Think about that, you do one thing and the amount of USD 515.20 appears on your account. Wouldn’t it be nice? All of that is waiting for you right now. You only have to do some mouse clicks. Simple!
Let’s talk about Micheal, who regularly promotes computer games. Michael has been dealing with this subject for a long time, but this time he decided to promote it in a slightly different way.
How much did he earn? USD 515.20 in only 21 days. Read the case study and find out how it is possible.

Do you know what a Content Locker is?
Michael found out about Content Lockers available on MyLead and decided to give them a try. What is a Content Locker? It’s a so-called "empty offer", which allows you to earn money by blocking certain content. You can use it on your website or blog to block access to an entry or article (or a part of it). There can be content in the application blocked or you can use the file blocking option. As many heads as many ideas. The latter can be easily put in a comment, social media post or on your own blog or website. The possibilities are endless actually.
But how does it relate to Michael?
Well, he wanted to know how he could use the Content Locker in his activities. He thought about what might be the most searched phrase for players of the popular multiplayer computer game Among Us, which he also was a huge fan of. He cleverly combined the facts and began to monetize his actions.

A few minutes later Michael managed to figure out a plan. His analysis showed that the most frequently searched phrases are game hacks. Hacks are quite a wide niche and can be used in a variety of ways actually, but game hacks are probably the most recognizable type of them.
And so Micheal decided to block access to one of the Among Us hacks. It was brilliant! We all know that game was so popular not long ago. So did Micheal. He found and downloaded a hack that interested him the most. Where did he find it? That wasn't difficult. Just a little while spent with a search engine were enough.

Michael prepared a dedicated video on YouTube, in which he presented the game possibilities and instructions for use. For this purpose, he recorded individual clips and edited them using the free HitFilm Express software. He could use, among others, paid Adobe Premiere software as well, which provides users with a 7-day trial version. The choice of the editing program depended on Michael's abilities.

He also created a description of the movie and placed there a link to the file. The description contained keywords that allowed potential players to find the video more easily. Michael put the link in the first line of the description so that the user didn't have to expand the description to download the file.
Michael decided to use straight redirection to the File Locker but another option could be e.g. creating a landing page.
What is the whole process about?
The user looking for some game hacks finds Michael’s video. He watches the tutorial, clicks on the link in the description, selects "download", and sees an offer with several actions to perform in exchange for downloading the craved file. It looks similar to this:

Let’s talk about money. How did he manage to earn that much in such a short amount of time? The goals of the campaign were as follows: an increase in the number of views of the video, achieving the highest possible conversion rate and profit generation because of Content Locker usage.
As it was mentioned before, Michael decided to use a Content Locker. He additionally supported his promotion with the YouTube channel. He posted there several tutorials related to computer games. In the descriptions of these videos, he placed links to download the file.
Michael had a well-identified target group. The recipients were carefully selected so he knew to whom he should address his content. The viewers were mostly players, as well as people looking for new solutions in the popular game and some Among Us enthusiasts. Young men were the most numerous group. The content created by Michael was directed mainly to countries such as the USA, New Zealand and Canada. Thanks to this, he was able to get a high amount per conversion and increase his result.

There were, of course, better and worse moments. Some of the first days only generated views and by the 5th day, there were only 23 leads. But by the 24th there were as many as 644 leads with over 4569 clicks on the link and more than 10 thousands views. Let's rave the statistics!

Within 21 days, Michael’s video was displayed by 10 593 users, out of which more than 40% expressed a desire to receive a hack. The conversion rate was about 14.1%. Earnings usually vary depending on the quality of the source of traffic, country, and device. Michael managed to get USD 0.80 per one conversion because of reaching only to the people interested in the game topic.

Proper film preparation is significant here. It is important to show that the software actually works so that the potential customer has no doubts about it and wants to download the file himself. Besides, it is worth optimizing the video for SEO so that it appears in the search results.
A good description of the hack file was very important because it helped to attract an even larger audience. It allowed Michael to become more trustful. The more realistic the file looks, the more conversions it generates. Michael described his hack as "Among_Us_hack_[2020].rar". He also decided to accurately mark its size [10.65 MB]. This made his offer even more credible.
Well, he needed only 21 days to become richer. Think about how much could you achieve in a longer period of time! Let us know what you think!
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