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Banner Testing on Adult


New Member
Hey Charles,

I am currently attempting to break into the adult world and was wondering what your initial process is for testing out banners. Would you generally go with 1 angle and 5-6 different images? Or would it be better to try 2 angles with 3-4 images and go from there?

Also, is it better to make cuts based on CTR or CVR? I've heard of people doing both approaches. Thanks!

-Rob K
I know your asking Charles but in my experience when testing our new campaigns I usually make cuts based on CTR since it helps me decide which ads have the better engagement potential
^^Yeah I was thinking the same, and when I'm running campaigns on PoF CTR is most definitely king. I guess I've just heard that banners have a bigger impact on CVR's in adult as they have a little more to say generally than your average PoF/FB ad. I think I'll just stick to 1-2x the payout per each banner and make cuts from there.
If we're talking about a new new campaign then try this.

5 angles, 2 images per angle. This way you're starting off with 10 images. Now you're going to calculate the average and see which angle is the winner.

Angle A wins, now test around 15 images until you find some winners.

Next try testing the template you used. Colors, etc.
Awesome, that makes a lot of sense.

When you determine which angle is the winner is that by the angle that has made the most revenue? Or would you go with the angle that has showed the highest CTR and then tailor your LP around that?

Thanks again.
Revenue. High CTR doesn't mean shit if the ad doesn't convert.

I'd definitely agree on this one. Actually I'm new on adult stuff but since the company I work with is producing some adult products I'm trying to get some insights. And this quote always work.