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Blog posts are wanted seriously

Thank you for your offer, i am interested now only on IT, ecommerce related blogs.:)
Thank you for the offer, but currently i am interested in links and blogposts.
Vic, thank you very much for your selfless gesture, i really appreciate this. The article is awesome, thank you again.:kneeled:
Thanks for your business and trust on me. Your post is up now and it is 450+ Words along with 3 links and 1 Images.

I wish a iTrader from you.
hey bagi,

if you write some quality stuffs about your software, say 5 exclusive information on bosscart, i will add all of them free of cost to my PR5 blog. all i need personalised writing e.g. I have used bosscart and writing my experience with it. You can also incorporate external links to examples, how to's and other important stuffs which i will highlight in my post. You can add as many of links related to post, all I need better information and only creator know the insights.

BTW, soon i will actually testing and using bosscart for my upcoming template design store.

let me know. :)
Thank you very much for the nice offer I will send you the information once our new script is ready. Rep added
Let me know if you still need a blog post. Send me your article and I'll add it to my blog. No need of paying. The blog is a webmaster and technology related blog. If you need to check the blog the link is in my signature.
I am jealous of this offer, does the offer apply to me as well ? :)

Let me know if you still need a blog post. Send me your article and I'll add it to my blog. No need of paying. The blog is a webmaster and technology related blog. If you need to check the blog the link is in my signature.