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Bing Ads question

Bloody Tourist

Well-Known Member
AffKit Ninja
Just getting my feet wet with Bing Ads, trying to scale a winner that's doing well on FB.

So I have my keywords entered in my BA campaign, but now I want every keyword to be in brackets like this [keyword] so BA will treat them as exact match.

Can anyone share with how to do this for all keywords at once without manually adding brackets to every keyword?

i do that suing sublime text editor very faster :) .
cus it has multiple cursor feature and i can write in many lines at the same time :)
if you want to change type of keywords then you can use www. adwordswrapper dot com for make your all keyword broad to exact or broad or phrase match.
If you already put your keyword in bing and now want to make it Exact match then select all keyword and then click on edit and select change match type.
You wbsite fist line says - AdWords Wrapper is the official site of the original FREE Google AdWords keyword tool that wraps keyword phrases in 'quotation marks'. is this really trues. I don't think so.