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New Member
Hi All.
Just a little point but one worth sharing.
Whilst it's always nice to illustrate a blog article with a nice picture (a picture paints a thousand words right?), a word of caution.
Try to resize your images to fit, rather than just uploading the illustration and letting the blogging platform work out the size.
e.g - I try to keep my images to around 300px wide. This is big enough. If you let the blogging platform dictate the size, it will still register as a large file size - it just doesn't show it.
Large images slow up page loading times considerably. OK so with many home-users now on Broadband, it's not like it used to be when the world was on dial up accounts but a few still are! (my mum being one of them).
If we are to believe Google is going to start weighting sites based on their page load times / overall homepage file size, then cutting down will only give you 'brownie points'.
I fact I write several posts without any illustration at all.
Worth a go anyway.
Just a little point but one worth sharing.
Whilst it's always nice to illustrate a blog article with a nice picture (a picture paints a thousand words right?), a word of caution.
Try to resize your images to fit, rather than just uploading the illustration and letting the blogging platform work out the size.
e.g - I try to keep my images to around 300px wide. This is big enough. If you let the blogging platform dictate the size, it will still register as a large file size - it just doesn't show it.
Large images slow up page loading times considerably. OK so with many home-users now on Broadband, it's not like it used to be when the world was on dial up accounts but a few still are! (my mum being one of them).
If we are to believe Google is going to start weighting sites based on their page load times / overall homepage file size, then cutting down will only give you 'brownie points'.
I fact I write several posts without any illustration at all.
Worth a go anyway.