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Can an AI generated site rank top 10 on Google?

The answer is ‘Yes, but…’

You mentioned you don’t care about quality.

But you have to care about quality if you want to be at the top of the results for any good amount of time. Google is getting better at recognising what humans like; and humans like quality.

If you churn stuff out with AI, then you’re not going to have much longevity at the top of the search results. Many AI tools are designed to help you churn stuff out. (I run is not for churning stuff out – it’s designed as an AI partner – so you do have to do some human work, but it’ll give you real results.
AI does art too :D

Bottom and middle --practice makes perfect?


Now the squirrels are real animals ...
A human needs to seed the input.

How might Black Friday sales be in 2022?

version 1:
In recent years, Black Friday sales have been declining due to competition from online retailers and consumers becoming more savvy about getting the best deal. However, I believe that Black Friday sales will rebound in 2022 for several reasons.

First, the COVID-19 pandemic has made people more cautious about going out and spending money. As the pandemic subsides, people will be itching to get out and spend money again. And what better way to do that then take advantage of Black Friday sales?

Second, many brick-and-mortar stores have closed due to the pandemic. This has left a void that can only be filled by the big box stores that are still open. These stores will be able to capitalize on the pent-up demand for shopping.

Finally, I believe that people will want to support their local businesses after the pandemic. Black Friday is the perfect time to do that, as many small businesses offer deep discounts on this day.

So, in conclusion, I believe that Black Friday sales will be strong in 2022. It will be a perfect opportunity for people to get out and spend money again after a long year of being cooped up.

Version 2:
In 2022, Black Friday sales are likely to be even more aggressive and competitive than they are now. Stores will be vying for customers' attention and dollars with deep discounts and promotions. Some retailers may even offer doorbuster deals and free shipping to lure shoppers. Consumers can expect to find great bargains on electronics, clothing, toys, and more.

Version 3:
In 2022, Black Friday sales are likely to be even more intense than they are now. With the economy slowly recovering from the Covid-19 pandemic, consumers will be looking for ways to save money and take advantage of deals. Retailers will be under pressure to offer deep discounts and doorbuster deals to attract shoppers. There may also be more online shopping and less in-store shopping on Black Friday, as people try to avoid crowds.

How might Online Black Friday and Digital Monday sales be like in 2022?

version 1:

The holiday shopping season is rapidly approaching and retailers are busy preparing for the biggest shopping days of the year – Black Friday and Cyber Monday. In recent years, these two shopping holidays have become increasingly more popular, as more and more shoppers take advantage of the discounts and deals offered by retailers both in-store and online.

However, with the continued growth of online shopping, it is likely that by the year 2022, Black Friday and Cyber Monday will look quite different than they do today. For one, there will likely be far more shoppers taking advantage of Digital Monday sales than Black Friday sales. This is because shoppers will be able to take advantage of the deals and discounts from the comfort of their own homes, without having to brave the crowds and the chaos that often comes with in-store Black Friday sales.

In addition, the range and variety of deals and discounts offered by retailers is likely to be much greater on Digital Monday than on Black Friday. This is because retailers will be competing for the attention of online shoppers, who will have a much wider range of choices when it comes to where they do their holiday shopping. As such, retailers will need to offer more attractive deals and discounts in order to lure shoppers to their websites.

So, if you're planning on doing some holiday shopping online in the year 2022, be sure to keep an eye out for Digital Monday sales – you're sure to find some great deals!

version 2:
In 2022, online Black Friday and Digital Monday sales may be even more intense and widespread than they are now. With more and more consumers shopping online for bargains, these two days may become the busiest shopping days of the year. There may be even more special deals and discounts offered by retailers, and consumers may need to plan their shopping strategies more carefully in order to take advantage of the best deals. There may also be more competition among retailers to offer the lowest prices and the best deals, which could lead to even lower prices for consumers.

version 3:

In 2022, online Black Friday and Digital Monday sales may be even more intense and widespread than they are now. More and more people are shopping online for their holiday gifts, and retailers are responding by offering more and more deals and discounts. Some retailers may even offer exclusive online deals that are only available for a limited time. As a result, people may plan their holiday shopping around these online sales in order to get the best deals.
I had one of my case study sites hit by google recently due to one of my writers using AI generated content.
  1. What does 'hit' mean?
  2. How do you know it was because of AI? And not a general ranking issue?
  3. What was the topic or the reviews / keyword? Could the be a problem with what is being reviewed or
    the questionable authenticity of the reviews?
  4. What AI was used?

I did a domain back in March this year that was edited with AI, paraphrasing existing best/better ranked serps (lower quality IMO that what I can do today) and googlebot spidered an unmodified page, unchanged for months, 20/Nov/2022 today.
788 - - 38269 - 0.040 - - [20/Nov/2022:00:03:08 +0000] \
- "GET /survive-to-fight-another-day/ HTTP/1.1"-"Mozilla/5.0 \
(Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 \
(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/107.0.5304.110 Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +"- 200 5912 "-""-"--

The content passed a few plagiarism checks OK --85%+ original --when including my own content and modifications to the AI output.

