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Calling or Texting

I have always perferred texting rather than calling. The main reason that I like texting, is that I dont have to speak or say anything at all! I also have Verizon as my cell phone service provider, so texting rather than calling saves me tons of money each and every month. I only talk on the phone if it is for something extremely important, like work as an example. Well, I also pay some bills on my phone as well, but other than that, it's nothing but text messages!
I prefer texting to calling, in fact I'm quite allergic to the latter! If I have to talk I'd rather meet up and do so face to face. But holding a device to my ears and yapping on is just not my thing somehow. Sending texts is easy and comfortable; there's no pressure. I used to be heavy on texting once, thankfully I've cut down. I guess a lot depends on who is on the other end of the line... ;)