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Blog or Regular Website?


New Member
I have been spending the last few weeks learning about affiliate marketing but I'm stuck on how to set up my first affiliate website.

I am wondering what's better - a blog (?) or a regular website to promote affiliate products.

The user interface from Wordpress is very easy to use and some blog features can actually help with traffic (ie. RSS feeds, widgets)

Any insight here would be greatly appreciated!
I think its better to start with a blog and see if there is a market out there for the content you provide. Make sure you are providing affiliate products to the market of your choice (YOUR niche). :D

You will be able to turn your blog into a website, if it works out, easily. And you can use the subscribers to get word out about your new website! One thing I don't know many people realise, is people don't like dodgy looking new sites unless it has promise, therefore leaving pretty quickly. At least blogging people are coming to you to hear what you are writing about and usually don't worry too much about the state of your site. This is just some of my experience. The more you read the more you will learn. And don't read too much because you're afraid to have a go. Just dive right in! All the best :D
Blog Format

Thanks for the valuable info!

I am struggling with a few things trying to get started.
  • Which format works best -
    Product comparisons / Reviews? Single product pages? Data feeds?
  • Which niches have easiest starting points
  • Does my blog have to be completed before applying to affiliate programs?

Also, one last thing. Should my blog be set up on a separate domain or will the "freebies" work just as well?

Thanks for your input in advance,
I see a lot of the "Big" guys that already have successful websites, use one of the free blog sites specifically for their blogs.

Many of our new affiliates that are just getting started are using these blog sites as well.

IMO those are a great start to providing your product reviews if thats the direction you go.

The links Linda provided have some great information in there!

I wish you good luck getting things going!
One way you might be able to go is set up a website and then use a free blog,, blogging about your website. This makes you gain more traffic for your website while also bringing you income from two different sources! :D

Just make sure you pick the right niche for you!

All the best with it!
I actually use both.

I have traditional static websites and I have blogs

You will find that as you get into affiliate marketing, you may want more than one platform.

I have websites in a range of different niches that are totally unrelated to each other. It would therefore be difficult to put them all in the same URL

Having said that, the first place i started was a website. As a newbie, i was highly motivated so the hours I had to put in to learn website building and some html was no hassle

If you are a little short of cash then i suppose a blogger blog would be a place to start. It's free but you need to back up your content, just in case your blog disappears overnight.

The other advantage of blogger blogs is they get indexed quickly and also when you do build a website, you can put a link on your blog to your site. It is said that this helps with getting your site indexed.

Just a quick off topic. I advise that whatever platform you decide on, apply your on page search engine optimization from the start. It just makes life easier with regard to traffic generation

Good luck
Hi Passad,
I would like to give some of opinions for your questions.
On the question whether to use blogs or normal websites, I feel blogs are better.They have many advantages.
Blogs are easier to be created and managed. It doesn't require much technical knowledge on our part. Futhermore, blogs are search engine friendly.They are indexed faster than normal websites.When they are search engine friendly, getting free targeted traffic is much easier.

Which format works well?Hmm..... I guess everything will work well if you are able to create pre-selling contents. Read Ken Envoy's "Make Your Content PRE-sell".its free. It'll help you understand the art of pre-selling

Choosing a niche is the very first and the most vital process. I would say, instead of looking for a niche which can be easily started, try to find a niche in which you have interest in and has a long term potential. You wouldn't want to end up in a niche which can be immediately started but couldn't be continued because you have lost interest in it or it is a niche which cannot be developed further.

Hosting your site separately is always better because you will have full control over your contents. However, if you can't afford premium hosting, use "".They offer free hosting with MySql and php features which allows the installation of blogs.Plus there will be no advertisements placed by them on your sites. But make sure you get your own domain name at least. It wouldn't cost you much. This will facilitate you when you are moving on to premium hosting plans after making some money. Most blog platforms such as Wordpress are free, so you wouldn't need to worry about them.

Hopefully my opinions will give you some idea on how to begin your online venture. All the best!
  • Which format works best -
    Product comparisons / Reviews? Single product pages? Data feeds?
  • Which niches have easiest starting points
  • Does my blog have to be completed before applying to affiliate programs?

Also, one last thing. Should my blog be set up on a separate domain or will the "freebies" work just as well?

My personal advice is to start with blog for the test if you want to save cost. There are quite a few Free bloging service you can use instead of build your blog from your domain.

1. You can use any format as long as the contents are true and fresh.

2. Unfortunately, I don't have the answer for that. However, you can start with your interests, hobbies or something you are familiar with.

3. Some affiliate programs don't need you to have a website or blog to promote their products. Still, I personally recommend you to have few posts on your blog when you start to promote the affiliate program.

Hope that helps. :D
I have both static sites and blogs. I build both for myself and for clients.
I have seen no trend in results as far as one being better than the other. It has always come down to my content and promotion methods.
I find blogs quicker to update and I love the features but if I need absolute control, I'll go for a static site.