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[CASESTUDY] How Different Format Of Country Flag On Landing Page Can Improve Your CTR and CR


Well-Known Member
This is a small casestudy on how different format of country flag can improve the CTR and CR of your campaigns. Almost everyone uses country flag on their landing page but sometimes small tweak can make a big difference. There are several things which can improve the CTR and CR of a lander with very small tweaks.

Generally people use normal static country flag on their lander and i used to do the same. But one day an animated country flag caught my attention, so i thought to implement it on my landers. In this case study, i have used normal static country flag and animated country flag to compare the performance of same lander and to my expectations i have got better results with animated flag.

For example :-
Static Flag


Animated Flag

Case Study Results:-
I have used both static and animated flags on landers for some of my existing campaigns targeting different tier 3 countries

Case 1:- (Campaign 1 - Tier 3 country)

Though i have implemented animated flag on my lander at the end of the campaign, still it has shown better CTR and CR

Case 2:- (Campaign 2 - Another Tier 3 Country)

Again lander with animated flag has better CR and CV.

Case 3:- (Campaign 3 - Spanish speaking country)

Again lander with animated flag has better CTR, CR and CV.

Case 4:- (Campaign 4 - English speaking Asian country)

For this campaign , the CTR for lander with animated flag has better CTR but the CR is less with respect to lander with static flag

Case 5:- (Campaign 5 - Another Spanish speaking country)

This is the funny part, CTR for animated flag lander is much higher than static flag lander and CR is little less. But the CV is higher than static flag lander which will make the animated flag lander a winning one.

Some of the campaigns in the above shown campaigns are stopped as the offer has expired and i am still running some of the campaigns which have landing page with animated flag.

Conclusion:- Every variable is very important and a small tweak to any one of the variable of the landing page can make a big difference. Always keep testing as much as you can whether its title, sub-title, image, colour of the landing page or anything you might think can improve your CTR and CR of your campaign.

Note:- This case study is carried on different countries, landing pages with different language, different ad zones but on the same vertical. So results can vary for different countries, different niches, different advertisement(PPC,PPV,Media buy etc). The statistics on my casestudy doesn't show costs, as its a CPM advertisement, but these case studie is made from my profitable campaigns.

Wishing all affiliatefix ninja's:ninja: Happy & Safe Holidays(Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in Advance :)).
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Interesting, but why is the number of visits with the animated flag much lower? Maybe because that LP variation was introduced later? Did you do some optimizations after starting the campaign, but right before adding the animated flag? How do the numbers look like when you only look at the period since the animated LP went live?
Okay so overall it does helps by adding flags specially animated one in the landing page right?

Thank you! :)

I did mentioned that This case study is carried on one vertical. Results can vary on different verticals, different countries but it does help in grabbing user attention. Never take anything for granted in CPA. If something is working for someone, that doesn't always mean that it will work for you. If it doesn't work for you, then it means you are missing something from your end.

Interesting, but why is the number of visits with the animated flag much lower? Maybe because that LP variation was introduced later? Did you do some optimizations after starting the campaign, but right before adding the animated flag? How do the numbers look like when you only look at the period since the animated LP went live?

Exactly, the animated version of LP was introduced later on already optimized campaigns. Was simply trying to improve the ROI little more. Statistics vary every day. To come to any conclusion with one day comparison isn't good. So i have shown the average statistics for the month. Since landing pages with animated flag was introduced later, so their numbers are low but did worked very well for me.
Thanks for the clarification.

If I were you (and also in the interest of the readers of this thread) I would have a look at like-for-like stats, comparing the stats with / without animated flag for the same period with an equal number of impressions, otherwise they are useless.
Thanks for the perfect reply. I will try it and let you know the results.
I did mentioned that This case study is carried on one vertical. Results can vary on different verticals, different countries but it does help in grabbing user attention. Never take anything for granted in CPA. If something is working for someone, that doesn't always mean that it will work for you. If it doesn't work for you, then it means you are missing something from your end.