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Bitcoin OTC trading

I read on OTC cryptocurrency trading that OTC trading is trading done directly between clients and market makers, because sometimes it is more profitable than making some small transactions on the exchange. Did I get it wrong? Correct me if I'm wrong, I want to understand how and what in detail
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OTC means literally Over the counter
NASDAQ PinkSheets
Stocks that don't make the cut to be listed under the NYSE rules ...etc
Hey, better late than never, right? So, OTC Bitcoin trading stands for "over-the-counter" trading. It's a way to buy or sell Bitcoin directly with another party without going through a traditional exchange. It's like a private transaction between two individuals or institutions, off the public order books.
Well OTC is a stock market term.

Real over the counter is totally non regulated --and may be illegal depending on where your domicile is (where you or your corporation is resident or registered).