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Boss Cart sitelinks


Bagi Zoltán

Hey, some days ago I gave an account of the current sitelinks update and finally Temi found the good search so you may check the sitelinks of site if you search for boss cart or bosscart.


So far I experienced two major groups of the authority sites. There is one which is based on the brand name such as the bosscart site, and the other which based on the result of the allinanchor: search modifier operator for a given expression.

It is great that we achieved this level, but I hope in the next 12 moths the sitelinks will appear for our targetted expressions as well.:thumbsup:
This is a step in the right direction. At the moment I have not noticed any sites warded the authority for most of our primary keywords so there is all to play for.
Though being awarded the authority for out brand name is a small step, I find it quite significant at the same time, for a start, the Google base products that used to be served on the top of our site in the past has now been moved down below it.

Quite pleased about this, I look forward to us getting authority for some of the generic keyword terms we are targetting.
At the moment I have not noticed any sites warded the authority for most of our primary keywords so there is all to play for.

I'm not sure that it is technically possible to achieve authority status for the targetted keyphrases, but we must try, and if we fail we will try harder:friends:

Recently not only this it what you may celebrate.

You are quite rigth Stefan, but that celebration was held at another thread:thumbsup: