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buying article content or write by yourself?

If you can write with all SEO rules and other standards, why not. If no, then buy content.. I each case I recommend check texts for plagiarism, so that they would be unique. It is important now for high quality content.
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Before you hire anyone, make sure you ask to see samples of their writing, preferably on their website

Hi there. This is great advice, but in my case, I've only ever done ghostwriting, so nothing I've written appears online with my name on it. Do you have any thought as to how I might nevertheless use these writing samples to generate more work?
Hi there. This is great advice, but in my case, I've only ever done ghostwriting, so nothing I've written appears online with my name on it. Do you have any thought as to how I might nevertheless use these writing samples to generate more work?

Yes, I used to ghostwrite, so I understand your concern.

It's a good idea to have a portfolio of your writing, aside from your ghostwritten gigs. A simple website, or stuff published online under your own name/byline (think HubPages, EzineArticles, guest posts,etc.) will do the trick. Doesn't have to cost you anything except your time and energy to do some writing and posting. Even blog posts on forums that allow that sort of thing. Get your work out there and get known.

Getting references and testimonials doesn't hurt, either. ;)
Thanks, azgold... up to now I haven't been so keen to see my name in print. I tried life as a quasi "public" persona some years ago and it didn't suit me at all, so since then I've always opted for a behind the scenes role. I'm really good at what I do, but I just don't like any attention for it. (Probably not something most people can relate to, I guess!) Anyway, I would like to get more work... maybe I should come up with a suitable pen name to keep my identity private? Anyway, thanks again for your thoughts and tips! :)
as a blogger, do you buy article content or you made by yourself?

Hello there!

As a blogger, you must post content on a regular basis. It should be fresh, unique and useful for the target audience. It would be wise to hire a writer. Most people think that it is an expensive affair. I do not think so! I hired a writer and I get regular fresh content from her. I dont have to pay a fortune for the same! Why dont you try it once? It worked for me! Two heads are better than one!
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Thanks, azgold... up to now I haven't been so keen to see my name in print. I tried life as a quasi "public" persona some years ago and it didn't suit me at all, so since then I've always opted for a behind the scenes role. I'm really good at what I do, but I just don't like any attention for it. (Probably not something most people can relate to, I guess!) Anyway, I would like to get more work... maybe I should come up with a suitable pen name to keep my identity private? Anyway, thanks again for your thoughts and tips! :)

Sure, use a pseudonym but make sure that you can get payments with that name. If your client wants a PayPal invoice, which name has to show, or if they write you a cheque?

Of course, you could have your online name and only expose your real name, once you get into a financial contract/dealing with them.

Just something to consider. :)
well, my english is not so good and I have to buy articles... However, if you have 2 or more portals...will you write for all sites by yourself?
as a blogger, do you buy article content or you made by yourself?
i think as a blogger you can't write on everything by your own, so i think you might need to work with some writers online, to help you out with this. i think you can get some good writers online on some platforms like Up-work, that will write for you some good contents.
you need to write at a grammatically correct 8th - 9th grade level so you will be understood.

That, in itself, can be a challenge if you normally speak at a higher level. I used to get accused of that in English classes. Well, that and being too verbose. :oops:

The good news, as far as writing at an 8th - 9th grade level, is that the older I get, the more big words I forget. :D

people form a fast opinion of your work based on poorly written text in articles, web forms, emails, etc.

Yup. I think there's the high risk of people automatically associating those with spammers and unprofessional folk. But maybe that's just me.
Most of our affiliates that I know buy content because they either are not fluent in the targeted language or just not creative. I also recommend you to buy content but only if it is high quality.