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Best way to making money

TJames is right! You must find good traffic in some networks and sent this traffic to some interesting offers from CPA netwotks. Best CPA networks - Mundomedia, Clickdealler. Best sources for buying - Adsterra, Dumedia ( you can registered through manger only, my manager - Alex, his skype alexandr.dumedia) After optimization your campaign you will get good profit! I can make $500-2k per day. But you must find "your best offer" and buy traffic for this offer
Whatever you up to. make sure to treat it like business. and grow! Make sure you build a quality and reputation. thats the best thing to invest your time, effort and money in. best for long terms.

Adsense, Facebook Instant Articles, Affiliate, Dropshipping...

For instance, lets say you like writing articles or case studies in a specific niche.

You would start a blog, by sharing quaility contents you will start generating traffic, you can apply for PPC program like Adsense, You would start building an email lists (once you got visitor email you can contact them and turn them to paying clients). also you can sell other people product on your blog - Affiliate Marketing - You can expend more by adding a store.

My buddy gathered some information about affiliate marketing you can check it out @

Amazing and helpful family here on this forum you will find a lot of support and help.
Hi Edward,

There are so many platforms/agencies/techniques to help you make money, that there is no easy way to make a judgement on which is the best. It depends on what is your focus, how big of an audience you have, what are your expectations, etc. Traditional affiliate links and display ads are becoming slightly obsolete in the context of an audience who hates being spammed with irrelevant offers.

Native ads are the way forward and video has also emerged as a big thing in recent years. These two put together offer publishers a new way to boost their revenues through the roof, while also making the audience more entertained with what they are served.
I would like to recommend you to start affiliate marketing on your website. Apart from that you can do a lot of free-lancing services that can bring you the fortune.
For a little over 17 years, I've been promoting affiliate / CPA offers, but I do it quite differently than most.

I heavily promote PPL (pay per lead...lead generation) offers. This is because there is no credit card / purchase required to complete an offer. All a user has to do is fill out a form, so conversion rates are typically much higher compared to offers that require a sale to be made.

I favor offers that have a make, get or save money benefit to them, as they have overall worked the best. They also tend to have the greatest mass appeal (will be of interest to a large general audience), so the potential exists to produce high volume and they are fairly easy to cross promote on the back-end.

Some of the verticals (niches) I have done extremely well with are: education, insurance, loans, debt, credit, mortgage, assistance, discount offers, homeowner offers, etc...

The bulk of the PPL offers that I promote pay $20-$40 per lead, but I also promote offers that pay more and less. You don't want to get too caught up on what an offer pays because how well it converts is just as important. For example, if you have an offer that pays $9, but if it converts at 2X or more of a $20 offer, then it will perform about the same or possibly better. At the same time, if you have an offer that pays $90 and it converts poorly, it may not even be worth promoting.

I have also done just as good with dating website sign-ups and pretty good with free trial + S/H offers. I also promote a very limited number of offers that are straight up purchase offers. However, mass appeal needs to exist and I look for one of the following to also exists:

1) The product is new and/or novel-unique and you can't purchase it locally or even something similar. I don't waste my time with it once something similar shows up in Walmart.

2) The buyer can truly get what is being offered at a decent discount.

3) Solves a house is on fire type problem.

However, most of the above I will promote on the back-end. Which is why the first thing I look for is mass appeal.

Bottom line, it's far easier to get someone fill out a short form than to get them to pull out their credit card and make a purchase. So why struggle with trying to sell this or that, when you can provide free information that users want/need and get paid well doing it.

I drive traffic and build responsive email lists using fresh / targeted 3rd party email data and generating real-time, co-reg leads.

3rd party data is email leads of users that have shown an interest in a specific PPL niche or offer and have given permission to receive messages from third parties. You get the opt-in record of each user and it's 100% can-spam compliant.

Co-reg is simply where I place an ad for a specific PPL offer on a co-registration network and their publishers display it at the time a user is signing up with them and can request more info about my offer. When a user requests more info their contact info is then automatically imported into my ESP account and they are sent a message regarding the offer. Which I pay on a per lead basis.

So with the above, I am getting fresh / targeted leads specifically for the PPL offers I'm promoting. However, they are not typically as responsive as a high-quality opt-in list that you build yourself. So to compensate for this you need to work with higher volume. This is not a big deal since the cost is much cheaper and highly scalable compared to traditional list building methods.

When mailing, you want to skim off the top any fast-track conversions and then for long-term success, you want to always be collecting your opens / clickers, segmenting and removing unresponsive users...converting the leads from quantity to quality and into quality responsive lists. Which you can then also cross-promote other offers on the back-end.

There is really more to it than it sounds, but done right it can be extremely profitable.

Something to think about
Well, the truth is that modern webmasters have a lot of things to do for getting real traffic. I have been working in gambling niche since 2013..and today I cant get the same 3k users per day. I am working to improve my affgambler portal, my goal is real money page. However, check the keyword group "online casinos for money", you will see very very big sites with high backlinks profile...and this example is really actual)) Speaking about the best ways to make money or best niches... if you know how to get traffic, you will make money anyway.
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    26 KB · Views: 30
Hm, just one more gambling site. Nothing special. I think that this conversion good just because they have clean user base. And all your users converts good. I wish to look at your stats few month later.
Hope that conversion will be better and i will buy new car buddy :)
// Adsense, Facebook Instant Articles, Affiliate, Dropshipping// these all can get you huge profits and constant earning. there is no comparison. the one you can excel will surely give your results.
If you're proficient in writing maybe get into WordPress, website monetization, or blogs like what iMonetizeIt said, I would have said the same thing. You could maybe create your own exclusive (create your own sweepstake, blog ad, etc) and see if networks will consider your work. If you want to succeed in this business, always try new things and never give up, you will find your niche.
There are many ways you can make money but Affiliate Marketing, Youtubing & Blogging are the best ways to earn online.
Best way to making money!
Its a tough question. I assume that you are talking about online work and want to warn money form various marketplace. But Before earning from marketplace, at first you have to ask yourself that, in which work you are good at. Suppose I am a graphic designer and I am good at it.Now there is various platform in graphic designing. You have to choose a platform and you can work and earn money from fiverr, 99design, crowdspring, designhill etc. But now a days there are so much competition in all kind of working space. Now another this is, if you don't have any specific qualifications, but you want to earn money from online. Than I think you can work as a content writer and copy writer. It is really a simple work and You just need to learn some rules and you have to research. Suppose I know a marketplace called contentmart. I also work in this site and I have earned my monthly pocket money by writing content. In the end I want to tell that there is not easiest way to making money. But yes there is lots of best way to earn from online.