So, it has not been excluded or dropped from the index. It never really ranked (of any consequence) it was just an experiment at the time
GET /survive-to-fight-another-day/ sort of competitive "how to survive chemical and nuclear attacks" News, War, Ukraine/Russia etc.
^2. "How do you know it was because of AI? And not a general ranking issue?"

So Google webmaster never red flagged my work. Did they flag your page (or domain) that got hit?
Could there be other reasons?
Competitive factors.

due to one of my writers using AI generated content.
And how are you sure that is why?
can an AI generated content rank on top 10 on google?
Probably does but the domains are already ranked highly.
They are not going to openly talk about it.
I looked at the results Google 'says' for survive-to-fight-another-day
About 329,000,000 results (0.37 seconds)
that's about the same odds as the record $2 Billion power ball lottery 2 weeks ago :D
so, thanks for playing

So in my experiment ranking wasn't really relevant. I did get a few search referrals but nothing to brag about.

Important result: A brand new domain's content was indexed and still continues to be spidered --written with AI paraphrasing + human editing.
Don't mean to challenge you on this but SEO is based on circumstantial evidence and can be very volatile with or without AI content.

All you can do is repeat the experiment and see if the results are seen again. I have seen radical drop offs in the pas. The economic and confidence factor of the European and North American market has seen a major downturn the second half of the year --you can't ignore that. So, search volume may have changed

content to expand [Solving non-existent problems]

The danger of this mistake is that the product or service that you are offering will not really solve a problem or need your customers have. It might be something that you think people need, but in reality, they don’t. This is a very common mistake that many startups and entrepreneurs make, especially in the very early stages of their business. It’s important to make sure that your product or service actually addresses a need and addresses it well. This can be done by conducting surveys, polls, and other form of market research, but also by talking to your customers and asking them what problems they are facing and if your product can solve them.
115 words / 540 characters

There are many ways to determine whether or not to solve a problem. You can conduct surveys, run experiments, or simply ask people if they have that problem.

Make sure your team is solving the right problem by checking for these signs:

It’s something that your customers want to solve.

There’s a large enough market to solve.

It’s something your team members are passionate about.

There’s a clear path to a solution.

It’s a problem worth solving — not too big and not too small.

There’s a good understanding of the problem.

There’s a clear end goal.
105 words / 453 characters

The majority of problems that we face in our day-to-day lives are non-existent. A non-existent problem is a problem that did not actually exist but we made it up. We tend to overcomplicate things in our lives and worry unnecessarily. When you are faced with a non-existent problem, the best you can do is ignore it completely.
57 words / 270 characters

the AI I am working with (I donate $10 /mo now)

a solution seeking a problem<seed phrase

There's no shortage of problems in the world, and many of them don't have an obvious solution. In fact, some people might say that part of the problem is that we're always looking for a solution instead of just accepting things the way they are. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. Looking for a solution to a problem can be a frustrating process, but it's also necessary if we want to make any progress. It's only by identifying the problem that we can hope to find a way to fix it. And even if we don't find a perfect solution, at least we can try to mitigate the problem. So what's the best way to go about finding a solution to a problem? It depends on the problem, of course. But in general, it's important to be as specific as possible when identifying the problem. That way, you can narrow down your search for a solution. Once you have a good understanding of the problem, you can start to brainstorm possible solutions. It's also important to consider all of the stakeholders involved in the problem. What will the solution do to them? How will it affect them? There's no point in finding a solution that only makes the problem worse for someone else. Finally, once you've come up with a potential solution, it's important to test it out and see if it actually works. This might mean doing a small-scale trial or doing some research to see if

There’s a large enough market to solve. <seed phrase

The world economy is in a pretty precarious state right now. Nearly every country is in debt, and many are struggling to keep up with the interest payments. This has led to an increase in poverty and inequality, as well as a number of other social problems. Interestingly, there is a potential solution to all of this: the sharing economy. The sharing economy is based on the principle of sharing resources, instead of each person owning their own. This could be anything from sharing a car to sharing a home. There are already a number of successful sharing economy businesses, such as Airbnb and Uber. If the sharing economy was expanded, it could have a huge impact on the world economy. For example, it could help to reduce poverty and inequality, as well as providing a more sustainable way of living. Of course, there are some challenges to the expansion of the sharing economy. For example, many people are not comfortable with the idea of sharing their personal belongings. However, I believe that these challenges can be overcome with education and awareness-raising. In conclusion, the sharing economy has the potential to be a powerful force for good in the world economy. It could help to reduce poverty and inequality, as well as providing a more sustainable way of living. However, there are some challenges to its expansion. With education and awareness-raising, I believe that these challenges can be overcome.

Seed phrase using writesonic's output --towards a valid comparison of topical logic and context:
the product or service that you are offering will not really solve a problem or need your customers have.

