SEO so that people end up finding my writing organically. It's coming along little by little because of getting more into technology and paralegal as a duo of activities, but I just get lost in some of the details of it all and end up just wanting to write for the topic and not for technical SEO. Any other writers out there?
Any other writers out there?
Yes, there are and some are both the writer and the marketer, here.

There may be some helpful info for you in the Copywriting forum. I remember that there have been some excellent recommendations of books or sites to find examples of ads that resulted in so much business that they are still being taught or referenced decades later.