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Bing: Anatomy of a Bing caption



Bing Anatomy of a Bing caption
by Steve Tullis, Bing Webmaster Blog
October 25, 2010

A caption (also known as a summary) is the area of a Search Engine Results Page (SERP) devoted to a particular result. Captions help users to decide which result to click on and help site owners to communicate to users what to expect on their page.

Captions are an oft-forgotten tool of the SEO toolkit. Ranking is certainly the most important factor in determining user clicks, but captions are also a contributor. In this post, I will give you a primer on captions. I?ll show you all of the components of a caption and give a bit of insight about how Bing generates each of those components.

Every search result has a caption, which consists of four parts: the title, the snippet, the URL, and the Preview. I created a handy table below.
