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Hello AffiliateFix awesome folks!

Here's Bennett. I am fairly new to this awesome forum, but TJ send me this way. I am trying to get some beta testers for a LinkedIn tool that me and couple of my friends have built.

The tool is free right now and might be free forever depending on the feedback. What we provide is a email lead generation chrome extension tool for LinkedIn that features likelihood check of whether a person on LinkedIn is looking for a change and their personal email which is curated and validated to work 98 percent of times. We currently have tens of millions of validated personal emails on all kinds of people on LinkedIn.

You can use this email to get in touch with the person directly or send the person an invite on LinkedIn if they ask for an email to connect.

The requirements that I have for beta testers is feedback and be a LinkedIn user. I am looking for a good run and a good success story!

Here's the link: Lead Generator

Please shoot me a message if you have downloaded it so we can chat!
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I will take a look at this over the weekend.

Also, you could use some help with copy for your thread. I'll get with you on that over the weekend also.

Interesting concept. Could be a valuable tool as long as it doesn't violate Terms of Use at LinkedIn.

Talk soon after I have a chance to check it out!
I will take a look at this over the weekend.

Also, you could use some help with copy for your thread. I'll get with you on that over the weekend also.

Interesting concept. Could be a valuable tool as long as it doesn't violate Terms of Use at LinkedIn.

Talk soon after I have a chance to check it out!

Thank you TJ. We don't get anything from LinkedIn, we just show you stuff on LinkedIn.

waw cool Plugin

Thank you! Please help me by getting some long-tested feedback!

Good god, thats beautiful. Not sure on the TOS position, but if it gets the green light there is huge potential.

Thank you so much!
Looks very interesting! I don't do lead gen but this could be awesome for those who do.

I'm still not clear though, on how this is not considered...I dunno...illegal or spamming or something because you're harvesting emails without permission.

Anyway, we're all looking to TJ to check it out. He'll know. :)
So officially, we cant rip email addresses from Linkedin, I think thats a given.

On the B2B/Spam issue, in the UK its allowed if you can prove its relevant to the company/employee. More stuff below if you're interested.

LawDonut Business Resource

You can ‘cold email’ an unsolicited, direct marketing email to a corporate subscriber, but be careful. The fact an email address ends in does not mean it belongs to a limited company. Anyone can register a domain name (the only UK domain names that tell you for certain that you are dealing with a UK limited company are the and domains, but these are rare).

An email to or is clearly to the corporate subscriber. But what if you are emailing 'Pauline Manager', an employee at a limited company, at a work address such as The email will be opened by Pauline, who is an individual.

This is permitted if the email is work-related (eg promoting office furniture to a facilities manager) but not if it is personal (eg promoting family holidays to the sales team at a recruitment company).

This view is bolstered by the legal argument that the law defines a ‘subscriber’ as "a person who is a party to a contract with a provider of public electronic communications services for the supply of such services". Since it is ABC Widgets that is the party to the contract with the telecoms provider providing the work email address, not the employee, the argument is that the email is being sent to the company - the ‘corporate subscriber’ - and no restrictions apply. It doesn’t matter that the email can only be accessed by the individual employee.

Anyways, its a great tool, really really elegant but you're restricted with its use. Im still a fan though.
I'm putting it through the test this weekend and giving a good policy check with the FTC, the W3C, LinkedIn, the CSA. I'll get back to all of you with a summary. If this tool is beneficial and stays within guidelines, it could be huge.

Be back in a day or so!
This tool is not meant for spammers to harvest emails. It's meant to help you connect with that person on LinkedIn and once you are connected and have some sort of relationship, then send them an email. I don't in any way promote spam. Spamming doesn't get anywhere in the long run, but crafting a personal message after connecting is fine.

"You can use this email to get in touch with the person directly or send the person an invite on LinkedIn if they ask for an email to connect."
Hi @5200566c, I transferred our conversation from your introduction thread
Introduction('Hello World') :) | Affiliate Marketing Forum | AffiliateFix
to this thread (kind of your official thread). ;)

Firstly, please don't get me wrong. My concern is only the legality of offers and threads here on AffiliateFix as part of a mod's existence o_O

If you collect user emails from public available sources, then I am reassured again :)

But for that I would have objections regarding the efficiency.
If I need to build a personal connection with each individual, then that's pretty time consuming, or do I see something wrong?

That would be exactly the opposite of what Internet marketers want to achieve, namely the automation of the backend without actually a direct contact to the customers themselves.
For example amazon: One puts a product online, and then there are millions of copies sold (hopefully :)), but without needing a direct email contact to millions of customers - that would be even fatal for the business.

Just my thoughts...
Marc, thank you for your thoughts! I believe that automation can become very spammy if done wrong. It can become very powerful if done right. What Lead Generator provides is a powerful tool, but with power comes responsibility and those email spam buttons work every time.