If you are offering a product or service that you believe will not solve a problem or need your customers have, you may want to reconsider your business strategy. It is important to remember that customers are likely to purchase products or services that they perceive will improve their lives in some way. If your product or service does not appear to offer this type of benefit, it may be difficult to convince potential customers to make a purchase. It is important to be honest with yourself when assessing whether or not your product or service is likely to be successful. If you have doubts about whether or not it will truly solve a problem or meet a need your customers have, it may be best to rethink your offerings. Spending time to research your target market and their needs can help you determine whether or not your product or service is likely to be successful. Ultimately, offering a product or service that does not solve a problem or meet a need is not likely to be successful in the long run.

by conducting surveys, polls, and other form of market research you

can learn about a potential customer base One of the best ways to learn about a potential customer base is to conduct surveys, polls, and other forms of market research. This allows businesses to gather important information about who their target customers are, what they want, and how they can best reach them. By understanding these things, businesses can tailor their products and services to better meet the needs of their target market, increasing the chances of success. Additionally, market research can help businesses to identify trends and to anticipate changes in customer demand, allowing them to stay ahead of the competition.

Make a few pages using each AI and test the results if you have a domain that is returning SERPs that you can use as a POC (proof of concept) maybe and measure the results with respect to the search engine ranking values ...
You mentioned you don’t care about quality.

Nobody said that except you and my quote of it --check the page Check both pages I did
Fact is, to be at the top or on the first page, of any popular search today, without being a branded name, for any valuable keyword today by using any AI is not going to happen.

So, walls of words that make sense and are relevant may help you to succeed on some long tail phrases. Low volume but profitable.
Any one that thinks or says AI out of the box is going to make a dullard become brilliant is full of it.

I don't have any profit motive here so any comparison I make is basically unbiased. No horse in the race --so to speak.
by conducting surveys, polls, and other form of market research you >>>

can learn about a potential customer base One of the best ways to learn about a potential customer base is to conduct surveys, polls, and other forms of market research. This allows businesses to gather important information about who their target customers are, what they want, and how they can best reach them. By understanding these things, businesses can tailor their products and services to better meet the needs of their target market, increasing the chances of success. Additionally, market research can help businesses to identify trends and to anticipate changes in customer demand, allowing them to stay ahead of the competition. <<<

Your "tool" churns out less but what I used addresses 'customer' the 'object' of the seed process given. The output result of your "tool" only addresses the process itself and it's values --and not the customer (or buyer).

I say 'stay ahead of the competition.'

But I talk about trends and you don't 'identify trends and to anticipate changes in customer demand, allowing them to stay ahead of the competition.'

You say 'can help you to understand your competition, and to develop strategies to stay ahead of them.'

So, it's inconsequential to mention trends and their importance?

So who is churning out text :D why did you repeat the same word market that was in my seed phrase? completion
by conducting surveys, polls, and other form of market research you

By conducting surveys, polls, and other forms of market research, you can learn a great deal about your target audience. This information can be used to improve your product or service, and to make sure that you are meeting the needs and wants of your target market. Additionally, market research can help you to understand your competition, and to develop strategies to stay ahead of them. <<<

It's different --but explain why it's better or the best --you can't.

If you are in a highly competitive environment for search ranking --AI can only augment real timely and creative content.

Second time,
using another completion interface of the same AI I am using. Again with the same seed phrase:

by conducting surveys, polls, and other form of market research you >>>
can find out what people want

When it comes to finding out what people want, conducting surveys, polls, and other forms of market research are extremely beneficial. By taking the time to collect this type of data, businesses and organizations can better understand the needs and wants of their target audience. Additionally, this information can be used to make informed decisions about product development, marketing campaigns, and more.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when conducting surveys, polls, and other forms of market research is to ensure that the data collected is representative of the population as a whole. This can be accomplished by ensuring that the sample size is large enough and that the questions asked are relevant to the topic at hand. Additionally, it is important to make sure that the data is analyzed properly in order to draw accurate conclusions.

Overall, conducting surveys, polls, and other forms of market research is an extremely effective way to gather information about what people want. By taking the time to collect and analyze this data, businesses and organizations can make better decisions that will ultimately lead to improved products and services.

It seems the AI i am using is more people oriented. It understands the objective unless you objective is selling the boss on buying into the process?

We need surveys, polls, and other form of market research to >>>
help us determine what the people want.

There's no question that surveys, polls, and other forms of market research are important tools that help us determine what the people want. Without this information, it would be difficult, if not impossible, to make informed decisions about what products or services to offer, how to price them, and how to market them. In short, market research is essential for businesses to be successful.

That said, it's important to keep in mind that market research is just one piece of the puzzle. It's important to use other data sources as well, such as sales data, customer feedback, and data from social media. This will help you get a more well-rounded picture of what your customers want and how they feel about your products or services.

In the end, it's up to you to decide how much weight to give to market research. But if you use it wisely, it can be a powerful tool that helps you make better decisions for your business.
Well, my AI has added some new ideas to the mix market, research, customer but still the goal of the importance of people is noted.

Why the difference?

Partnyai was taught (trained) as an academic essay construction AI tool. Not as a web content writing assist tool.

That is why I like it. It is the most 'intellectual' AI I have used so far.
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