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Being your own destiny killer


New Member
I wanted to give my mother and daughter the best life, with my last paycheck I joined an online job, that promised me commission to boost a sites order sales. They trick you into thinking it's real by letting you withdraw your first R360, only for them to reel you into putting in more of your money with fake orders that promise a lot of commission. When you want to withdraw your money the system will tell you that you need complete another order, becoming a vicious cycle. Out of desperation for a better life I fell into their trap. I am now penniless and can't buy my daughter her school uniform as promised. I have failed my daughter and don't how to redeem myself.
Sorry to hear of your struggles, but you have to get a job to get out of that predicament. If you are penniless then you should not be trying to start a new business. Starting a business requires money and you have none.

Get a job, stabilize your life, and start saving money to start a business at a later date.


This is the reason why we vet (try to verify the legitimate reputation) of the vendors that we allow to operate here at Affiliatefix
Until your business is approved do not solicit the membership here

Shady practices, like you have experienced, taking advantage of people: Is a bad thing for the reputation of the whole affiliate marketing game. You really need 3 to 6 months saved living expenses and your `business venture capital` in cash to work comfortably without panic and distress.

You can start working this business part-time while you have another source of income

Question threads here pls:
Links to sub-forums that can guide you:
Without money it would be difficult to run new business really, so you first need to get a new job in order to get out of your situation. I know nothing about your education, but what i do know is that there are a lot of opportunities in terms of new job, like for example software tester roadmap i know that many people their career with this profession, so...maybe it can be a good start
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Well i know it can be paintful but this its life and you need to move on and stop beying in this sad situation as nothing beneficialy brings you
Also i would not advise anyone in the beginning to depend totaly on internet income even if you have 12 hours daily to work
Making a sustainable online income can take time if not a long of time and if you depend on it to pay bills ,rent ,food etc you can have a big disapointment
Its always better to have a job and work in your free time or invest some money into paid traffic
Then when you get at least your job income online for consistent 6 month then i would think to quit my job and to folow my dream ,but even then i would think very well