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Attack of the killer AI?


Well-Known Member
However, critics argue that AI policy shouldn't be led by outlandish fears of future systems that resemble science fiction more than current technology. "SB-1047 was originally drafted by non-profit groups that believe in the end of the world by sentient machine, like Dan Hendrycks' Center for AI Safety," Daniel Jeffries, a prominent voice in the AI community, told Ars. "You cannot start from this premise and create a sane, sound, 'light touch' safety bill."

"If we see any power-seeking behavior here, it is not of AI systems, but of AI doomers," added tech policy expert Nirit Weiss-Blatt. "With their fictional fears, they try to pass fictional-led legislation, one that, according to numerous AI experts and open source advocates, could ruin California's and the US's technological advantage."<<<

People have always been the problem --some are evil by nature ...
Everyone seems to be projecting a myriad of benefits and threats, yet none have truly been realized at this point. We are all still "fumbling" with it. Even those that have launched some semi sophisticated (cough) uses of it in products and on platforms.

It's still early in the honeymoon phase I think.
I am not using AI to create content for imaginary SEO --I doubt that will ever work --or at least in the near future.
As far as copy that converts --I have seen little empirical evidence of this --straight out of the AI box.

AI Won't Replace Human Workers, But People Who Use It Will Replace Those Who Don't, Andrew Ng Says
^^ this is probably going to be the case.

AI still has issues comprehending or my prompt are wrong --this is a very complex query or it isn't...


needs work still ...


Better than battling this alone --AI just doesn't get this yet --neither do I ...


^ 30 minutes later (arguing with the 155 IQ Claude Sonnet 3.5 AI we did it Eureka ;)


I want to know where the money is ;) or isn't?
what businesses are in Amherst MA?

Seems like salaries at UMass are *excessive*?

Is AI for the proletariat or the bourgeoisie?

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Seems like salaries at UMass are *excessive*?

I had sooooo much fun up there when I was in my late teens and early twenties.

Is AI for the proletariat or the bourgeoisie?

Well, that depends on where you are in the world. The Marxist view of bourgeoisie is the ruling class, but if you visit France (et al) you will find it lends more to the middle class.

I think we are definitely having the various "classes" developing and using it a bit different from one another, but of course there is overlap.
Do you believe

I have absolutely no beliefs regarding AI at this time other than AI is so infantile at the moment that it can be turned into most anything anyone would want including all of the wonderful possibilities, all of the horrible possibilities, and everything in between. Eventually, because AI is now in the public, we'll see various forms AI platforms and structures (including newer coding stacks & structures) develop with some never seeing the light of day for most of us.

The blessing/danger paramount's are ever present with it from conception and what most of us can do is find our personal values with it and avoid any threats from it.
In my opinion, these fears about AI are greatly exaggerated. There have already been many different pieces of evidence showing there's nothing to be afraid of, yet many still believe that a rebellion of artificial intelligence and machines is possible. But why?
All we see are the public facing 'personalities' AI chatbots are trained to perform.

I don't find it inconceivable that there are many hidden projects by now that the public does not see and where there is no governmental over-site.

This is at its core; a human initiated problem now and not a AI or potential AGI initiated 'project.'