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Best WordPress Plugins


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1.WordPress SEO by yoast
2. Contact form 7
3. NextGEN Gallery
4. Easy WordPress Parallax slider
5. W3 total cache
I have my own cocktail of WordPress plugins which I install for all my blogs, will post the list here soon.
I've been amassing a few lists, based on what I want to accomplish with my Wordpress site. I have four plugins listed as "essential" regardless of how I'm shaping the site. Those four are:
  1. Jetpack - A great suite of extensions to Wordpress which, when linked to your account, will give you access to image caching, site stats, social media sharing buttons and more.
  2. Akismet - essential for spam control. Also links up with your account for the api key.
  3. Yoast SEO - Great SEO plugin that adds a field to your new post, new page, new category, new media, etc pages which allows for easy page or file SEO. It links in with your Google Search Console and sends periodic sitemaps to Goolge for you as well.
  4. Plugz - Indexes your site content for the Plugz Content Network. This is a great free answer to Taboola or ZergNet and allows you to make little "Related Content" widgets to other network sites and places you in a traffic exchange of network members.
There are nearly 20,000+ plugins available on WordPress plugin directory at free of cost.
The above given plugins are very good and most popular. i am giving small list of plugins which are using for my blogs;
1. Wordpress SEO by Yoast : This plugin will do the excellent SEO for your blog (home page to individual posts and pages. including Images and Social optimization)
2. Akismet: Protects your blog from Spam comments and Spam links
3. Jetpack: This supercharges your blog
4. WP optimizer: It clears the unwanted data and unused database with single click.
5. Wanguard: It protects from the Spam registration in your blog.
6. Sumome: Sumome is one of the top most plugin to share your content on social sites, microblogs. This plugin providing lots of option to collect Emails and many more.
7. WP Super cache: This is very good cache plugin. It makes your blog to load faster in your browsers.
Here's my useful list of plugins:
1. CDN Enabler - helpful if you use a CDN. Made by the guys who run KeyCDN.
2. - wondeful image optimiser - lossless compression of images. Also supports WebP.
- For a free version EWWW Image Optimizer is a good alternative.
3. Google Sitemap by BestWebSoft
4. Jetpack. Honestly a really comprehensive plugin. It offers so much.
5. iThemes Security. It's the most popular security plugin. There are others, but this one IMO is one of the better ones. The free version is more than enough.
6. Clef - free two factor authentication.
6. Askimet. Protects from spam.
7. WP to Twitter. I prefer this rather than using Jetpacks publicise for Twitter.
8. Reorder posts / Discussion. TW Pagination.
9. Strictly Auto-tags. Saves time by auto-tagging blog posts.
10. WP-Rocket. In my tests WP Rocket was the fastest caching plugin. It's very cheap too for one website. I'd highly suggest it.
Contact Form7
Mail chip
Simple URLs
Subscribe to comments
are some of the best WP automation tool!
What about WordFence :) - which saves your websites from hacks
Also alternative of Yoast is SEOProcessor OR AllinONe SEO plugin (all of these are free too)
Some of the plugins I use depending on the site:
  • Above The Fold Optimization
  • Ajaxify
  • All In One Schema Rich Snippets
  • BackJacker
  • Disabler
  • Editorial Calendar
  • Enhanced Category Pages
  • External & Affiliate Links Processor
  • Greg's High Performance SEO
  • Instant Comment Validation
  • Kingsumo Giveaways
  • Medium
  • myMail
  • myMail, Live & Piwik addons
  • Nginx Cache Controller (FastCGI Cache)
  • Social Network Auto Poster Pro
  • Ping For Pages
  • Printing Camoflauge
  • PubSubHubbub
  • Q2W3 Fixed Widget
  • SEO Friendly Images
  • Social Warfare Pro
  • SonicIPN
  • SurveyFunnel*
  • Thrive Clever Widgets, Headline Optimizer, Leads, Ovation, Quiz Builder*, Ultimate & Visual Editor
  • User Switching
  • WonderM00n's Facebook Open Graph, Google+ and Twitter Card Tags
  • WP Ajaxify Comments
  • WP Code Cipher
  • WP Content Copy Protection NRC Ads
  • WP Content Copy Protection Premium
  • WP Crontrol
  • WP Meta & Date Remover
  • WP Ping Optimizer
  • WP Spamshield
  • WP Youtube Lyte
  • YOURLS Link Creator
* = currently testing if I should discontinue use of SurveyFunnel against ThriveTheme's Quiz Builder