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Case Study - 40% of Campaign Profit with Push Subscriptions by ProPush

Affiliate Manager
Affiliate Manager
PropellerAds Multisource advertising platform
Zeydoo — Earn with Push Subscriptions


  • Traffic Source: PropellerAds + ProPush for additional monetization
  • Tracking Tool: Bemob
  • Affiliate Network: Monetizer
  • Type of Offer: Giveaway + Mobile Content
  • Offer Payout: < $ 1
  • GEOs: Tier-2 and Tier-3
  • Goal: To see how ProPush can improve his earning
  • Traffic: Popunder
Our partner had a successful campaign running but faced a common issue – at a certain point, offers would start to lose steam, and revenue would taper off.

During these periods, he wanted a solution that would keep the revenue flow steady, even when testing new offers. He had some doubts about using ProPush. To overcome this, our partner decided to conduct a controlled test, duplicating the landing page and testing both simultaneously.

Let’s see how it worked out.

Click here to read the full case study!

Day 1.

The first day's stats showed a profit of $1.979 with a 17.41% CR.



Day 2.

The stats on the second day showed that there was no negative effect on CR and ROI, in fact, his ROI continued to look quite stable.



Day 3.

By this stage, our partner noticed that the results weren't as promising because of the countries he was targeting.


Nevertheless, ProPush was found to be a right solution to improve earnings and cover testing budget. The seven-day stats showed a profit increase, further confirming the benefits of integrating ProPush.


After 30 days…
…data showed impressive profits. From ProPush alone, the total profit reached $308.21 with a CR % averaging around 13.37.




There were some doubts at first, ProPush and landing page performance actually get along quite well. ProPush has proven itself to be more than worthy of its spot in any affiliate marketer's toolkit. It helps to keep the revenue coming in, it gives your earnings a boost, and it makes sure everything keeps running smoothly without interrupting your current offer flow.

Try it yourself and register at :cool:
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