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What are Google Sitelinks?

Sitelinks allow consumers to jump right into your website from a Google Ads ad. Customers may locate what they're looking for on your site with just one click thanks to Sitelinks that show inside the content of your advertisement. Sitelinks show in Google search results advertising at the top and bottom.

Google sitelinks don't just appear - Google makes them appear​

Website owners have little control over whether or not sitelinks appear for their material. The creation of sitelinks is an automatic process on Google’s part. The search engine analyzes the structure of your site and then creates the sitelinks as shortcuts that can help users quickly find the information they need. The search engine also says that they only display sitelinks if they would be relevant for the user’s query.

The selection of sitelinks available for a particular domain can also change from query to query depending upon the usefulness of the links for the user.

Sitelinks appear most commonly for branded searches, but can also appear for some other specific searches from highly trustworthy sites as well. Similarly, they most often appear for a site that appears in the first ranked position, but occasionally you may see them for a search result slightly further down on the first page of results, provided that the site is exceptionally well-regarded.<<<
