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Bing's Page Score: What does it mean?



What is "Page Score" in Bing Webmaster Tools?
Search Engine Roundtable
August 19, 2009

[W]hat does "Page Score" actually mean? A Bing Forum thread asked that question and a Bing representative replies saying:

It is a rough indication of how we view your site pages. Note that this score is only relevent to your site and does not track well in our index.
I looked up what the help section of webmaster tools says and it explains page score as:

Provides a measurement of how authoritative Bing views your webpage to be, with five green boxes being the highest rating and five empty boxes being the lowest. This is based on many of the same factors Bing uses to determine static rank, but isn't directly comparable.
Bing over Google

From what I understand Bing is suppose to overtake google. I would like to hear what people have to say.
I'm not sure what "supposed to overtake Google" means or where you obtained that information but there's little doubt that Bing or anyone else has a long uphill battle in the pursuit of dethroning Google.

I'd be happy with just enough decent competition to keep Google honest...