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Cannabis & E-Cig/Vape Offers


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Hello everyone.

I am doing some market research to find is there is any affiliate offers that exist for E-cig/vape or Cannabis related products? I am working with a few companies that are interested in creating an affiliate program for some of there products and I wanted to see what was currently out there. Also do any of you know of traffic sources that accept cannabis and e-cig campaigns. much appreciation for the community of knowledge.
Wow, I've never heard of such offers before. As far as I know, traffic from this niche is not sure at the moment as most people I know are divided when it comes to the idea of vaping... As for cannabis, well I'm pretty sure it's illegal in most countries so I think you won't be able to get much traffic with this...
Thanks for your response. When I mention cannabis, I'm referring to ancillary products around the plant not the plant its self. I have been talking to a few Vape companies and they playing with the idea of around $50 pay out per conversation. What's your thoughts? Do you think it will convert ?
Honestly, for now it won't convert that much considering the select people who are using these products. A lot of debate has been going on lately about the long term effects of these products (I'm talking about vaping and e-cigarettes here) while the other is heavily debated on the grounds of addiction. If people will be properly informed about the beneficial use of these products, then that's the only time we can say that you will good conversion numbers...:)
From what I've seen arround the streets where I live it can has potential.
Its a growing industry. I would give it a try .
I have promoted free trial e-cig/vape offers.

This was a while back before e-cig/vape shops started popping up and you could buy something in a local gas station, etc...

The more common a product is and easily obtained, the harder it is to promote profitably. So I don't know how well it would go today. This is why I don't promote many products and mainly generate leads.
Many depends on what you're planning to sell. There a basically two vape types: advanced personal vaporizers, or APVs and the so-called Mods. Some people use these two terms interchangeably, which is wrong - AVPs and Mods are completely different in their structure. Advanced personal vaporizers have electronic electronic components like wires, circuits, and so on. They have different voltage and different wattage, and have a many features. The button on an AVP sends an electronic signal, and the battery heats up the atomizer coil.

Mod, on the other hand, is a mechanical device, so they are often called Mechanical Mods. They do not contain any electronics whatsoever. The fire button physically connects the battery and the atomizer coil which then heats up. Mechanical Mods are usually used with Rebuildable Dripping Atomizers, intended for those who wish to create their own custom coils.
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CBD seems to be more 'on the table now' but Walgreens (and the like) will be your new competitors.
Tobacco and nicotine vaping are a declining market from the stats I have seen ...
The only thing I heard of cannabis related offers is something like LED lights which is sold to that matter for that companies for home growth anyway. I clearly do not get where e-cig offers really dissappeared but I can tell you the following, just look.
I have very strong traffic in CBD but its incredibly dicey. The US federal goverment still sees CBD oil as a controlled substance so none of the major platforms will allow you to advertise it. Facebook has even shut down the pages of CBD companies.

So you need an elaborate funnel to make bank with this.
I'll let you know when I can monetize CBD.
I spent 30 hrs with CBD "ventures" this past week ;)
I am just going to deal with the actual manufacturers and distributors on a joint venture or on an affiliate basis -- I'll tell you one thing -- CDB is a real snake pit ;)

Hi Everyone,

Thanks azgold for mentioning our program :) In addition I want to let you guys know that we removed the CBD E-liquids out of our product range, starting January first. All other CBD products we have will stay in stock. Products we're proud of, as the fabrication process is in our own factories and the plants grow on our own fields (so we can trace the contents of every bottle).

If you would have any more questions, please feel more than free to ask.

Kind regards, Jeroen
You are absolutely wrong.

>>>*453 Controlled Substances and Drugs*****453.3 Mailability*****[Add new section 453.37 to read as follows:]
453.37 Hemp-based Products For purposes of this section, “hemp” shall have the
meaning provided under federal law, including Section10113 of the Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018,
Pub.L.115-334 (7 U.S.C. § 1639o), or any successor provision.
Hemp and hemp-based products, including cannabidiol (CBD) with the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentration
of such hemp (or its derivatives) not exceeding a 0.3 per-cent limit are permitted to be mailed only when:
a. The mailer complies with all applicable federal, state,and local laws (such as the Agricultural Act of 2014and the Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018) pertaining to hemp production, processing, distribution,and sales; and
b. The mailer retains records establishing compliance with such laws, including laboratory test results,licenses, or compliance reports, for no less than 2years after the date of mailing.<<<

As far as Facebook policy goes: who cares? You can do the same guerrilla marketing as nutra, weight loss or dating --or just ignore FarseBook altogether (better idea :D

Where 'brand safety' is an issue: there is a long list of other products too that will vary by brand. So what else is new?​
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What are you *qualifications* to even market CBD?

I manufactured/formulated my first (prototype formulation batch) CBD this past Tuesday and sent a sample to a lab for analysis and a COA (certificate of analysis).

It is high quality IMO. The carrier oil is 70% unrefined hemp seed oil and 30% virgin olive oil because of this it has excellent Omega-6 and Omega-3 -- hemp seed oil has one of the best naturally occurring ratios of these polyunsaturated fatty acids that may have cardiovascular heath benefits.

Hemp seed oil has almost to absolutely no CBD or THC content. Hemp seed oil does have some anti-inflammatory probable properties so does CBD and THC.

Low quality or outright scam products are just MCT carrier oil (coconut oil) and the bottle is worth more than the product. These scam deals are just causing consumer resistance to a new product with many unproven benefits.

MCT oil that can be a bad thing when heated --the temperature required however is greater that the 80*C I use to emulsify CBD Distillate or CBD Isolate.

But the carrier oils are important and can add the the product's value. If you do not understand what I am saying or don't care you should not be involved is this CBD business.

The offers you find these networks offering (from what I have see) are made by these guys;

The other problems are venues and legalities. Some advertising networks will not accept CBD advertising. Facebook still bans it with some exceptions. Watch out for the Facebook scammers selling ads BTW. SEM is still off limits, again with a few exceptions for 100% FDA (US) legal topical applications. Topical means on the outer skin (cream, salve, balm liquid).

Also, the CBD market price (for both raw and finished materials) is down 30% - 40% caused by surpluses of Hemp being grown as a cash crop legally now. It's worth a lot more than soybeans, corn or wheat. Hemp is becoming a commodity fast.

I am not that familiar with the European regulations as they can vary a lot by the nation-state. The problem in the US is the very tentative and volatile FDA regulations -- Cannabis CBD is still a high risk venture from a regulatory and a financial perspective.

That has very little to do with an affiliate but more to do with investment in manufacturing, branding and downstream --creating and marketing affiliate programs --and further downstream contracting with an affiliate network as an aggregator of sales and customer acquisitions.

The last issue is that the people marketing their CBD products are; for the most part not IT savvy and have no clue how to post back data on sales and traffic --this makes working through affiliate networks impossible.