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Best way to making money


New Member
Hay guys!

I'm new in all of this and i'm still learning about all of this.

My question for ya'll is: which method is best for making money and why this method? (i know that all this depend, all is individually...)

And i will put here some method and you complete which one i miss because i don't know for them yet: Adsense, Facebook Instant Articles, Affiliate, Dropshipping...
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Affiliate marketing, CPA, Adsense, FB ads, many are there bro. With using your talent you can make from this methods.. what's your talent?
can you tell me where i can make the most of the money, i read on google for example that affiliate is bettere than adsense, that you can make better money

and also guys, please, write other ways, or methods, whatever you wan't to call it, what else exist and where is big money, like i mentioned before: affiliate, adsense, dropshipping...
The most money is doing what you're best at.

i understand you, but let me back you in the near past: i can be good at repairing CRT old fat TV's where inside is bunch of components, and i can make good money from that, but not anymore, today you can buy tiny flat screen TV and when something don't work, you can only throw this TV in garbage and buy a new one... same thing today with laptops, Macbooks today you can't repair, you can't change RAM memory, hdd...
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You can work with paid traffic and earn money with paysites. For example, on Japan adult sites with us.
So, I'll try to answer on your question.
FB ads is good way for promoting, but I think it's not simple for newbie. You can run there sweepstakes, beauty, diet, clothes etc. If you want to promote this kind of offer maybe, it will be better to start with free FB traffic and scale it later with paid traffic.
Adwords is good too, and not so hard as you can think. I have affiliates who run organic traffic, enough successfuly. Or you can use brand bidding if your affiliate network allows it. Plus: you can promote any offer with it.
Native networks is harder way than 2 others which I described higher. You should know which network will be the best for your offers and geo + creating and update white and black lists. You can check MGID, Taboola, RevContent. You can run here mainstream offers, sometimes health niche.
And the last one is adult networks. TrafficJunky and JucyAds will be good for a start. Exoclick is the best of course, but not simple. You can run here all adult and dating offers.
i don't know if there is any method that has no risks, so i think you should first of all try to know what inspire you and pationate you, and try to work on it just! You could try to focus on Mobile marketing, this generally do offer good results, and you could try to work with the help of many tools to help you out with all this, so, i think it's quietly good to try to work with! You could try to go for App-installs, sweepstakes, or even CPA campaigns!
can you tell me why? Elaborate a little bit...

Sure - free traffic is too labour intensive and I can't be bothered spending hours churning out articles or doing SEO. It's just too slow and you can't really scale, so with paid traffic you make a few tweaks and done - you get all the traffic you need.

Then you simply stick to offers that pay per action, lead or simple form submit. These tend to be much easier to convert than the usual e-commerce or sales based stuff. It's still a rocky ride with bumps here and there, but if you got the concept nailed down, you'll always be sailing in the right direction ;)

Hope that helps ;)
Hay guys!

I'm new in all of this and i'm still learning about all of this.

My question for ya'll is: which method is best for making money and why this method? (i know that all this depend, all is individually...)

And i will put here some method and you complete which one i miss because i don't know for them yet: Adsense, Facebook Instant Articles, Affiliate, Dropshipping...
You can promote cpa offers, or try to run a good mobile campaign, like sweepstake offers, could be good just need to set the right audience, and run it through the right traffic it should be good.
The most money is doing what you're best at.

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I think you need to look over the specifics of each type of business and see which you're attracted most to. Afterwards, you can decide which to invest your time into and only then will you be able to evolve and start cashing in. But if you're only looking for quick ways to make business, it's pretty hard to evolve without knowledge.

And all the big influencers say that knowledge only accumulates in time + you'll give up if you don't like what you're doing.
You need to find out where your passion is. Sit down and brainstorm what your hobbies,and skillset are.Pick a niche and work with it. As a matter of fact, a lot of people have made money from personal hobbies. Think outside the box a little bit when brainstorming.

yeah, I think you should try to monetize traffic as an affiliate (if you have no your own traffic sources), and start from smartlinks, not single offers. It's easier to setup and optimize.
If you say you're talented in writing, perhaps in parallel you should develop your own communities in social networks, some blogs and other websites full of content, and then also monetize them. However, this type of work requires lots of time and efforts.

Affiliate marketing is practically unlimited in opportunities to earn money, but I cannot say it fits everyone - it depends on skills
Hi, I would say that the best way to start is to try out everything and the best method will be the one that you will stick with and keep trying again and again in times of success and failure and never get bored of it.