Portrait of online casino players in 2022
Everyone tells you to “draw up a portrait of your TA”, but no one ever shares the one
they make. How come? We have described what the average casino-goer looks like
in 2022. This will help you understand the importance of compiling individual portraits
for each individual GEO.
Who is the typical casino player?
A 2017 Geopoll study showed that 78% of all online casino visitors are male. The
average age is 25-34 years, but this figure differs in some countries. For example,
in China many gamblers are over 60. If we talk about income, there is no noticeable
divide between the poor and the wealthy.
In countries where gambling is prohibited, the number of players is higher than in
those where online and offline casinos are legal.
How much and how often do they bet?
The size and frequency of bets depends on the national mentality. For example,
Europeans gable often. The EBGA report for 2019 says that on average, European
casino-goers place bets every 2.5 days.
The British gamble once or twice a week, while Africans spend less but play daily.
At the same time, Kenya alone accounts for about 180 million bets per month.
What devices do they use?
In recent years, there has been a trend towards mobile gaming. That’s why casinos
are actively adapting their websites to make sure they work smoothly on small
screens and mobile OSs.
Moreover, by the end of this year, the share of people who gamble on their phones
will overtake the number of PC users. For example, as far as 2019, 50% of all British
gamblers placed bets via their smartphone. The majority of such players are
between the ages of 18 and 34. In Kenya, this number exceeds 80%
What do modern gamblers play?
Tastes vary by region. In Europe, Australia and Canada, people love slots, blackjack,
roulette and baccarat. In Africa, they prefer sports bets. Asians love regional slots. And
Indians have tastes similar to Europeans.
This is a very generalized portrait of the average gambler in 2022. It is precisely
because there are no common habits and tastes that no one has shared that desired
universal portrait that would be able to characterize every audience.
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