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Hello, I'm recently starting in digital marketing and created an infoproduct. But every time I try to advertise it I can never reach the ROI, in the metrics I see that it could have better creatives but I don't know how to create them. Can anyone give me tips on how to create good creatives and what would be a good CTR for a good conversion, thanks
What do you mean "better" creatives?
Better idea quality; or,
Better image and graphical design quality "artistry"; or,
Better graphic software?
There's no one formula for the perfect creative, but there are some elements that can help make your work more likely to arouse curiosity in people.

For example, using unexpected or unexpected juxtapositions, or playing with convention in a way that makes people question their assumptions.

In addition, work that tells a story or raises questions can also be very effective in capturing people's attention.

So think about how you can use elements like these to create pieces that will make people want to know more.
The other way is with image association with ideas or subject content. High quality simple recognizable images


These had decent clicks for push
thank you, where i can find good creatives yor a insominia product you have any idea? is another free stock image library where you can get royalty free images.
As for getting better creatives, you can take a look at what your competitors are doing. Facebook/meta ads library shows the creatives that are done by your competitors. But its best to be granular in your search approach as well.
Another alternative is to check out creatives spy tools for more indept analysis. Not all spytools support each ad format eg. Native, Push, Display. So you would have to do a bit of research work on what best suits your needs and budget.
a clock as 03:00 and a woman (or man) hands holding their head (maybe) use a graphics editor to compose the images
Use Creative Commons 3.0 images and not copyright images ripped from the web.